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Everything posted by Ignus

  1. I have the first game, but didn't really get into it that much. However, the time I did put into it I loved. After reading what this game had to offer as well as all of the improvements, I just HAD to purchase it. Just thought I'd let you all know that I am an official convert and am very much looking forward for this game in arriving.
  2. You know, I just bought this game from Battlefront and must say I love it. It's so simple, so easy to use, and it comes with so many reference materials that I can't believe that there are not more people playing. Not only is there a lot of reference materials, but all 210 or so pages of the manual and tutorial are on the disk and can be read with Adobe Acrobat. That may detour some people, but let me say, it's a lot easier navigating. In addition, there are actual photos for most units in the game if you want to check out what a Leopard looks like for instance. Anybody feel the same way as I? Where are all the TacOps people? Ignus
  3. I haven't read any material on CM2. Will the new game incorporate units in the same way? Will one soldier represent many like in the first game or are the enhancements purely graphic? Ignus
  4. I'm sorry I upset some of you. I am so used to replacing computer components within minutes without a hitch. Afterall, that's what I do for a living. The fact remains, however, that the upgrade process is inevitable. I recently upgraded to an AMD T-Bird 900 with a Geforce 2 and 128 megs of RAM. I feel as if there has been a big weight lifted from my shoulders. I no longer have to worry about requirements and recommendations as I now have a computer that will run EVERYTHING. Intel has a 1.7 GHZ chip out there now. That doesnn't mean everyone should run out and buy one, but I've found that a good indication of when to upgrade is when about 50% of games/programs recommendations fall beyond what I have. If I start to fall behind in required specs, then I'm in trouble. The longer I wait, the more money I end up spending. My overall point to all this is that owning a PC these days requires you to upgrade about once a year (to be conservative) in one way or another. Technology is moving so fast that we don't really have a choice. The game developers are STILL not creating the games they could with the power we possess. And if you have a laptop, then you're pretty much screwed. Unless your laptop is business related, you shouldn't have bought one. That is all I deal with everyday and they're overblown, overpriced, non-upgradeable, overheating pieces of crap. If you have a laptop issued from work, then you don't have a right to bitch cuz unless your a game tester, it's probably not supported anyway. Cheerio.. Ignus
  5. You took the words right out of my mouth.. People talking about being die-hard fans and how could the company let us down with these requirments etc. etc. I mean no offense to any of you, but that is the main reason that PC game developers don't FULLY utilize what the PC can do. Some of you are afraid to spend $100.00 on a 3D card. I bought a Geforce 2 MX 32 meg video card for that price and it was a breeze to hook up. If more people did this, we'd see much better games hit the market. Not simply games that cater to the 133 Mhz users with an 8 meg video card.. Ignus
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