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Ross Moorhouse FUTURE

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Everything posted by Ross Moorhouse FUTURE

  1. I have heard that Tom is growing the last 3 trees. Ouch, Tom just hit me on the head for that comment.. I now have a BUMP
  2. Very good looking. It's almost a shame to blow the little things up..
  3. On the Russian Front Italy used : L6/40 light tanks Semoventi da 47/32 tanks. I assume they will be in the game ??? :confused:
  4. But I bet you have a flying silver time machine car... Which could take us all back to the Russian Front soon.
  5. You know I have always pictured Superted to be the grey haired nutty inventor in the Back to the Future films.. :eek:
  6. I use both Paintshop Pro and Photoshop. You can d/l a demo of Paintshop pro. Do a search for it on say www.google.com or if you have some PC mags lying around you should be able to find it on one of the cover discs..
  7. Sydney, mate... [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Ross Moorhouse FUTURE ]</p>
  8. Stuth cobbers, didnt know there was so many of us true blue guys here. :eek:
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