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Simon Elwen

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Posts posted by Simon Elwen

  1. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

    crodaslittle wooden head is on the right of the picture!

    Who is this Slimy Elbow who dares to speak of my liege lord Croda The Cantankerous in such a manner. Come out and say that again you refugee from a Lilith Fair Concert. You sheep's clone, you thinly moustached poseur, you who consider Shemp to be the funniest Stooge, I double-dog dare you to come back here and have it out with me. You reprobate! Upon your birth, your parents tried to sell you to carny folk, but the carny's standards were too high. You fey dandy with the concave codpiece, SOD OFF!!!</font>

  2. AJ

    In the intrests of pan european friendship I have come to the aid of all Dutch Optometrists

    BIG Words LITTLE Man, now that you have been elevated by some error your meglomaniac rantings are positively sad , lacking form and dignity.

    You will never become one of the vulgar elite, return to your rightful place as a serf and playing with men with odd shaped balls.

    I cast my gauntlet at you

  3. Ta chaps so let me get this right. there were "types" of Molotov,the petrol bomb type and the military version .All in all much the same as each other. As for AT rifles you are looking at flank and rear shots here, with the russians not having many or any at the start of Barbarossa however a year on the steppes were infested.

    Didn't the russians get bazookas from the americans too, later on?

    edited due to spelling nightmares

    [ March 22, 2002, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: Simon Elwen ]

  4. As early as May 1942 the americans had an 88 shipped to the USA for evaluation and the planners at the US War Dept still carried on with the Sherman under the misconception that armour would be chiefly used for exploitation and pursuit. They believed that sacrificing armour for speed would pay off but of course speed in battle means nothing without survivability

  5. In no other Army did rank title and badges prove to be such a sensitive issue. Since the revolution the Shoulder boards and old rank titles were abolished as symbols of Tsarism and the Class Struggle. All Soviet Officers from Section through to Army level were just called Commander. However in 1935 titles from Lieutenant to Colonel were once again established. In July 1940 General was renewed, followed by the old nco titles. In early 1943 All the old prerevolutionary ranks titles shoulderboards etc were renewed under Stalin's express orders.The strange anomalies of units being commanded by troops of an "odd" rank apparently lasted into early 1942.

    [ March 03, 2002, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: Simon Elwen ]

  6. Stacheldraht, there's a long out for print book called "Russian Infantry Weapons of ww2" by Baker and Walter 1971 Arco Books, I'm sure that will have some of the answers you are looking for. I would think that someone on this forum has a copy, or a dealer could get one for you.

  7. Ok the research results are in smile.gif

    Venue : The park

    Time : This morning

    Target: A tree 30 metres away (effects of bounceback can then be monitored as well

    Witnesses: My girlfriend Heather (not a rounder)

    My Dog Dave (Jack Russel for retrieval duties)

    Equipment:Note, Some alternatives had to be used

    1 Baseball

    2 Cricket ball

    3 Tennis ball

    4 Potato

    5 Pineapple

    6 Egg


    1 2 and 3 all scored hits,but significant bounceback with the tennis ball, dave preferred the tennis ball.

    4 The potato a hit but suffered damage, probably would not survive repeated test throws.

    5 The Pinapple fell well short 18m but rolled a further 2 m.

    6 The egg, a close miss but destroyed on impact.

    Conclusions. Balls and grocers sundries will rarely cause fatal results, but the morale effect of being bombarded with a hail of fruit and root veg should be looked into. Possibly should have used a hard boiled egg

    Suggestions: Brain and Gyrene throw things at each other and then go to Croda's bar.

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