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Posts posted by j0ker

  1. you're not supposed to advance 1 month when you get a counterattack.
    That's not how I read it: refer to Note 1 and see where Allied Counter Attack comes in: "if the battle is an Allied Counter Attack... and NO FAVOR was employed...." then what you say is in effect.

    But what if I employ Favor, which is in my right to do so? Please note that the 2nd paragraph directly above it says: "If this battle is not an Axis Immediate Attack you can trade in 30 points of Favor to alter the die a maximum of 1". Which i did: from 9 to 10. Which means I should be able to go forward one month, which means what? Does the Allied Counter Attack turn into just a Regular Allied Attack?

  2. Just downloaded the new improved rules just in time to use with the 11th game in my campaign... woo-hoo!!

    I need clarification on a situation however: I want to move this game along in time (10 battles between 6/22 and 8/5!) so at the end of my last battle I rolled an Allied Counter Attack...

    Returning to the beginning of the Parameter Rules, i roll a 9 for Date (go ahead one month) and want to spend 30 Favor pts. to get into September.

    Does this change the Allied Counterattack to something different (since counterattacking implies a conflict to be resolved within a matter of hours, not weeks), such as a regular Allied Attack? And if so, would that mean that i'd be able to roll for Attachments and not have to do a emergency reorg?

    thanks for the help,


  3. Been playing CMBB almost daily since Christmas, no problems at all (i have a dell dimension 4500/64MB video card, plenty of RAM/HD space so it's not really an issue)

    ... until last night I started a QB with a couple of Italian platoons added to my German Mot Co (aug. 41). Now things are going a little wacky:

    1. at start of game, ALL figures were portrayed in standing upright position (at 'attention'); only after hiding/unhiding them did they revert to "taking a knee".

    2. when moving, all troops running movements are erratic, and 'sped up'.

    3. during one turn (tracking the deployment of 105mm artillery) it got bad enough that it wouldn't run, initially, until i reset the clock a couple times... then, when the PLAY button was on, the time elapsed wasn't going up but down... and there were a series of a half-dozen numbers or so, not real time... very strange. After this turn things got better but still the erratic sped-up running continues.

    I apologize for not getting more particulars, or for not checking to see whether these anomalies went away when I played QBs with no Italians in my battle group.... just wanted to see if there's been any other documented probs with the addition of italians in QBs. FWIW, i'm battling vs. Soviet Inf Naval (1st time vs. Naval). I can check on this prob. further later tonight.

    -- any initial comments on this?

    thanks, j0ker

  4. Just a quick note (BUMP) to compliment Manstein, et. al. for the wonderful maps. I've never been to that part of the world but it seems that there just isn't any comparison to the randomly-generated maps, which seems (if you choose at least modest hilliness) like you're fighting in VA or something...

    now, don't get me wrong, one of my fantasies is to drive a IVE across Danville...

    but you'd think that the random map generator would use Steppes more often when rendering a map.

    New Battle: gotta be a Huge map, gotta be Axis Assault. the only one i can find in the Map Packs is Biltong's Tuesday map. Very interesting, it will be a challenge... especially under cover of night. Further bulletins as events warrant...


  5. Thanks, Biltong, as always, for your patience in answering the numerous questions -

    Seems that my fears about facing the Russians with a depleted group was unfounded... looks like the only thing the AI does worse than MEs, are Attack scenarios!

    With only about 4 guns and a spotter in my Task Force, I was able to hold off the counterattack with only 5 casualties (all coming from the only AT gun that got placed too close to the action).

    Ah, July. No doubt I'll be remembering these times later while freezing in a trench looking for rocks to hurl...

    My armor racked up some crazy casualties this time, they really had a field day... I think all 3 of them caused over 100+ each - any 'special' experience bonus for killing Ruskies wholesale?

    Of course, now I'm looking at an immediate counterAssault - one brief question about the force size, sorry if it's been covered before...

    I've rolled for 5x multiplier and got the Large aty jackpot (don't have the parameter sheet in front of me but it came out to over 2000 pts) and was wondering about the inherent discrepancies that come with such a large cut-off point in the way the QB renders Force Size...

    2 questions, specifically:

    1) when do you add the core group size # (the co. and 3 armor, plus attachments if any)? do you add it along with the task force when determining prov. force size? or does that additional # stay out until you select the actual Battle QB? it seems that when you're determining points for task/prov. force, those core group pts. should only be added to the result after the 1st QB... if so, it's just me getting confused when looking at the sheet....

    B) if the final resulting number (actual number for everything in the force) ends up being a hair over a cut-off # (say, 3040 or something like that), when you render the live QB for battle, do you HAVE to use the 5000 pt. setting (knowing what the Allied force size will be [shudder]) or do you eat the points and go to the 3000-pt. setting, making it more equitable?

    thanks again,


  6. Just some quick updates from my own personal 'front'...

    after a month's furlough, we were set for an ME; I used the Malachai (sp?) map, which was awesome to defend/launch from.

    Even with a 10% bonus, the Russians got their arse handed to them. The AI doesn't seem to do MEs very well.....it bunched up all the conscript troops in the valley and asked me to shell the crap out of them. I naturally obliged...

    anyways, now I've rolled my parameters for an Allied Counterattack, and with the previous game set at 20% casualties (some squads/mortars didn't even make it to the battle!), I'm really hating the emergency reorg.

    I'm assuming that even though I didn't lose a single man in my core group, I still need to move units off the map if they become depleted because of this previous casualty setting? if so, war definitely sucks. I'll need to dig deep into my favor supply!

  7. Got through my 2nd battle - an Immediate Assault - to a draw late last night... I figure I'll just complete the Battle Group and Favor paperwork, maybe do some end-of-battle random rolls: I roll ANOTHER 10 for ANOTHER Immediate Assault. F%$##. This was the last time I use a randomly-generated map, as well. What a bunch of nonsense. I'm switching over to some decent maps.

    Clarification needed: so one of my core platoons got nailed by what looked like rockets and lost a bunch of troops, enough for me to have to move some others and deplete a squad - in the next battle, I'm to take this corresponding squad and move them off the map in Turn 1, is that correct? I don't get to replenish until I can achieve Attachments that equate to the number of troops to replenish (10)? Is this correct?

  8. ...it would seem to me, as a web developer, that Biltong's hard work would transfer especially well to an online form that could be able to generate the random numbers, crunch the different attributes, etc, and spit out a summary page which the player would then be able to apply to the next battle (for both QBs).....

    also being more of a front-end developer (read: it would take me about 80 hrs to wade thru the logic alone), I'm not necessarily offering to do this, but it would just seem natural to be able to get this online...

    anyone willing to tackle this? Or is this currently being produced?


  9. Not sure why there's so much pain finding ways to generate random #s, 1-10... slide on over to random.org and get with it! Make about 40-50 #s in a few columns and you're done!

    personally, I've just completed the initial QB, and have been trying to determine whether I should go ahead with the immediate attack (as I've been fortunate enough to achieve Total V.) or go with the Favor points.... perhaps this is what the Favor score is originally intended for, as going back into battle in an attack situation with almost nothing in my Task Force is not the best scenario....

    This is all good stuff, 3 cheers for Biltong and crew. As one who hardly has time to play CMBB anymore, let alone begin a PBEM that would stretch on till the summer, this makes me excited about playing the AI again.

  10. Just completed this scenario as the Germans vs. AI (Russians), my very first win after about a month of trying to beat the verdammt AI...

    I'm not sure the play was as balanced as others contend (Total victory being achieved) but i'd have to play as the Russians before making a final ruling, i guess.

    Won the battle by pushing most of the force to the right, as there's a natural screen formed by the slopes towards the village. I was able to easily take out the tanks with a hull-down approach, swinging the armor to the left while my troops attained the right-hand flag and worked their way to the left towards town. Had my aty/few HMGs right on the forest edge to work on long-range targets and the rest was pretty much a done deal. I did bog one tank in the woods and lost the green-commanded tank in town but those were the only significant losses.

    Overall a satisfying win, if only to prove to myself that my application of tactics learned in CMBO is viable in CMBB... also makes me want to keep playing, which is a worthwhile result.

  11. I'm thinking about spending more time testing scenarios, but I have very little historical knowledge about what the conditions were back then (troop size, elements, etc), other than what they taught in high school, which didn't really focus on these kind of things in the first place... Can someone help out a budding Scenario Tester and suggest URLs to read to get a better feel as how things REALLY were? I think it would offer another dimension on critiquing scenarios...

    thanks in advance,


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