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Everything posted by rwf

  1. I'll give the Button Up and Area Fire tips a go. Good suggestions! Perhaps I should have mentioned that Wandering Turret Syndrome is not to be confused with Tourette's Syndrome, although both may lead to outbursts of foul language as demonstrated by the previous post.
  2. Does the Combat Mission v1.12 patch fix the wandering turret problem? Aside from a patch, there must be some tricks of the trade for keeping a tank's nose pointed in the direction it's moving. One funny thing about the Villers-Bocage scenario: I kept seeing small yellow dots sailing down the main axis road that stretches across the map. I couldn't figure out what the hell they were. Ball lightning? Departed spirits? Further investigation revealed that a couple of Cromwells were taking potshots at my Tigers, several kilometers down the road (and missing by huge margins).
  3. Thanks gentlemen! I had a feeling other people encountered the same problem, but was too lazy to wade through thousands of posts.
  4. I've been playing Combat Mission for a couple weeks now, and in general it's a great game! However, I have a few problems with the simulated tank behavior. For example, when I was playing the Villers-Bocage Operation as the Germans, my Tigers would often end up rolling down the road with their turrets pointed backwards (this happened for all types of orders: Hunt, Move, and Fast). Apparently the Tiger crew spots some enemy crew members or infantry nearby, or sometimes even an enemy tank several kilometers down the road behind the Tiger, so they decide to rotate the turret around to face the new "threat", despite the fact that they're completely vulnerable to a rear shot. I've lost several Tigers due to this lazy turret problem. Now if I was commanding a Tiger, I most certainly would NOT rotate my turret to face every measly enemy foot soldier or dazed driver that I encountered along the road, if I knew there were enemy tanks ahead. Therefore, there should be a tank command which allows a tank to trundle forward while ignoring minor threats such as infantry and panicked crew, or even trucks, half-tracks, and scout cars. Otherwise, my opponents could use silly ploys like running a couple of footsoldiers or fast scout cars past my armor, waiting for my tanks to inevitably rotate their turrets as they follow the decoy units, and then hitting my tanks in the vulnerable rear of the turret. Robert
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