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Everything posted by sukhoi

  1. I always said.. Prepare for Doom (family, time, job,..) another victim..
  2. welocome to hell say goodye to ordinary life and be prepare for divorce or something
  3. Just don't buy this game, Because If you buy this game, you must ruin everything, family, work, life itself!(Like me) I don't wanna make another vicitim of this game like me..Well I must go because I must finish my another 100th mission. (Combat mission = True real wargame ever)
  4. Just don't buy this game, Because If you buy this game, you must ruin everything, family, work, life itself!(Like me) I don't wanna make another vicitim of this game like me..Well I must go because I must finish my another 100th mission. (Combat mission = True real wargame ever)
  5. welcome aboard! I hate this game because I can't stop playing this game for months or years!^^ And there are too many mods mods and mods whooa! Just don't forget to say goodbye to your ordinary life (I forgot and my mom call 119(korean 911 ^^) Welcome!
  6. Wow! Thanks for replies! I really enjoy this game. I mean I begin to afraid if CM2 appear so late then my life would be ruied this christmas.. Plz Remeber BIGTIME! ^^; HAHA so please keep up the good work, BIGTIME software! and SCIPIO, Don't blame the pope but yourself. Because of your greatest sound mod I can't stop playing this game. You made My mom said My room sounds like hell (^^) I'm really happy that now in 21st century all the world's boys(or girls, who call them proudly grognard! V ^^ m)gather and share their war tactics and compete each other without killing but share the friendships etc.(Who could imagine this things will happen? Guderian?) My favoriate side is of course mighty U.S Army.(But not in front of that tiger! ^^) Of course I will play the german side after I finished hunting some tiger and panthers.. I really like to see that M4s strrugle to survive in front of that KING tiger. I am really looking forward to seeing the next CM series. Just Imagine the future, CM5 - Pacific front! Whooa! Well thanks for replies and enjoy your game, BYE! V ^^ V --------------------------------------------- Not war, Just Wargames! -Grognards Especially CM!- sukhoi ^^
  7. Whooa! I waited this game for almost 2 month in korea and finally I got it! I live in korea and I played a computer wargame since Mech brigade in apple II, Until I got this game, my best wargames are OPART, CC3, V for victory or Rising sun etc (I was very suprised that The maker of CM is exactly the same company of my favoriate masterpiece game 'Fligt commander'! ^^) but I must admit this game rules! I'm sure this game will change the standard of future wargames and I really enjoy this cyber war(Frankly speaking, I think this is not a game, it is just war itself!(You must add some mod..though I hate war ^^) In my country there is so few wargamer or grognards but they begin to talk about this CM is 'Great' or 'New standard' etc. I can't wait another CM2 so please keep up the great work. one question Is there any option to change hi-res or low- res? Great work! I wanna preorder CM5! HAHA BYE! V ^^ m
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