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Detroit Guy

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Everything posted by Detroit Guy

  1. I called blockbuster (didnt have it) the LIBRARY !! now theres an idea. I remember when i was in high school and i was in shock when i found out that they have movies and such there. Great idea. Also probably a good idea for me long-term as well. My movie tastes usually tend to the "serious" side , which as i remember, was mostly all that the library had 1. Serious Dramas 2. Documentarys whooie.... i know where im going tommrow. D Guy
  2. Thanks for the help guys. I posted that earlier today, and then fired up the demo gain.. as im watching the yellow/red target lines i was thinking DOH.. what an idiot question! D guy
  3. The concept of WWII Online is awe-inspiring and one day i think it will turn out to be one HELL of a game. Just to buggy right now. Im a WWII Online refugee myself .. LOL ! Detroit Guy
  4. My comment is only 50% "flash" based. Yes the visuals of the site are a total joke, something as pathetic as a FrontPage web wizard would come up with a slicker site. (back to my janitor comment) BUT.. the Resources are non-existant as well. (have a look for yourself) Strategy guides? Well known site links? Dev Team update area? Tourney Board? Squad Encouragement? Unit Statistics Breakdowns? Force Selection concepts? Point Value Rationals? (yes the FAQ in the Support area is better than nothing) Im sure its got a lot to do with Priorities, the website being low on the list. Which its not for me to say how they juggle their workload, except to say that "Customer Service" and "Image" are high up on most Dev teams lists. And at the top of Image and CS would be the phrase "work on the site". Detroit Guy P.S. er.. damnit, i got sucked into this conversation again.. LOL.
  5. 1. Whats the difference between a yellow "targeting" line and a red one? 2. Engineers and Flamethrowers... how do you guys move these buggers up without them having to hit the dirt constantly? seems like if i had an enemy postion beat down bad enough to be able to move these guys into place safely i wouldnt need them! lol 3. How do HQ units effect battle? Morale bonuses and such i assume? 4. What is the proper use of "spotter" type units? 5. if there is FAQ explaning this stuff point me to it so you dont have to waste time on my idiot questions. 6. Yes im still just playing the demo thanks again Detroit Guy
  6. WARNING: NON GAME TOPIC WARNING WARNING LOL I've been an Americal Civil War buff for about 10 years or so and im pretty well read on the subject as well as american history in general. But i'm fairly clueless about WWII in terms of the actual battles/progression of the war itself. I've read quite a bit about the EFFECTS of the war on world politics and such, but not much on the war itself. (Similar to the way i originally became interested in the Civil War) For "newbies" to Civil War era history i usually suggest that they start out with a really good overall Documentary on the subject (Ken Burns - The Civil War) and then follow that up with a book that covers the whole war (Battle Cry of Freedom by Ambrose or T.C.W by Caxton) Does anyone have any suggestions like this for me on WWII? Is there any WWII documentary series that is considered to be "the best" or some such? (Emotional Impact over facts and dates for newbies is best IMHO) And then followed by a page-turner WWII overall book? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks Detroit Guy
  7. LOL, 100% responses of "looks fine to me". My concerns are completely unfounded. What an idiot i am for thinking that this site is sub par (to be polite). Again, its not the end of the world. I think im going to just not bother voicing any concerns other than in game stategy issues/ interface questions. Basicly a waste of my breath. no harm done, Detroit Guy P.S. My little brother (age 26) is available for work fairly cheap if you guys wana fire the janitor and hire a professional web guy to run the site. LOL.
  8. The game seems great. The community seems friendly/Helpful. But this website! Yikes! Looks like something my little brother made in his sleep (on a *bad* day) Suprising that any game would have this poor of a website, much less the fact that this is BattleFront's OVERALL site, not just for CM. Really could use some serious work in just about every aspect. (except maybe the message board, which was desgined by a third party anyhow) This isnt a true "bitch" message, as i dont think its detracts to much from the overall game experience. But given the importance of a strong web presence nowadays i would think they would have at least ONE employee working on the site as his nearly full time job. (if they do, and this is what hes come up with, i hope he is a temp or is on the "soon to be let go" list) LOL Soon to Be Flamed by purists, Detroit Guy
  9. In prior games , (StarCraft,Sid Meijer Civil War games,Age of Empires, ect) i was of the opinion that if the game allows it (within reason) then it is fair game. As im still playing the demo i dont yet have an opinion really on the subject but i like discussions like this
  10. Thanks for the info gang! What i like about games with smaller followings as opposed the games by major publishers, is that the community behind the "smaller" games have far less "Coo D00Dz" and other jerk archtypes in and around them. A welcome change to the Diablo/EverQuest/Ultima/StarCraft/AoK crowds. Detroit Guy
  11. Unless there is one single country that is "better" than the others... also seems like , in the demo anyhow.. that tanks are king.. is this historicly acurate? D Guy
  12. Unless there is one single country that is "better" than the others... also seems like , in the demo anyhow.. that tanks are king.. is this historicly acurate? D Guy
  13. Maybe if you agreed to play Single-Country setups. Seems like at such a small scale as this game, that all US or all German ect skirmishes (if you can call it that) would be in the 99 percentile (historicaly) as from what few books i've read on WWII combat, most of the combined actions (US-British, ect) seemed to come with larger scale actions. If that made any sense. Detroit Guy
  14. Right now im still playing the Demo version, but for right now i think thats fine, as im still learning the "ropes" of the game. What im wondering is what is the standard fog of war setting that people use in a Player VS Player match? Full i assume? Any types of attacks or anything that are considered "bad sportsmanship"? Just wondering, kinda wana practice against the computer with whatever the "normal" enviorment would be. Detroit Guy
  15. Thanks for the clarification guys! the units themselves are historical but the formations may not be. I only dabbled in things like Squad Leader (board game) and other Avlon hill stuff, so my "hardcore wargamer" creditials are fairly limited. Basicly warhammer 40k is my old standby. (Military Sci-Fi tabletop miniatures game) In 40k you start with a points value (2000 points for example) and you build your army before the game with these points. While "thougher" units cost more points, it became clear early on that there were several "broken" combinations of units that lead to imbalances in gameplay and made more than one army a "trick" army. This leading to many a heated debate as to what was good play and what was a "cheesy army" i guess it'll be the same here... (heads out to order up a copy of the full version)
  16. please note: Patriot missile just an example, no one stated anything about patriot missiles in the fourms. I think it had to do with airborne units and other infantry "choices" that where non-historical
  17. OOPS !! Remind me to open my friggin eyes more often... *hangs head in shame* After noticing that the game is for sale right here on the site. Yes, its offical i am a dumb-cough! Detroit Guy
  18. I've been reading in the fourms that there are non-historical units in Combat Mission. I dont know enough about WWII hardware and troop formations to notice the difference, unless I see Patriot missles being fired off. I would guess you can choose just "not to use them"But it seems bad form to have non-historical units in a game like this. Hardcore gamers play this kinda stuff partly for historical "feel". Comments? Detroit Guy (yes i am the same guy that has yet to buy the full version, LOL)
  19. Hi, I played the Demo verson close to a year ago, and the game looked fun, but i was heavy into Warhammer 40k and the Sid Meijer Civil War games at the time so i held off on getting a copy of the game. Since then i've come back to the demo, really seems fun, but i've checked Best Buy, Comp USA, various "game finder" thingies such as the one at gamespot.com to find combat mission on the internet. As yet no luck. Where can i get this game? Detroit Guy
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