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Ogre Nutz

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Everything posted by Ogre Nutz

  1. bump so I can find this when I get my copy. Hopefully on Monday.. but probably Tuesday.
  2. Welp, don't have the game yet, but I've downloaded every interesting mod I've found. So I'm ready. Now just waiting on the CD. Should be next week. Killing me..
  3. I know one thing.. if the full version is even remotely more addicting and fun than the demo, I'm going to have to build a shrine. Here's my story: I play World War II Online. (Yes, I know that some people think it's junk, etc.. but I love it. I was reading in the WWIIOL forums about this game. I decided I would download the demo and give it a shot. Ended up downloading it, and forgot all about it. 2 days later I decided I would give it a go. When I first installed it I thought, "ugh... kind of 'amatuerish'" when I saw the installation screen itself. "But what the hell, it's a demo.." So I fire it up.. and BAM. Cool music. Not as cheesy as I thought it would be. Load up the first demo map.. read the battle orders. "Hrmm.. well let's see where this is going." (Loading 3D graphics..) "Cool, 3D stuff.. " Sitting there staring at the back of 2 tanks, fairly close. "Hrmm.. not the BEST graphics in the world, but who needs graphics anyways? I'm in it for fun and strategy." Take a few minutes to learn that the first move is a setup move, and not an actual deployment. Fiddle with the controls having NO clue what all the maroon lines meant. Kept fiddling with the controls, testing the orders, etc. "Hrmm.. this looks like it could become tedious and boring.." Moved my men out. They move.. I hear the orders being shouted and the tanks roaring to life. "Very nice sound effects!" Troops move to their spots, and then I'm back to the movement. "Ugh.. what's this do? What's THIS do?" (Learned very quickly how simplistic the controls are after you learn them. Troops move again.. one of my shermans roll up on a little knoll. Computer thinking... Scene begins to play out. POOF.. Shhhhhheeeeerkkk WHAM!!! Pops the top on my sherman. "HOLY GOD!! THAT WAS AWESOME!!" Rat-tat-tat-tat.. rat-tat-tat-tat.. Then the indistinguishable sound of an MG42. "These sound effects ROCK!!" And thus, I was hooked..
  4. Awesome.. "Submit Secure Order" <click> "Here's a receipt for your order" Here we go.. I'm thinking.. a week? Ahh I hope so, I can only whip the germans so many times on the demo maps. (Yes, I've played AS the Germans too.)
  5. How long will it take for me to get the game? I saw 4-5 WEEKS? Ughh.. Is this for real? I live in the U.S.
  6. Hey guys.. just got the demo for this game and I can't put it down. A friend of mine just got it as well, and we tried to multiplay the demo.. and can't. The TCP/IP doesn't highlight. Is there a patch for this, or is Multiplay just not possible in the demo? Thanks.
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