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Everything posted by stieli

  1. Can I change the intro music in CMAK, like in CMBB and CMBO? I tried to put a new wav-file in, but all I get is a "screech". Apparently the song is played "superfast".
  2. Nope, "Down in Flames" (the card game and I suppose the computer game, too) is not at all like "Ace of Aces". Those book games were abstract versions of the good old hex based board games (like "Over the Reich!" or "Battle of Britain". If you don't know them, have a look at them! Brilliant games, still being sold by "Clash of Arms".) In "Ace of Aces" you "plot" a move (i.e., select a manouvre), at the same time your opponent plots a move and then the manouvres are executed simultaneously by "the system" (i.e., the books). If you would care for, you could play that on a board and follow the manouvres hex by hex. In "Down in Flames" (the card game) unfortunately you don't have this feeling of tactical movement. You can't plan your moves as in "Ace of Aces". You just use randomly drawn cards as they fit. You don't get the feeling of "If I move there and he moves there, I might be in a position to shoot." It's more like "I play a "scissors card" and hope that he does not have "barrel roll". I consider that less of a simulation, but still: The feeling of fast paced dog-fighting is nicely re-created! So I am definetely looking forward to see how they convert that into a comuter game.
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