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Everything posted by Moyzan

  1. Hmm, I just thought of something... Did any of you tried the return to castle wolfenstein test? If so, you'll know about the Venom gun. When I asked for a translation of a light machine gun soldier, I was thinking of the venom gun. I now think that a heavy machine gun would be more appropriate... So, what's "heavy machine gun" in german? Btw, if I read what you guys wrote correctly (bear with me, I'm brain dead after reading Acts of Gord from start to finish), you would call a soldier using a panzerfaust a panzerfaust also? Allright, time to get some sleep. [ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: Moyzan ]</p>
  2. Viceroy, "voulez-vous couchez avec moi?" would translate into "Do you want to sleep with me?" in english. Moyzan
  3. Thanks, Michael! I'm sorry, I don't speak mandarin I speak french, though! Moyzan
  4. ... I know I just want to know what would a soldier using that weapon would be called. A panzerfauster? That's the kind of info I'm looking for. Moyzan
  5. Hi guys, I'm looking to find the german names for the following type of soldiers: Flamethrower, sniper, SMG, panzerfaust, LMG. I need this info because one of my friend will modify the .cfg of Return to castle wolfenstein so that when I use the voice command to state my function, it will also say what weapon I'm using. Thanks in advance. Moyzan
  6. I checked CMHQ but there didn't seem to be any scenarios with units from Quebec Does anyone know if such scenarios even exist? Thanks in advance, Moyzan
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