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  1. Yes, the murder of German POWs was an untimely acceptance of the truth. The Western Alies committed similar atrocities to the Malmedy massacre but got away with it without war crime trials because they were 'victors' (we already know about the atrocities committed by both sides on the eastern front). Well done Spielberg et al! I wonder how long it will take before there is acceptance that 'democratic western' governments and their secret services have committed similar mass murder of innocents as happened on 11th September? Another 50 years? 30,000 innocent Nicaraguans murdered by the fascist Contra terrorists, created and funded by the CIA. Like the Germans in WW2, will the US people claim 'they knew nothing'? Heck, I thought we lived in a 'democracy', obviously I was wrong. The work of Reagan and Bush Snr (pardoned the guilty in the Iran-Contra Affair).
  2. If you want to learn how to kill POWs, just watch 'Band of Brothers'. The Allies were just as good as the Germans and started real early in the Normandy campaign. You will all have heard of the Malmedy massacre in the Ardennes and the horror on the Eastern Front but some still deny equal acts by US, Canadian and Brits. No 'war crimes' trials for the victors of course... Reminds me of George Wanker Bush's declaration of 'war against terrorism' in the present time. His daddy and Ronny Raygun wrote the book on terrorism. 30,000 innocent Nicaraguans murdered by fascist Contra terrorists created and sponsored by the CIA. The Contra-drug scandal, the Iran-Contra Affair. The criminals pardoned by Daddy Bush. Such hypocrisy...
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>C.Dunphie did indeed fill out his identity claiming to be a published author in the area, listing his publications, which was enough for me <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For the record: a) The poster didn't claim to be 'published' None of his 'publications' were listed c) He didn't claim to be the Brigadier you mention Granted he may have tried to imply greater authority than he actually possessed but it was others that made the assumptions that you have seized upon. The vast majority of people here probably hadn't even heard of the Brigadier in question before that assumption was voiced. I can easily believe the Brigadier is very annoyed but then he has only heard your particularly 'unique' version of events. On the evidence above, we can only imagine what form these took... Yours in Spirit, God P Entwhistle
  4. It is my considered and expert opinion that this game insufficiently models the effects of 'divine intervention' on the WW2 tactical battlefield. The power of 'prayer' was well known to small-unit commanders and was frequently invoked by combat soldiers to gain an extra bonus in fire-fight situations. Equally well documented is the fact that Propaganda units seized on the benefits of this factor and frequently exhorted their countrymen to greater efforts by declaring 'God is on OUR side!' Designers, please fix this or do somefink asap! PS - Disclaimer I feel, that in order to avoid any silly misunderstanding on the part of imbeciles, I must make clear that although my name is 'God', I am not THE God (as in The Supreme Being). Its just an uncanny coincidence that I happen to share a moniker with the Omnipotent One. In no way have I suggested in my post any connection with The Divine Entity and feel I must make this clear before anyone attempts to make this connection. After all I don't want any 'slap-happy' individual to waste their time on some pointless 'Witchfinder General' crusade trying to prove that I claim to be The Almighty when I have done no such thing. That would surely turn this board into pure 'slap-stick', no? Actually I blame my parents for giving me his silly name - I can only presume they had high hopes for me or somefink. Yours in Spirit, God P. Entwhistle
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