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Posts posted by Splash

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redeker:

    I'm not sure your question was answered, so here goes...

    The bow machine gun is fired by the co-driver/radio operator. It's mounted on the front hull of the tank, and can be swung in a limited arc side to side and up and down. Thus, it is limited to firing the same general direction the tank is pointed, much like a Stug's main gun.

    The coaxial machine gun is fired by the gunner, who also aims and fires the main armament. This gun is mounted in sync with the main gun (i.e., coaxially) so that the gunner can use the same sight as he uses for the main gun - he just pulls a different trigger if the target in the crosshairs is a truck instead of a tank.

    The flexible (or AA) mount is on the top of the tank, and is fired by the tank commander. On most tanks, this can only be done when the tank is unbuttoned, thereby making the tank commander vulnerable to return fire. On many tanks, this machine gun has a 360 degree traverse and significant elevation, facilitating its use as an anti-aircraft weapon. On most American WWII era tanks, this gun was a .50 caliber browning, whereas the other two MGs were both .30 caliber.

    Thus, an unbuttoned Sherman can engage three targets simultaneously: one with the bow MG (but it can fire only in the same general direction that the tank hull is pointed); one with the main armament and coaxial MG (but only in the direction that the turret is pointed, and note that these two weapons are "slaved" together so they must fire at the exact same target); and the flexible or AA machine gun can fire in any direction at any target, but only at the risk of the tank commander getting hit and making the whole crew shocked.

    I hope this helps.


    Loud and clear Redeker



  2. Reporting in on the Mighty Mouse Olympics:

    Splash (G) Pfc Dunsel (F) Turn 17

    Well I guess we were having too much fun or Unt Lumbach ate too many hotdogs cause Pfc Dunsel's AFV rose over a hill exactly where expected and popped Unt Lumbach in the middle of a chuckle or was that a burp I heard.

    Anyways Dunsel's 50 cal opened up and Lumbach buttoned up but forgot he had to shoot back or aim for that matter. I guess the mountain air made him a bit giddy.

    Presently we're readying for Pfc Dunsel's turn on the downhill - we've got a great view!


    Pfc Dunsel we feel like this is a reprise - an inevitable is about to happen -- you must come and visit us, you will come and visit us because well... because we have all the hotdogs.

    Bring our stopwatches back when you decide your ready will you.

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:

    More results from the GV Newbies:

    Walker (French) defeated Chad 'Harrison' (German) by a score of 51-49 in Mighty Mouse.

    Due to unusual circumstances, both players have agreed to play a tie-breaker. This scenario will determine the winner.

    [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: SuperTed ]<hr></blockquote>

    Does you both proud! Very nice AAR too - doesn't give a thing away by the by or at least nothing that simple addition wouldn't answer.

  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lah:

    Another time saver for plotting movement is clicking on a waypoint then pressing the spacebar to change it.<hr></blockquote>

    For MAC all you have to do after to change a waypoint is clicking it then pressing the M(ove) or R(un). No need to bring up the movement menu.

  5. Reporting in as ordered!

    Splash (G) vs. Pfc Dunsel (F) Turn 11

    Mighty Mouse Olympics

    Well its been air traffic control time trying to find a useful position for the teeming hoard of cars we seemed to have deserved.

    Finally we decided to draw lots as to who got to have the first kill. There were so many choices and I misjudged the straws lengths and there was a tie! My god I thought they were going to shoot each other! I said "No problems! Pfc Dunsel's got so many sitting out there just take two."

    So the 2 of 'em had a race to the top of the hill -- they musta been doing 40 - nearly bounced themselves out-- and we popped two! Thanks Pfc Dunsel, that was fun!

    Admittedly Pfc Dunsel seemed to have second thoughts and he shot some of my men -- they were on the other side with stop watches timing to see who's shell hit first.

    They kept the watches I noticed.

    We also got a gander at those Frenchies testing to see how far a bazooka team could run and still be ineffective. Quite far really.

    Sorry gotta dash and splash.

    See you at the front.

  6. OK Boys with Ted gone for a few days we need somebody to liven this thread up and at least attempt to keep it from going to the second page.

    I notice alot of games have been finished and no reports!

    DL and Humus! 2 games complete and no reports? Shame! DL we'd love to hear you preen but even more Humus we'd love to hear you groan.

    It's fun.

    Witko and Toran29! What happened in Mighty Mouse?

    What brillant maneuver illicited such a grand score for you Witko?

    Torn29 what was in that bony head of yours?

    Everyone report in now and leave a nice New Years gift for SuperTed- That's an order soldier!

  7. Your welcome Ted.

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:

    That's not as foolproof as you might think. Using the "Withdraw" command comes at a heavy price. The units are at a MUCH greater risk of breaking.<hr></blockquote>

    Yah perhaps I overstated it a lot but as newlife pointed out - NOT noticing it until you wanted to use it had serious consequences.

    As a disengagment weapon going forward into safety it was very effective and I was able to throw these squads back into the fray on the next turn -- they remained in command range at all times (broadly speaking).

    I did notice that on turn 1 (I used it to get my Reg's moving immediately) they started in an alerted state but that didn't last.

    I would imagine it would've been different if they ran smack into enemy fire. smile.gif

  8. CRACK! (my knuckles)

    Presently Pfc Dunsel and I are in the midst of turn 7 with not a shot fired. Intelligence is at a premium so "Loose Lips Sink Ships".

    However I do not believe that is the case of BM'sB.

    Nevertheless I'll be somewhat cryptic.

    So here is my AAR for the Poles:

    I am here to admit that I am a... oh sorry I thought this was AA for a moment.

    First orders were to get everyone to rally somewhere in the middle of the map- maybe 100 metres short of centre-- rest up, then move off up my right flank. I was assuming a parity of forces and I figured if Pfc Dunsel also did this we were basically at square one again-- and if I moved right we would nick each other at most. If he didn't rally- the advantage was mine because I should be able to take him piecemeal.

    Admittedly a skilled execution was required and more infantry skill then I was fully able to deliver.

    The first 8 moves had the troops confidence in their leader shaken -- about 18 men were shot with friendly fire and several taken out by sharpy plus 1 sharpy of mine was dead (they didn't blame me for that but I did!).

    I had identified one platoon off to my right (with the dead sharpy) of unknown type so I knew he hadn't rallied. However due to Pfc Dunsel's most excellent sharp shooter (who survived blast him!) he had identified 2 platoons and probably suspected more. This was all by the end of the 2nd turn.

    By Turn 3 end my final platoon arrived-- quite tired-- and so did a squad of Pfc Dunsel's at about 10 o'clock! I'm gonna have to fight here!

    With Dunsel's platoon showing up I was constrained in spreading out and set up a very clumsy trap which sprung well short and by end of turn 4 Pfc Dunsel's 1/2 squad (it turned out) was hidden and I was very frustrated.

    I had the wisdom to begin bringing my left flank sharpy over -as it turned out - to in behind his 1/2 squad and also identified a squad moving down past my left flank to (I assumed) swing in.

    So that was something.

    Turn 5

    I knew I had to hit hard -NOW!- and not stop till the whole platoon was gone. I had the power.

    So I made the most educational move of my (albeit short) career with CM and promptly swallowed that 1/2 squad at a cost of 15 men! Stupid oh stupid me!

    But the light went on and the game suddenly opened up for me.(THANK YOU TED!)

    If I was going to lose it was going to be with a SPLASH!

    During this turn most of the rest of Pfc Dunsel's platoon moved in from the right and left.

    I am guessing that it was here that Pfc Dunsel got a taste of off battle grazing fire (it was brutal thoughout our fracas and probably accounts for 1/2 the causalties-- (those bullets spun a long ways!))-- as his PHQ showed up dead and I never saw him live.

    It was here also that I sent my left flank sharpy back where he came from to spot for what I thought would be fast moving troops coming to the rescue.

    I didn't let him sneak.

    Turn 6&7!

    It was here finally, that I had positive ID on troop type and this knowledge freed me up quite a bit.

    I had prepared for the arrival of the squad on my left flank (and I guess they didn't like what they were tasting because they left) but the rest of the platoon came in around 1:00 and I was set up for a 3:00 arrival--waiting for Dunsel's other platoon that had killed my right flank sharpy. So they were in good shape (it seemed to me) and it was my policy to kill everyone! So I hit him hard.

    I thought I had a bit of time on my left flank (for the arrival of his support) so I sent a platoon chasing the shy guys on my left and brought my 3:00 due north into the side of his other position and it completely disappeared. Somewhere at the end of this turn Pfc Dunsel's left flank platoon arrived and tagged my right flank (now out of position) and tagged it even heavier in turn 7.

    Meanwhile on the left my sharpy ran right into Dunsel's support platoon hiding in the woods. I am assuming that they had just arrived 5 sec's before me. Anyways, what with my left flank chasing the shy guys and my sharpy due north Pfc Dunsel's whole right flank lite up like a neon blub and it was a heartening sight! The cost for this information was my sharpy and a full squad of reg's for maybe 5 dead.

    Turn 8 thru 10

    I loved these moves. I really didn't know if it was going to work or if I'd win or lose but I loved these moves. THANK YOU TED!

    The secret weapon in this scenario is the forward retreat! Never seen it before and probably never see it again so read 'em and weep. It means you can attack instantly!

    My position sat with my left flank engaged with one platoon and my right engaged with the another platoon and the bulk of my forces sitting in the middle with an all clear up the middle.

    Now you would think that last remaining squad of Pfc Dunsel's first platoon would be a somewhat quailed being. Not a bit --promptly put one squad in a premanent panic (Sgt. Polak) and fought bravely to the last man. So this left flank attack cost me 2 squads for 1! Altho Sgt Polak made it home with 1/2 his men. No matter, here's another one-- and it began engaging with Dunsel's 2nd platoon at great cost.

    My right flank I put into a withdraw to 12:00 which cost 10 causalties all other remaining able bodies ran 12:00 then turn in at 9:00 forming a front line behind Pfc Dunsel's second platoon and with the exit (finally) safely at our back. I had Pfc Dunsels 2nd platoon squeezed between the remains of my left flank and the newly formed front line now behind him.

    The next turns would be GO moves (chinese chess).

    Pfc Dunsel's 3rd platoon in hot pursuit into the rear of my left flank and me pushing them forward to kill the second platoon and form up on my front line and turn to face the final tired but fighting fresh platoon cutting into their backs. My command stucture was in tatters, one PHQ gone - 1 with 2 - 2 with 1 remaining -and 2 hits to my CHQ!

    All the other turns:

    I managed to form up my lines and all that remained of Pfc Dunsel's 2nd platoon was 1 man ( I don't know how he survived).

    Both he and I were exhausted and with the added twist of his CHQ turning up behind me causing all kinds of mayhem! I think he was pretty scared too!

    And he got away but then so did I.

    Thank you Pfc Dunsel for a great game and I will say it again:

    The computer gods were smiling upon me. I owe it all to them.

    [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Splash ]</p>

  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Walker:

    After a no-contact Blind Man's Bluff scenario Chad and I are now into MightyMouse turn 9 with no hostile activity recorded. That makes 29 turns without a shot fired! Is this a record or is this a record?

    Chris Walker<hr></blockquote>

    Sounds murky -- I think we need to hear from Chad -- mebbe his story will shed some light on the situation. Should be an interesting report!

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pfc. Dunsel:

    AAR Report, Blind Man's Bluff, Splash vs Pfc. Dunsel

    Well done, Splash. And thank you, Super Ted.

    Over & Out,

    Pfc. Dunsel<hr></blockquote>

    Well that was really nice (sniff) and I would like to fill out an AAR that does justice to the terror Pfc Dunsel filled me with - however what appears to be missing so far are REPORTS FROM THE FRONT LINES.

    Where are those intrepid reporters? Front line photographers? Confessionals from the grunt? Obsessional Generals?

    THIS IS WORLD WAR II, BOYS! Command headquarters wants reports, soldier!

    Anybody who wants to second this motion, please do. tongue.gif

  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

    Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? t...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).<hr></blockquote>

    Ooo SuperTed -- I'm so evil


  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YankeeDog:

    Just a gentle reminder - some of these AARs are coming dangerously close to revealing information that may help (or hurt) people still playing scenarios. Remember - even revealing what kind of units you have can be giving away valuable intelligence to somone still playing the scenario.<hr></blockquote>

    Gentle yes and we appreciate it. But as this is also a learning experience I am going to blow this wide open.

    Within the first 10 posts it was known that the allies were not just Poles but Polish Airborn.

    Within the next 10 it came out the axis with those pansy boys with big guns.

    If you go to the unit tables and points all is revealed. Once the type is known it is easy to determine strength by comparing point cost.

    Personally (just for my own sensibilities) I ignored the intel until I personally identified my first pansy boy - but once identified i knew exactly how many were out there.

    In one respect CM is not about realism. If it were real you wouldn't come to the fight relatively even handed (if you could help it).

    Now for Mighty Mouse it is known that Axis sport Puma's (there I said it again -- we need a whistle smiley - I'd use that alot!)

    part of the fun is telling and not telling so let me pronounce (in speculative mode only) that the allies are those wimpy tail between the legs thingy mabobs. Ooww so fast and quick and pretty but sooo wimpy.

    I see an HE prob with this but I'll get back to you once I consult my graphs and Pfc Dunsel's pitching from the mound.

  13. Now boys,

    I know SuperTed has not asked for this specifically but it would be nice if you brought in some reports from your (very) distant battles.

    It makes me feel very lonely -- no memorials, no rituals, no preening...

    Where's the jousting? The ale? Flags waving? Hearty claps on the backs? Nay, even hearty cyber handshakes (apart from Teds)?

    Have we truly arrived at this paltry display of Newbie avidity?

    I think I'm gonna start crying...

  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:


    I believe casualties are tracked throughout the course of the scenario and a formula is used to determine the number of KIAs. In all likelihood, there is some variation in the the formula, so the same numbers are not always generated.

    The scenario will end if both sides reach a certain low global morale level. I always thought it was 15%, but yours was 22% and Pfc. Dunsel's was 17%. So, it must be "around" 20%.<hr></blockquote>

    Sorry Ted I'm going to be a bit of a dog with a bone -

    I gather what you are saying is that formula is applied at the end of the game to determine KIA?

    What struck me about Pfc Dunsel and I was the high casualty count on my part (it strikes me as quite a bit higher (% wise) than Pfc Dunsel's) yet the higher kill ratio on my part. Wouldn't this be explained by local caculation (as it were)?

    Now this speaks to realism and worthy of a comment (not necessarily from you Ted - nor here and now)

    In action ( I would imagine I hasten to add) you pretty well know 95% of the time whether your buddy next to you is wounded or dead - yet here tis a mystery!

    With regards game ending --could it also be that if the loser exits first - what's left?

    But of course-- morale plummets as men leave the battle map!

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