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Posts posted by Cauldron

  1. Hy,

    I am pretty new to campaigm design and would appreciate some help in understanding the intricasies of how these things work. :rolleyes:

    In a recent game of mine, the first day I did fairly well, on the second day my reinforcements completely failed to appear !

    I also want my reinforcements to enter on the map edgeand NOT be available for repositioning.

    Can someone tell me how to do this. (With flags in battles it was easy but there is NO flags for such in campaigns).

    Lastly, if you have made maps amd have them saved (as maps) can you please send them to me. I don't care how many I get..



    I hope this is an alive and kicking area of CM as I intend to develop two or three kick ass scenario's that you will have dreams over


  2. Hy,

    First to the scenario, I think Chenoux is a blast ( literally) when you play the Allies first time you wonder how you will ever win.

    My worst scenario is Last Stand Danesburg, Pershings get eaten by Pz IV's !!

    To the map issue:

    It is a lot of work making maps, the bigger the map the harder it is.

    In CM 2 and beyond it would be good to be able to copy maps from a battle or campaign. Even some CM 1 maps it would just be so neat to be able to do that.

    I was just wondering if it is possible, the only other way would be to have a map repository where designers put maps before forces were allocated.

    I really think we should look into this as good maps deserve to be used over and over...

    Any comments ..>


  3. Hy,

    Peww, well I just finished a self inflicted operation al la Caen- hypothetical.

    I have to agree that the support for op's is pretty poor. For example, I was down to 20% of my original force ( yes you read it here). yet NO release of reinforcement. WOW

    I am also still mystified where they are supose to come on, as there is no Flag to put anywhere.

    If anyone has an op's HOW TO page, i sure want to read it.



  4. Hy,

    Do reinforcements arrive like they do in battles when playing an operation?

    Mine never turned up ((

    Can someone explain how a perimiter is "marked" at the end of an operation/

    Lastly, there were no icons to place reinforcements in my map, is this the norm. It is very imporatnt that things turn up where they are supose to. The "book" sure is helpful in all this stuff :rolleyes:



  5. CM'rs smile.gif,

    Thaks muchly for the responces to the perimiter questions recently, I am putting the hair back in strand by strand >>.

    I've decided to make the battle an operation for reasons I describe below ( later). I was wondering however:

    HOW does a perimiter get chosen at the end a a "day" or "night" battle within an operation? :eek:

    WHAT resupply % is given for the various options. Is there some measure of randomness? :eek:

    More detailed stuff here:


    This form of combat seems to me to be a bit stupid. AFV as well as troops exhaust thier supply ( ammo) sometimes in the most stupid ways ( eg: mmg firing at AFV etc).

    If the game is more than 20 turns long it is simply a case of who has the most ammo at the end.


    Ahh much better. Now we get to the proper part of CM.

    In designing operations it seems to me anything that avoids over supply ( eg : full) would be a good thing since combat would be more realistic.

    I am presently working on a city fight ( Caen as a hypothetical ) between the HJ (SS crack units) with good AFV back up ( not in numbers) with a staged reinforcement schedule aginst the US since they have more "gear" to work with.

    The US will be combined arms with airpower if I can work out how. Zenatropa Railroad is a small scale example of what i am trying to achieve.

    Lastly, if anyone has managed to get more semsible fire control from units perhaps they can pass on thier wisdom as this scenario sure will need it hee heee



  6. I don't even know where to start. I guess the begining might be on place....

    I spent 4 hours setting up and making a great city fight- crack HJ against the US - ought to be good I thought ;)

    I set it up ( in paramiters) so that the North was German the South US and everything else was neutral. There were two set up zones for each nationality.

    When i finally get to fire up the game the US magically set up in the WEST and proceed to roll up my exposed flank..

    PLEASE help me !!!

    HOW do you get the set up to work so that the US attack from the SOUTH ONLY.

    I am willing to provide any information or send the scenario to anyone who might be able to help...

    After figuring out that the set up zones have to be manually arranged (which has a pretty high grr factor in itself), this just about sent me balistic :mad:

    Thank you


  7. Hy,

    I am hoping someone here can tell me just HOW units set up in set up zones.

    What happend atm is that I make a map , set up set up zones, purchase some units , and when i look at preview the units are spread all over the show !!

    Some even in German set up zones (if Allies). Surely there must be some way to get these units to ~behave~.

    All I want is UNIT 1 UNIT 2 to set up in ZONE 1 and ZONE 2.

    This can't be hard can it?

    Thanks a LOT


  8. I hope I can post this here as I'm sure at least one of you knows scenario design backwards.

    I make a map, buy some units and expect that they set up in some sort or order maybe even in a set up zone...

    Duhh, now why did I think that; instead they spread out all over the place taking no account of a set up zone.

    Similarly I want UNITS 1 and UNITS 2 to set up in ZONE 1 and ZONE 2 and not have to manually place them there - though i may want to correct their positions.

    If anyone can explain this I want to hear from you. NB: Big detailed answers so i get it right the first time would be even better, then there sure is going to be some yummy scenario's for you guys to play.




  9. I have most of the scenario stuff half understood except one important bit :confused: getting units to set up in the correct set up zones.

    ATM I select a bunch of units have two or three set up areas and lo and behold, they set up all over the show, hardly any IN a set up zone.

    Surely there must be a more intelligent way the computer does this ?????

    If anyone know how to get UNITS 1 UNITS 2 to set up in ZONE 1 and ZONE 2 that would be great


    Thanks to whoever(s) tell me the juice ...


  10. Hy,

    This is for information purposes and it is up to you how you apply it to CM. In short it is a conceptual article describing the differences in two forms of war : "decisive manouver" and "blitzkrieg".


    In basic terms Schlieffen established a doctine of decisive manouvre which he called Vernichtungsgedanke, a strategic method designed to avoid costly frontal attacks whereby fast, far reaching concentric encircling movements, launched into the enemies flanks, sought to bring about annihlating Kesselchlacten (cauldon battles).

    The primary aim of Schlieffen's doctrine was the physical destruction of the enemy , as opposed to the paralysis of the enemy, by rendering inoperative his power of command - enshirned in the Blitzkrieg dictrine.

    Although decisive manouver was the common denominator of both strategies, this was thier only affinity, in all other respects there was a direct conflict between the two concepts. For ease of understanding, the fundamenmtal differences can be seen in tables below:


    [ this is very like Napolian for those with an historical bent]

    Well co-ordinated flanking and encircling movements by the mass of the army, aimed at creating cauldron battles.

    Guarded flanks, and unbroken if strained lines of communication.

    Centralised control

    Mass infantry armies with the panzers acting inj concert with the aim of causing the physical destruction of the enemy.


    Deep penitration into the enemies rear, through a narrow gap punched in the weakest point of the enemies front.

    Suprize and high velocity forward movement, leaving the far extended flanks unguarded.

    Independent action

    Panzers in the form of a relatively small attacking force, unhindered by the slower mass of the field army, which had the subordinate task of mopping up isolated pockets of resistance and capturing large numbers of demoralised and disorganised troops. The aim was to cause paralysis of the enemy.


    The division of opinion between german generals on the relative merits of the traditional and new revolutionary strategy remained unresolved during both the planning and the invasion of Russia and the subsequent operations on the Eastern Front.

    ( In fact both strategies were used: what should have been a Blitzkreig to Moscow turned out to be a Cauldron battle in Smolemsk, to which Hitler described as the greatest defeat in human history. He negelected his own a few years later)

    Contrary to popular belief, the Polish

    campaign has been planned and fought strictly in accord with the structures of

    Vernichtungsgedanke and was not the first demonstration of the Blitzkrieg


    There is more in this article but i have covered the main points. I hope someone finds this materail useful.


  11. Hy ,

    This is to scenario designers or&people with editing experience...

    I am having trouble working out a number of things to do with scenario design -:

    The Operations Paramiters does not have a place to put flags (like the battle one does)so how do you do it?

    The second part is how does the computer know where you want the flag to go. Can you place them manually ?

    How do you place units ( or groups of units) in set up zones. In the setup phase, when i did it, they were placed all over one edge of the board, some in the set up zone some not.

    Seemed to me you might have to manually place them there.

    If a scenario has reinforcements arriving on a board edge not previously used ( ie in the set up phase) how is this achieved? I am refering particularly to reinforcements here.

    Lastly, some scenario's have place names in blue which helps with identifying VC etc. How do you do that ?

    I have read the manual but do not find it a real help, I wish there were a chat area to talk about this. I also think CM staff should on occasion have a " We'll help you for an hour" for newbies .

    OK I hope someone takes the trouble to answer some of these ..


  12. Why is the Scenario Depot at :


    a vehicle for frustration ? Many of the scenario's have a cannot download sign. Many don't even have web sites where you can !! [ check it for yourself].

    The most fun part is going to the "other scenario's by ths author" only to find none of them are downloadable either. I can assure you it will make you happy <not>.

    Such a brilliant site, so little ACTAUAL content.

    I hope someone finds this a new and DOWNLOADABLE home.........


  13. Hy,

    I really hope I get an answer to this ..

    Third time lucky they say:

    HOW DO YOU plave a building on top of a vehicle so to make that vehicle start the game -> in a building.

    Also the same for an AT gun.

    I have NO IDEA how it is possible to see units in the editor ( an AFV in this case) so as to place a building at the correct "hex".

    This is an extreeeeemly important feature for a design of mine AND I REALLY want to know how to do it.....IN DETAIL.

    Thank you


  14. Hy,

    I posed a Q a while ago about a game effect that I want to incoporate but don't see how....

    Its this, to put an AFV in a rubble or (and a AT gun) in a building and make them immobile in both cases.

    I was told in a thread that you place a building "counter" on top of the AFV and lock it. Duhh !!! what ???

    If anyone has achieved this or even understands it can u e mail me.



  15. Hy,

    I expect a few of us at least put a username that was not intended to be permanent.

    How does one go about changing it? Do you have to re log in as a new user,and how do old one's get removed.

    I think this might be useful to know for others too.

    Have to say this has to be the best games forum I have ever been in .


  16. How can I edit a vehicle so it is immobilized?

    No actual editor commands for that but I found a work around (I hereby claim credit for the rubble immobilization technique now and forever!). First, take the vehicle and padlock it exactly where you want. Go to the terrain editor and place a rubble or rough tile on top. The vehicle can still rotate, but it can't move out.

    Can someone please explain how do do this. I am having great difficulty working our how someone can see a vehicle in order to drop a rubble on top of it in the manner described.

    In fact it would seem to be impossible


  17. say yes to campigns.. but maybe not yet..

    With my limited experience of CM I can see for starters that CM 1 is nowhere near "campaign" ready. It wont be until CM and your computers ( you have'nt updated in HOW long! ) can crunch the numbers fast enough that these permutations can be built in. I would also think the coding is all pretty hard.

    THAT BEING SAID, limited timescale C's would be very enjoyable, especially russian ones.

    I would also expect that more than the participants can sit in on any TCP game in the future.

    In the end I think enthusiasm will wain if there is no development in that area - campaigns- as it becomes gradually more boring sitting in on the same battle, I just mention that so that the guys at CM at least start to work thier heads in that direction smile.gif.

    Anyway, although its CM's game we play it and pay for it.. it pays to listen.


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