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Posts posted by Crow

  1. Originally posted by A><32121:

    Just opened Soddy's latest creation. I think I need a little lie down.

    edited to add: Nope, that didn't do it. Maybe a drinkie or two.

    So rather than keeping the horror of Frostbitten in Felixstowe to yourself I see from my inbox that you decided to inflict it on me! Charmed I'm sure. tongue.gif I should be able to take a look at this and DaveHs latest turn tonight before I go out. I just hope that after coping with them that I'm still in a fit state to go out! :mad:

    And on this great occasion where I am losing my Junior Member status I would just like to thank all of you for making this lunatic asylum of a thread what it is, and for making me feel welcome...

    ...you Maggots! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [Edited] for extra :mad: because you're worth it! :D

    [ July 03, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Crow ]

  2. Listen up monkeys, I have just taken delivery of a shiny new 19" monitor so now I get to view your inane waffle at even greater size / resolution than I used to. :D

    Originally posted by AxeZIZI:

    Look at that.

    Only two more posts and Crow loses the junior tag.


    Innocence lost, never to be regained... :( Better make sure I have something monumental to say when the big occasion happens (chances of something monumental being posted by any of us in the thread are surely quite low!)

    Sit rep: Dave's Germans continue to attack my poor ol' Russians in Counter Intelligence, altho I'm starting to get suspicious of the numbers, it looks like Dave has turned up with the whole of the Wehrmacht to what was only supposed to be a small skirmish...! :mad: :mad: :mad:

  3. Originally posted by DaveH:

    Crow, I think the difference from a scenario would be that you get to pick your own units, instead of all the Allied players using the identical pursuers.

    I'd gathered that (the pick your own units bit with you having the same forces against all of us), I just meant the general setting of the encounter with the Germans being in retreat and having been caught up by some Allies and needing to defend themselves.

    As for Axe212121212121...{recurring} and his "who am I to stand in the way of a massa...I mean, life lesson for the lad?" all I can say is :mad: :mad: :mad:

  4. Originally posted by DaveH:

    What I have in mind is some kind of rear-guard action, where the retreating Germans pick a good spot to turn and try to hold the advancing Allies.

    Sounds like you are describing Chance Encounter to me with maybe a slightly more advantageous choice of spot for the Germans rather than what they had in that scenario. Or am I missing something here?
  5. Originally posted by DaveH:

    So are any of you maggots willing to let me choose terrain to defend and try a probe? How about an attack? An assault? Here's an opportunity to not only beat me, but to beat me worse than anyone else on the same battlefield with the same units defending.

    Hold up lads, I think I've spotted his cunning plan! Notice the phrase "let me choose terrain to defend"

    His defenders are going to be sat surrounded by victory flags on the far side of a HUGE impassable steep sided rocky canyon with us in a tiny setup zone on the opposite side which we can't even move from! :mad: :mad:

    Nice try Dave but you'll have to get up earlier than that to fool us lot eh...?

    *looks around*

    Guys? Hello? Damn them! They've all dived around to Axe's for booze and left me here alone! :mad: I must have some booze, I demand to have some booze!

    (p.s. If this gets going I'll give it a crack, what have I got to lose apart from my pixeltruppen?)

    [ July 01, 2003, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: Crow ]

  6. Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

    I've also been practicing my best Gareth Hunt "coffee bean shake", to emulate my sporting hero next time I wish to apear all mean, moody and magnificent.

    LOL! I should stop reading this thread in the office, me laughing out loud is starting to attract attention! :D

    DaveH's Germans seem to have tuned up to our little Russian HQ soiree uninvited, I bet they haven't even brought a bottle of booze with them either! :mad:

    And I second Edward's :mad: :mad: :mad: at the hectic schedule which Axe2121 is enduring, how do you cope? tongue.gif

  7. I'm sure Teddy will be back in here with us all soon once he has stopped quoting Duran Duran lyrics on the CMMOS thread! tongue.gif

    BTW Edward old bean, managed to make it down to Wimbledon to see ol' Tiger Tim in action at all?

    [edit] Sorry for the lack of :mad: in my original post, my delivery hadn't arrived when I originally posted, however it's here now so here you go:- :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [ July 01, 2003, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: Crow ]

  8. Originally posted by DaveH:

    Crow's Russians are slowing my German commandos. Since the scenario is only 18 turns, will I have time to accomplish the objectives? He seems to be enjoying PBEM, so the rest of you gamey maggots get ready for another opponent.

    I expect your sneaky commandos will have a good crack at making it to the objective in time! :mad:

    I am enjoying my first taste of the PBEM cherry. I'm looking forward to playing a few more of you as I struggle to improve my skills :D I'm going to work up slowly to several PBEM games at a time while still playing some games against the AI. Axe2121 are you still planning on mugging me in a PBEM sometime soon?

    And Nippy 'lord of the flame'.... Your tail is on fire! :eek:

  9. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    Oh, and Crow. I do believe this one has your name written on it. If you have the time, I'm willing to perpetrate the crimes against your pixeltruppen. What say you maggot? I'll even let you pick the side -- Russian attack or German defense. Don't delay -- offer limited.

    So sorry old chap, please don't think I was deliberately ignoring you I just somehow overlooked this when going through the thread at work earlier. :( The smoke from MGs TNT chucking must have caused me to miss it! :mad:

    Hmn I guess I could go from zero PBEM games to 2 in one fell swoop. :D

    Which to choose... Hmn, been playing attacks and MEs so far in my few games against the AI so I'll take German Defence please just so I can really embarrass myself! tongue.gif

  10. Originally posted by DaveH:

    Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold. Before we can process your order, please give us a valid credit card number and the expiration date. Trust us.

    Ok, just a little more info before I hand over my card details, exactly how much TNT will I be getting for my money? It had better be lots! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Crow, I'll get back to you later this evening. I'm sure there's something out there to fill the bill.
    OK, cheers! I'd quite like to play through the Stalingrad Pack at some point if that takes your fancy? Would like a few smaller games under my belt first just to get used to this whole PBEM thing. tongue.gif
  11. Originally posted by DaveH:

    All of you maggots who haven't yet had the opportunity to crush me in CMBB, your time is coming. My last three PBEMs have seen me go down in flames to the tune of 95-5, 80-20, and 70-30. As you can clearly see, I'm on the upswing, so if you haven't played me yet, you'd better hurry before I reach the magical 50-50 and above. Limited opportunities are still available. Call now, operators are standing by.

    Hello operator, I'd like to apply for the limited offer to play against DaveH


    What kind of game? Well fairly small if possible just so I can find my feet.


    Pre set forces (possibly in a scenario?) would probably be a good thing rather than allowing me to choose 2 anti tank guns to face his 5 infantry platoons :mad:


    Force balance? Well I've mainly been playing infantry stuff so far but I'm willing to try my hand at anything, the only way to learn is to get in there and get on with it, even if I lose (which is likely) I'll learn stuff (which I'll then promptly ignore the next time I'm faced with a similar situation) :D


    Would I like to be Russian or German? Not worried, let DaveH choose.


    Thanks, I'll hope to hear if my application has been successful soon. Goodbye.

    [Hangs up]

  12. I was going to ask if "Ice Cold in Avnavodsk" might be a good choice as my first Cheery Waffle induced game? Possibly against DaveH as he had previously kindly offered to defeat me whenever I felt brave enough to actually partake in this insanity you lot refer to as PBEM. Frankly I must be mad to even consider it, I’m sure my boys will be surrendering before I’ve even issued a single command!

    However having read some of the descriptions of Soddball’s scenarios I'm thinking this may not be quite such a wise course of action to take... Thoughts?

    (BTW The above = 100 words!) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

  13. The subtle difference between German words can also cause confusion.

    Many moons ago I was crossing the German border from West to East (obviously while the Iron Curtain was still up) with my parents. This border post included the standard no mans land complete with minefields, watch towers with search lights and machine guns etc.

    Somehow we had got most of the way through the border post without changing money. When the female guard carrying out the final checks realised this she told my father he would have to go back several stages from where we were and change some money. They made you change so much money per person multiplied by the number of days you were staying to try to prevent money changing on the black market.

    My father apologised and said he would pull the car over to one side and ‘walk’ back. There are 2 ways of saying walk in German:-

    Gehen :- to go / to walk on foot / to tread / to stride

    Spazieren :- to stroll / to promenade

    One is basically to walk from A to B, the other is more commonly used when you are going for a pleasurable stroll taking in your surroundings etc. No doubt you can see where this is going. He picked the wrong one…!

    The border guard burst into laughter at the image of this mad Englishman taking a pleasure walk through no mans land among the guard dogs / minefields etc. She ended up crying with laughter as she was explaining it to some of her colleagues! :D

    In fact we were going to visit my fathers friend Norbert. When we first visited them when I was only 5 they were a little nervous about me meeting Norbert’s father. He had horrific facial injuries (including a glass eye and one side of his face had basically collapsed) in the first day of the Barbarossa campaign in 1941. He got about 4km inside the Russian border when he got caught in a shell burst and was hospitalised for an extremely long time. However he counted himself lucky as very few of those who he crossed the border with that day came back again. The worries about me meeting him were unfounded though. Even though he couldn’t speak a word of English and I could speak no German we were basically inseparable for the whole time I was there.

  14. Crow, good to hear from you again.
    Oh I'm still here, lurking and spectating the TNT flying back and forth! Might actually join in one day! :D

    Sorry to bring up a subject that hits uncomfortably close to work for you.
    Ahh I'm just teasing, the boy Potters not all that bad. ;) We've actually had the lad who plays Harry in the movies visit the office a few times, he loves it in here...!

    Edited to add :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: just to keep you all happy!

    [ June 23, 2003, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Crow ]

  15. Originally posted by DaveH:

    Just wanted to briefly report to you illiterates that I am currently up to page 527 of the new Harry Potter novel. Only about 350 pages left!

    Originally posted by HRH Edward Windsor:

    Dave H is a couple of hundred pages ahead of me in the latest trial of endurance that J K Rowling has inflicted on the literary world

    ARGH! Noooo, don't let Potter infiltrate the Waffle zone, is no place safe?! :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm surrounded by all things Potter all day at work (coding the computer game). This is one of my places to get away from it! tongue.gif

    In other news I've actually had some time to finish wading my way thru the manual and get a few games in, thought I would start gentle by doing some infantry stuff with Hill 312. Initially got mugged but am learning from my mistakes, soon I'll be chucking TNT like a good 'un (hopefully!) Than I can take DaveH up on his challenge and I'm sure I'll get slaughtered even if we play a small encounter and he takes it easy on me.

    In other news Teddy, I see that if that guy who raided young Wills party had been packing more than a bad wig you may well have been crowned King as you were the only member of your family not present. Were you by any chance down in your bunker sending out turns to this rabble?

    Oh yeah, have some more :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: for good measure!

  16. Originally posted by DaveH

    Crow, this thread is full of halfway competent players, and right now every one of them is beating me like a drum. So feel free to join the club. If you would like having a small PBEM to get your feet wet, send me a setup.

    Heh! I'm still wading thru the manual at the moment, it's been years since I had a few games on CMBO and I hardly got to touch CMBB up until now due to work and other games distracting me (such as Everquest, but I'm over that now!). I get the feeling I would be totally mugged being such a newbie. I'm still just toying with a few of the pre setup scenarios never mind all this unit purchase stuff! tongue.gif

    Unless you fancy being cast in the mould of TNT chucking tutor I would give me a wee while to finish off my reading and playing a few more games first. Otherwise I feel I may embarrass myself with tactics which would make every other resident of this thread die of laughter. And I wouldn't want to be responsible for all your deaths through my incompetence! redface.gif

    Originally posted by DaveH

    Once you're infected with Cheery Waffles, mold, ants, and fury maggots, there is no turning back. Just remember to treat such fine, upstanding CMBB players like Axe, Mike_the_wino, Soddball, Keke, and especially MasterGoodale (the maggot) as the witless schoolchildren they really are. :D

    I was scared that could well be the case when I first poked my head round the door to reply to MGs Battlefield 1942 query! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  17. Originally posted by DaveH:

    Hey, Crow, get back here. We're honored with your presence when you only have 7 posts in 21 months. Plus you do a pretty good MasterGoodale (the maggot) impression. That's such a pity.

    Yer, well, I haven't had much to say for myself in the past, too many other distractions :mad: , but CMBB has my full attention now so expect to see my post count rise! :D However my ability at the game may take a while longer to begin rising to something even approaching a half way competent level! tongue.gif

    As for my impression of the TNT chucker (rank: GrandMaster), I was rehearsing it for days before posting to get the nuances just right. Glad you approve.

    I've now ended up posting on here twice, why do I get the feeling I am descending down a slippery slope from which there may well be no turning back! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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