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Posts posted by PEIPER#1

  1. I did the blitz!

    in the right of the map just a platoon of stug's and company A,

    to the left all the other pz platoon's and behind them the other stug platoon covering the movement,

    the main attack was the right formation, infantry on the right and left of the panzer's,

    send some scouts 2 turns in front of the main attack

    wen i first encouter the KV was spotted by the scout team,

    wen the KV was in range i order all my tanks to target the beast 10 panzer's Vs 1, first I inmovilized then desable the gun that was all, no infantry the KV was abandoned in 10 sec of battle, the other was hit by a stuka, i lost more of my panzer's to AT fire. it was lot of fun


    [ October 21, 2002, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: PEIPER#1 ]

  2. Originally posted by Rob Murray:

    Sure CMBB has much better graphics but I'll still play CMBO ( took too long to get all those CMMOS mods to just delete it like that ) it's still the best Western Front game that I own.

    Rob just took the words out of my mouth, and still the best West front game ever made

    I still play it! :D

  3. Originally posted by murpes:

    I mean, I understand that you have to have an ending point to the game or else both sides can sit at the edge of the map and do nothing. On the otherhand, I get very frustrated when a game ends right in the middle of some heavy action. I feels, well (forgive me) gamey. I can't imagine real battles ending after a certain period of time and both sides raising their hands and said "okay, what do you have for the score? I gotta get moving my kid has a soccer game tonight."

    I know it's a damned if you do damned if you don't, but inactivity seems more realistic than having a battle magically end.

    I know what u mean, I remember the original

    STEEL PANTHERS simulate this,

    the game waits till you or the enemy dont have enought strenght to get more objectives then it finish.. that will be nice to see in CM or CM2

    [ February 21, 2002, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: PEIPER#1 ]

  4. Originally posted by PEIPER#1:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by murpes:


    waiting for this mod has consumed my every thought and action. I spend my days wandering like a zombie yearning for the next moment that I have access to a PC so I can check "is it out yet?" Tonight at dinner I saw my peas on my white plate and I thought "ah ... green speckled snow." I come home from work, sit in my chair, and refresh Tom's pafe every 30 seconds until I fall asleep.

    Or something. I'm actually playing DoD 2.0. Too many good games and mods coming out as of late - this is worse than Christmas! Rally Trophy, NASCAR 2000, just finished MoHAA, ARC Fatalis - when will the insanity end?!

  5. Originally posted by Tom:

    Peiper ,

    nice to see that at least ONE person is still playing my old San Martino scenario ( the first one I made back in 2000 ....good old memories ). Your pics inspire me to make some new " Italy " stuff next. Thanks !




    hey is a good scenario!!, those buildings are more Italian like, they dont look french to my

    i like them too :D

    [ February 11, 2002, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: PEIPER#1 ]

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