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Everything posted by ILikeCarrots

  1. Hi, I've been after this feature since BO, now with disk space so cheap I hope it's under consideration. Unless there's some fundamental engine reason why it's impossible. So, does anyone know if we'll see full battle replays (i.e. multiple turns, from 1 to x) in AK or any forthcoming iterations? Thanks. Whoops, should add, sorry if this has been discussed to death. I did try searching. [ October 21, 2003, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: ILikeCarrots ]
  2. That about says it. I can place allied units and they turn out with a red base. But all the axis units I place end up with a grey base, when there are axis zones placed on the map! Looked in the manual to no avail. Does anyone know how to change a unit's allowed zone? Game just came through the post, hence the absence from the forum
  3. Wow, didn't expect such a response. Thanks everyone! Been playing the demo to death to pass CM'ing time. It's great isn't it. The tension when two tanks sit slugging it out, shots ricocheting everywhere, brilliant! Or the triumph when you send an enemy advance rushing back to their mommas, surrendering left and right... I love it already!
  4. Yeah, currently passing the time downloading loads of mods, got about 60 Mb of terrain & uniform enhancements out of my poor steam powered modem but have yet to find a complete armour pack.
  5. Awww... and even a board with nice people, this is too much! Thanks guys!
  6. Thanks for your answers. You see I was playing the demo mission "Chance Encounter" as the allies, had knocked out all of the enemy armour quite early on and was happily pounding away at German infantry with big guns while moving some infantry in position for a rear attack. Unfortunately, it was game over before the decisive blow was struck and I thought it'd be nice if the full version let you play on (the same mission), even if the score or "official" outcome wouldn't change.
  7. Hi everyone, Have to say, Combat Mission is a bit of a revelation to me, having just played the demo today. Ordered it already and will be waiting with baited breath. It's amazing to see such a large community for a game you can't get in the shops! Says something I'm sure. Anyway, enough rambling, here's the question... Can you continue battles after the scenarios set number of turns have finished? I read in some faq that must have been written before the game was complete that they were planning this (although the score wouldn't change) but couldn't find any more info on the subject. Thanks for reading! Laurence (who like carrots)
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