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  1. Combo box for ground conditions in QB parameter setup screen.
  2. Crap! Thats true. Just auto-generated a map; June 42 dry ground conditions, clear weather, Central Region. Imported it into a QB with June 42 clear weather, Central region and it still came out DAMP!!!! A ComboBox for ground conditions in QBs is top of patch item list Craig
  3. So then, are ground conditions randomized but weighted based on region/date? Does anyone know that this is coded into the game or is it just a hunch? What happens when you are sick of damp ground in the Central region in June? It would seem a parameter for this is necessary. If I want good weather with good ground conditions in June in a hypothetical QB battle, then I shouldn't have to generated a few dozen QBs till I get that setting. Importing custom maps will serve as a workaround for this but it shouldn't have to come to that.
  4. Well, it gets more interesting. I just ran over 20 test QBs. Ten times I chose Central region, hot, clear weather in June and EVERY time the ground was damp. 10 times I chose South, hot, clear weather in June and each time then the ground was very dry. Testing further, I chose fall and early winter months and no matter which region selected, the ground was damp even though parameters were hot and clear. It seems sometimes dry weather is possible in the South region, but not so in Central when creating a QB. Does this qualify as a bug? I don't want to test this 100 times, only to prove what seems apparent already based on 30 or so QB setups. Why is it abnormally damp despite setting parameters to the contrary? Thanks for any help with this. Craig
  5. After several QBs I started all had damp ground even though I chose warm/hot clear weather in the middle of summer, I started to wonder. There is no place to select the ground conditions in the QB setup screens. Are ground conditions randomized even if weather is perfect in the middle of summer? This started to get annoying, since I wanted to play games in good tank country and weather. Any insights on this? I figured ground conditions would be selectable just like the other weather factors.
  6. Has this cropped up with anyone yet? I just finished a game with Sciopio and the end game screen showing casualties and score had the results reversed. The variables are that I have the US copy, he is using the German copy. Also, it was a QB with a map created in the editor then imported into the QB. Not sure if these factors are different than anyone else who has recently completed a game without this happening.
  7. I apologize, I was not clear, since I was going on memory (always refer to sources before quoting!Though 90% of my resources are packed away being in between moves ). Refering to "The Combat History of Sturmgeschutz Brigade 276", StuG BATTERIES were comprised of three plts of three StuGs each. The point on my erroneous first post was that StuG plts in some pz/pg dvs had StuG Kompanies of three plts of FOUR StuGs each. This is stated in "Panzer Truppen, vol.2", edited by Thomas L. Jentz. So, StuGs plts came in both varieties, with either three or four vehicles each.
  8. StuGs are always in batteries not platoons. There are a few examples of 4 vehicle batteries, but 3 is far more common</font>
  9. I have not browsed through all the latest posts, so maybe OOB discussions have already covered this, so I apologize in advance if I am beating a dead horse I noticed that StuGs could only be taken in batteries (three) and not as platoons (four). Starting in mid-43 I believe, PZ and PG DVs were equipped with StuG Abteilung that were comprised of kompanies of 14 StuGs; three plts of 4, with two command vehicles. Since StuGs are my favorite German AFV historically and in game, I would like to replicate battles with both batteries and platoons of StuGs. Was this overlooked or simply too fine a detail to include? No doubt the many CM'ers that have special interests on the Eastern Front have noticed similar things they want included but there is just too much of those finer details to include. I am under no illusions it will make the top 10 things to add/fix on any forthcoming patches , but hopefully the OOB code is nice and robust and it would only take a minute or two to add this into the unit lists
  10. Yup, QBs against people here in the States do not have that problem. Only my game QB game with Scipio who is in Germany.
  11. Has anyone in the US had trouble opening the first file sent from a German opponent? For example, Scipio sent me a file the other day to start a pbem game. I could not open it. CMBB went into an endless wait and I had to end-task the process. It didn't lock up my machine it just never got out of what it was trying to do. This happened with several files. I tried this with a different German opponent and the same exact thing happened. However, when I send a file, Scipio opens it, then sends it back, I can now open the file like normal. Scipio and I have played CM pbem for a few years now and never encountered this problem so I have to rule out corrupt email. I have a PC running windows 98 and I think Scipio has a PC as well but I will double check. Thanks in advance for any response. This thread is already in the tech support forum but only had two replies that did not provide a solution at this time. MT [ September 23, 2002, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: MajorTaktik ]
  12. Scipio and I have been playing CMBO PBEM for a few years now. We send files zipped when large, unzipped when not. Never had trouble with CMBO files. In this instance, it was a very small setup file and came unzipped. I have the full version. Got it this morning. When I try and open the file, CMBB simply goes into an endless wait. My machine isn't hung, but I have to end task CMBB. However, when I send Scipio a PBEM file, he opens it fine. Additionally, after he opens my PBEM file and sends it back, I am then able to load the PBEM file on my end. The problem is I can not open an initial CMBB PBEM file from Scipio on my machine. Craig
  13. I will play whoever wants to still go ahead with the formats. Drop me an email since I am Germans in only one game, I can't get things rolling here. TB, the CMBB titans sounds like lots of fun. Count me in please
  14. I echo your frustration, Treeburst. I think a deadline had to be imposed at one point. Saying we would get to this tourney when we could became too vague. Taking our time within reason would not have been a problem, but we all have had MORE than enough time to get the party started. We all have RL and that is most important, but on the other hand, it was my understanding the tourny players were dedicated CM'ers and a commimitment would be made to get on with the proceedings. Additionally, I ended up rushing through some games I had going and also declined new challenges from regular and new opponents alike in anticipation for this event. I did not want to wait around indefinately for titans games to start rolling in, nor did I want to play my usual game load and then add titans games too. It seems the window has closed. No worries, I have email addressess of some of these guys and Aki and I can go back to tormenting each other Mike, the Ghost map was a thing of beauty. You no doubt put a lot of thought and effort into it. Thanks for the hard work. Sorry things did not work out for this event. Craig
  15. Very reasonable, Treeburst. Allows more than enough time to complete purchases. Craig
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