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Posts posted by Slangton

  1. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slangton:

    oooooohhhhhh....Well shiver me timbers...

    That's it? That's the best you can do?

    I despair of the coming generations.

    Nothing witty occurs to you?

    Sod off.

    I've always been for Democracy, but the best thing to do when confronted with shameful Idiocy is to avert your eyes before pissing on it.</font>

  2. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    This isn't a Peng Thread - it's a bleedin' sycophantic groveling putrid agony Aunt Versace column!

    Edited to say that it's <big><big>PAGE 2</big></big>, and there's still no rules!

    Yes, yes, fine, whatever.


    The Rules are as follows:

    If you're here, it's because you've found 'the Life of the Mind' on the General Forum lacking, the 'Witty Give and Take of Humour' on the Regular Forum non-existent (witness any attempt to tease a mod slut), and the need to 'Pick Out a Specific Opponent and Challenge Him/Her By Means of Badinage, Banter, and Taunting' to be uppermost in your mind, such as it is.

    Entertain us with the your quips and rapier wit, and join us. Piss on endlessly about your 'thingy', the passage of your bodily wastes, and how entertaining you find them, or how 'all should fear how kool you are' not to mention being the next Vanilla Ice, and you will be derided, laughed at, and then ignored.

    Bring your Real World hatreds in here, other than a good and righteous need to annoy the Kiwis, and you will leave this place like a rocket, and very likely not stop at the borders of the rest of the Forum.

    Cherish the Ladies of the 'Pool. Remember that you, too, are born of woman, and that your mother was the first law-giver in your life. Annoy them, and the Law will deal with you. And a 'Glasgow Kiss' is exactly that, compared to a firm grasp on your nadgers, and a husky, feminine voice saying 'feeling lucky, punk?'

    They will do the 'Swiss Bell Ringers' act if you're stupid enough to laugh. And the musical notes of your screams will bring glee to every heart.

    Finally, include an email address and general location in your profile.

    We're not interested in spotty little trolls wandering about asking to be treated like 'a big boy' now.</font>

  3. Originally posted by DrAlimantado:

    It seems like preorders can only be done through the German version of their webite. Oh well. I wonder why the game is initially only released in Germany and UK. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, etc, will all use the UK version, so why the delay? Oh well.


    Freddie Foxx fan huh? "They call me bumpy knuckles cause my hands be swell..."
  4. lol.

    Thanks for your replies, I appreciate it, I really do. Don't be mistaken, I'm not upset. I just felt a need to speak out on something that bothered me a little. No big deal really, I like playing the game and don't want to alienate anyone in this good community, and I mean that. People obviously like to just jump on others, that's a given I accept that and you'll find I'm willing to take my licks. Trust me I'm all smiles(I'd post smilies but they don't work for me for some reason...:=(). Anyways, anyone that has any DOUBTS about my ability can mail me a setup...otherwise I don't want to hear it.

    One love.(native toungue for "Have an extremely good day.")

  5. I'm not upset per say, it's just that this 'flank' was about 3m from the damn map edge. Not 30m, 3 meters. I really don't care, as the fool rode straight into a piat, a challenger, and a churchill AVRE. I put paid to the bastard and was rewarded with a nice bright fireball(incidentally I had a squad wipe out the two crew members who survived), so you can stop the 'next time guard your flank' nonsense. The attack he spotted, WAS on the flank, this just seemed as a little odd as he agreed to guns only if they had transport, and other 'advanced' rules to weed out unsuitable opponents. It just seemed odd to me...Incidentally, a few turns after taking out the puma, I found a strumgruppe platoon taking the same root, about 3m from the map edge. Labeling someone 'gamey' or some other crap like that is basically like calling him an @$$hole when your not online, and I just don't like to do that. The game was pretty good other than that, but it seemed to me that there was a conflict in the opponents doctrine if you will. Oh well, I'll probably end up playing him again anyway...

    [ May 02, 2002, 12:44 AM: Message edited by: Slangton ]

  6. I was playing a TCP game, and I know this goes on, but want to know how others felt. Well, my opponent rushed a Puma down the extreme right flank, right along the edge in the first three turns. He exposed a WELL planned and WELL coordinated advance under cover which he WOULDN'T have seen until I actually launched an attack within 30m of his MLR. This simultaneously frustrated and infuriated me. Is this kind of thing deemed exceptable? Or just a cheap move? I don't think it's all that cheap, after all, who am I to tell someone how to play? However, do people that do this feel they lack in other areas that they need to rush a cheap vehicle down the flank to determine the enemies intentions? Just need to vent, this will probably be buried in obscurity with the other 300 threads on this subject...

    [ May 01, 2002, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Slangton ]

  7. I don't know, I've always liked defending. When dealing with the smaller point totals being the defender is hard because you don't have many points to work with, but I don't find it frustrating or hard. I rather enjoy it more than attacking. I've defended so many times in 1000 pts or less that I've begun to get the feeling that if you gave me 2500 pts, I could hold against anything because of all the extra luxuries I could buy. That's just my 2 though...

  8. "Considering that belly armour of the Panther, StuG and PIV was 30/16mm, 16mm and 20/12/10mm respectively it seem unlikely that .50cal would be able to penetrate at the angles afforded by ricochets off the ground."

    Hmmm. I've heard pilot accounts that say different. Some pilots even said that they deliberately shot under the tank to get the rounds to ricochet up and into it...maybe I'm wrong and my ears have failed me...

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