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Posts posted by Redmow

  1. ***SPOILER ON PROKHOROVKA BATTLE***Playing the Prokhorovka scenario (finale) and had a tense moment happen. Very tense.

    Three PzIV's and 4 Marder III's advanced up the north side of the playing area unmolested in order to support the main thrust from the flank. Half way up the map the support group stopped and realigned for a flank advance on the next objective (around turn 5 or 6).

    I clicked the end turn button and whammo, sitting in the midst of my group was 3 T-34's and 4 T-70's (or was that T-60's?). This sucked. My PzIV's had their butts pointing at the T-34's and their flanks to the little Russian tanks. But right behind the Russians sat my Marder III's.

    I gave the PzIV's orders to blast the little guys while the Marder III's were to blast the T-34's at point blank range. At the end of the crazy battle, I lost only 1 Marder III and destroyed all the Russian reinforcements.

    Now for some help...I want to take a picture and post it here but I don't know how...can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance...I will keep looking thru the manual while waiting.

    [ February 23, 2003, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: Redmow ]

  2. Nothing that I know of. I do know what you mean though. Playing the Prokhorovka scenario and one of my Tigers bogged on the way to the front. Luckily I could reverse to get the tank out of that ground and continue on. I don't know if their experience has anything to do with their ability to un-bog. That was the third tank to bog by the way. The other two are lost dangit. smile.gif

  3. Hey, everyone. Finally back. I was here long ago with the first game but I am back for the Barbarossa game. I can't wait to get my greasy fingers on it. Just ordered it. Meanwhile I am playing Advanced Tobruk boardgame which I love and will wait patiently for the game to get here. Well not so patiently. Later.

  4. Awesome...I just loved taking my panzers across the rolling plains. Sheesh, makes me realize how vital a small depression can be. I am not too good at armored combat and those pesky Russian AT's took out 3 PzIII's before they could speed into a depression...I had the 5 PzIV's providing overwatch/protective fire but the AT's were in a position that they couldn't see...I thought I had them at a point where they could provide cover fire. For you tank grognards out there, was I doing this in the correct manner? One unit of tanks advance at speed to the next depression while another covers...leap frog? Well, off to try it again. Later.

  5. Could also be a very simple yet annoying problem. When you play games alot on the net, does it lock up on you frequently? Check which download type you chose...I believe it asked for high speed or low speed. Forgive me if it didn't ask that, I download alot of crap...except this, this is good crap. Hehe. Sounds like you have a possible noisey line also. Any storms recently? Oh, choose low speed and try it again if it did give that choice. Later.

  6. When purchasing a whole battalion or company you get the baggage with it. Something else to try is to buy by the platoons. Yeah, you will lose the company commander but then again you will save on points and be able to purchase other things. Some of the platoons come without any support weapons. Try mixing your units (platoons) with vet and reg. That will give you some hard hitting troops and still save ya points. Later.

  7. If you are playing against a live opponent, what I tend to do is keep it hidden thru most of the game....till that mad dash for victory flags comes around. Then you should know of the enemy's tank strength or gun strength and their location. I play Germans all the time and usually have a Wespe hidden like that until the last couple of turns. By then, I tend to have eliminated most if not all of the enemy's heavy weapons and my platoons are still at a considerable strength, though my enemy thinks he dealt me a heavy blow with his arty...but how I do that is my secret...have the enemy pound you where you want him to pound you. Fidgety players will fall for it every time. Heheh. But thats my secret. But anyway....I hold out my Wespe until the endgame. Later. :rolleyes:

  8. I have done searches myself and find info, but no maps. Cant remember the sites but I just did a search on WWII,topographical maps but am still searching myself. And that quote from Samuel Adams is SO true. Love it. Does SUV's come to mind? Cell phones? Cig's? Defense Initiative? We have become a nation of peoples easily bribed of giving up our freedoms for security. Later. :(

  9. "The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America, to be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival, commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty from one end of the Continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore. You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, the blood, and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration and support and defend these states; yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory; that the end is worth all the means; that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even though we shall rue it, which I trust in God we shall not." -speech given by John Adams on the 2nd of July, 1776 before Congress. smile.gif

  10. Your friend must be mistaken or he is exaggerating...snipers are not trained to be used so flippantly. They are trained to slowly (over the course of hours upon hours) make their way to a sniping position (which is not obvious but would increase chances of success) for a definite kill without being detected. Their targets tend to be of high priority (expensive to train these guys...not to be used in flippant, wasteful manners). High commanders, political figures or just plain extremely dangerous people. On the battlefield, they are trained to creep into enemy territory and stake their target out for the right moment...their target being a divisional commander or higher. Snipers are attached personnel. They tend to be at the command of Corp leaders or higher. The future of sniping is grisly...smart bullets with a monofilament wire that can be guided long distances by the firer...even laser guided bullets(requires a team of snipers). Tank killing bullets that can also be guided in similar ways. Their is even talk in certain military circles that the tank will one day become obsolete. But that is another discussion. Later.

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