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Everything posted by rolyatn

  1. At least one of the Hetzers was a cannon knock out; the other one may have been a cannon shot but the 4 rocket craters in close proximity may have been involved. I was actually keeping brief notes on the game, so I logged the attacks "real time" or "replay time". There were definitely 7 continuous attacks, 4 of which were rocket ones. I didn't think the Typhoon had 16 rockets, I thought it was 8, but that would explain a lot. I still wouldn't buy aircraft myself, but if you are the British it must be a temptation to load yourself with Churchill Mk VIIIs and bung in a fighter to upset any big German tanks. In a very non-gamey way, obviouly.
  2. For breakfast I had humble pie. I'm pretty certain that his troops were regular. There were 3 Churchills, a Priest/Sexton and 2 TD types. Plus a 6pdr and a couple of infantry plt. I think the points pan out OK - I just got roughed up by some schizo fighter bomber. Just out of interest, what's the betting that if you had 2 green fighter bombers that they'd turn out to be lethal - but only for your own side.
  3. Well, it was an TCP/IP game and that's what the opponent told me - 1 fighter/bomber only. It seems reasonable, as it was a 1500 QB and my artillery was constrained to 300 or thereabouts. It certainly felt like 2 planes! Maybe he had a very good roll of the dice when the plane's effectiveness was calculated, but I can't think of any aircraft with that sort of wallop. Maybe it's symbolic.
  4. I've just experienced repeated attacks by what turned out to be a single allied fighter. From turn 6 through 13 inclusive it made an attack and took out my King Tiger's commander and 2 Hetzers. What amazed me was that in 4 of those attacks it used rockets/bombs - 4 in each attack. The other attacks all involved mg/cannon. What sort of fighter/bomber has that sort of punch and, more importantly, how typical is that of aircraft attacks in general? It was scary. My rather sad 37mm AA (half-track) fired 3 times at the plane, but was much more potent against the British troops and a Sexton (and harried a couple of Wolverines). I still think I would have preferred it if it had had a better pop at the fighter.
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