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Posts posted by White4

  1. Mid game sitrep for Blood and Steel -

    spoiler alert!













    I think I have defeated the wave of Stuarts and the remains of Leta's recon screen of jeep MGs and armored cars. Early on I was reminded just how deadly the Stuarts are to MkIVs, and lost several MkIVs in close range shootouts (stuarts reloading and firing twice as fast as my MkIVs) as we both tried to sneak through the wadis. His was a coordinated attack on both flanks that cost me 3 MkIVs to 1 stuart! After that, I stuck to overwatching from way far away with hulldown MkIVs while I tried wide flanking movements to the left and to the right. Leta tried a flank attack inside my right flank with 6 stuarts and 1 AC, and I have just managed to destroy (I think!) the last vehicle in that attack by fire from 3 sides, but have had to expose my flanking attacks. He has just shown up a dense mass of shermies and TDs on my far right flank (in actuality his board edge, what, like 4 km from mine!). It is still VERY much anyone's game, as we both vie for position and concentration of fire.


    This scenario really brings out the best and worst of individual tank types! Absolutely fabulous! We even had a bit of an infantry assault when one of my crews running for cover encountered one of Leta crews occupying the cover!

  2. Ha ha! I have cleverly waited until my opponent (Leta)posted his AAR! All his tactics are revealed to me! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! The field will be littered with smoking wrecks!

    Sadly, most of those are mine...

    Anyway, my AAR of MM vs Von Vinga.

    Like most german players of MM, I saw the big hill in the immediate vicinty very tempting. Everyone sprinted towards it, with the crew served weapons riding the pumas. Reinforcing pumas came along to. I set up a reverse slope defense, and then crept a plt ldr over the ridge for a look see. WHOA! 4 greyhounds standing shoulder to shoulder in the central clearing! What a temptation! Cackling evilly I sent all 12 of my pumas to hunt up the hill, hopefully stopping in hull down while they wreak a fearful vengeance upon the poor greyhounds. I watch the movie..things look good...BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Greyhounds burning! But wait! There's 4 more greyhounds to the far left! I lose 4 pumas in quick succession, taking only 1 greyhound in response. Knashing my teeth, the pumas slide back behind the hill as I curse Lady Luck. I then pop 3 pumas on the far right, masked from the EVIL greyhounds, and successfully take out the last greyhound on my right. He now has 4 greyhounds on the right and 2 hidden in the middle to my 7. Muahahahaha!!

    AND NOW FOR A CUNNING PLAN. Since I am the epitome of bold, rash, and foolish manuvering, I quickly charge 4 pumas around on the far right, to capitalize on no greyhounds left. Infantry? BAH!! We spit on infantry, especially French!!

    The remaining 3 pumas wait for the last 4 greyhounds to reappear. My 4 pumas, dust flying, charge around a corner, and POP POP two greyhound explode! The crowd rejoices! Beer all around! The following turn sees the 4 remaining greyhounds hurtle into the middle of the board, set up to cross over a hill and into my 4 puma's guns. But whats this? He's exposing his flanks to my 3 pumas left behind! Woot! I do a premature victory dance as my pumas open up on the unsuspecting greyhounds. But no! The greyhounds, AKA THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE, with eagle eye sight and clairvoyance, defty dodge out of my initial salvo and procede to destroy all 3 pumas with no losses in a terrifying exchange of fire.

    Shaken, I look to see how my 4 pumas behind the lines are doing. Curses! My pumas have edged to close to a suspicious patch of rocks, and now a frenchy bazooka man sits up! Unfazed by the machine gun fire parting his hair, he fires 3 rounds in quick succession (obviously he had his morning bottle of port) and destroys 3 of my pumas! I slump in the chair..I have 1 puma left. Alas, for even that is not to be. A dastardly French 50 cal gunner decides to turn my last puma into swiss cheese as it attempts to reach a fold in the ground. Shaken, but not stirred, my troops brace themselves for the onslaught, but the game ends before the frenchies can come to grips with my infantry. The french win.

  3. Mid game sitrep for Blood and Steel..

    White4 vs Leta


    Dearest Fraulien. I write to you among the vast rolling hills and scattered trees of ***DELETED*** The day has gone on for an eternity and we have not seen any sign of the enemies of the Fatherland. The 5th Vast Fleet of Recon Vehicles pleads for more gas, as they are almost dry. The 24th Even More Vast Fleet of Recon Vehicles has paused due to exhaustion. The dust billows up from the fields as we strain through our binoculars. We hope the main body is not too far behind as we venture deeper into this desolate country..

  4. Excellent tourney! The missions are very impressive, in that its not another set piece battle with the obligatory 1 this, and 1 that, etc. Effective use of terrain and nature where it needs to be, not just thrown in because "it would look cool." The two scenarios we are playing right now require completely different tactics from each other, which makes waiting for the turns to come in nearly unbearable.

    I know I'm going to be trying to get into any of the future tournaments run by SuperTed (hey, I know a good thing when I see it).But best of all, I met an opponent who made me sweat blood and tears EACH AND EVERY TURN. And he has already accept a challenge for a QB PBEM...

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