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Posts posted by tecumseh

  1. I got an easy win placing a line of ATGs at the rear of the woods around the first flag, all pointing across the map, for flank shots. I also got 5 tanks with infantry, and that was that.

    Playing as axis, the AI placed it's guns along the foward slope behind the field, and in various other places along the rear of the map. They were devastating there, coz I couldn't spot them to return fire. I rushed a Pz III along the road to contest the crossroads flag on turn 45, and I could just hear this continous ATG fire and it got hit about 30 times. But I crawled the crew to the flag and won it! Gamey bastard

  2. I'm thinking with EFOW an attacker should get something extreme like +100%, while with regular FOW the points should be similar to CMBO. Of course this is just conjecture - because I haven't seen the real game - but I do know that if some noob wants to beat wreck or swamp, october is the month to do it! For a while, QB players are going to be winning games on settings and picks before the map has even loaded.

    [ September 05, 2002, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: tecumseh ]

  3. Originally posted by Kuma of Finland:

    About paths and tanks: my guess is that the size of the tank affects to the passing such a path between two different types of forest.

    These corridors are quite complex things. If there is a long straight boundary between woods and pines, the gap is too small for vehicles to pass through. But in complex "checkerboard" type patterns with shorter boundaries there are gaps of varying sizes, which seem to permit certain vehicles through (based on silhouette maybe?).

    My only advice is that the narrower it looks, the narrower it is! If there is a bit in the middle of the corridor where it looks like the two tree textures touch, nothing will get through.

    [ September 05, 2002, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: tecumseh ]

  4. Originally posted by Shosties4th:

    A fair portion of the traffic in the new CMBB section is taken up by the 'Tips and Tricks' kind of Q&A and debate over tactics and the new commands.

    It seems to be to be mainly whining, flaming, arguing, lecturing, teasing, bragging and penging. It would be nice if the t&t forum was free of all this crap, and stayed a place for friendly discussion on how to become a better CM player, whether you're member number 10,000 or 50. I am hoping JasonC and redwolf and others are quietly mastering the demo so they can return and start some interesting discussions.

    On topic, I don't think there needs to be 2 forums. After September there will be few posts on CMBO.

  5. The main forum has gone to the dogs lately. Hopefully t&t will start filling with lots of great threads on how to best use the new features and the impact it will have on all us gamey bastards


    From what you've seen from the demo, would you accept an attack/defence QB as attacker with extreme fog of war ON? With no penalties/bonuses?

    It would seem to me to be bloody hard. I played Citadel again last night against the AI and it lined up all it's AT guns along the back of the map and just peppered my panzers from long range. They fired 100+ times and I never ONCE spotted any of them. I got a measly draw. I'd hate to think what my score would have been if the AI had cherry-picked it's forces from the whole soviet arsenal.

    I'd really like to hear an AAR from a human-human game with efow on. Was it possible to win as axis? I notice that axis get a +200 points bonus for the scenario, which would help.

    Of course I am not complaining, because I have never had such fun against the AI ever. Actually, it felt realistic to the point of being quite upsetting :(


  6. Originally posted by Bruce70:

    As a side issue I found that the graphics don't seem to do a very good a job of showing elevation from higher camera angles on that map..

    It is easy to change the terrain files to make the altitude more obvious. Open them up in something like Photoshop and incrementally darken the lower ones and lighten the higher ones. I plan to do this tonight for myself...I can email you my files when I'm done if you want.
  7. Hey redwolf - I just ran some StuH vs Wespe tests. 10 regulars each on the map, area-targeting a square of rough exactly 300m away. I ran the map 6 times for 5 turns, so I got a good feel.

    You may be right! I saved the game after I'd setup the fire orders, and wooooooooo there was this one Wespe that was hitting dead center on all the turns, AND continued to after I'd restored to the saved state to run the test again and again (he was third in from the east).

    There was also a StuH near the middle that was abnormally good, and a wespe near the map edge that was abnormally bad. These were also consistent after restoring and running the test again and again.

    However overall there was no conclusive evidence that Wespes are more accurate than StuHs. However i did see evidence that individual vehicles were more accurate than others, and this effect survived over save-games.

    Of course, this was just a quick test. But it was very strange.


    I ran another test at 560m. Again there seemed to be "talented" units and "challenged" units. There also was a StuH near the map edge that would fire less than the others, but this may have been because he was near the edge (?!?). Anyway, these characteristics stayed through all 10 restored games.

    I am thinking Steve will post soon and say "there is no such effect!!" and I'll look like a dip****, so I'll leave it there. smile.gif

    [ August 30, 2002, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: tecumseh ]

  8. Originally posted by Sarge Saunders:

    It was not to attempt dis-credit of Tecumsah or anyone else.

    np, I never took it that way. But that's how Cartman would spell my name ;)

    Only a few days until the CMBB demo, then all this subtle stuff will be forgotten while we try and work out important things like how to set up firing arcs and how to use ferdinands. That's when the real squabbling will start.

  9. Originally posted by Holien:

    Would some one settle this debate as I am a doubter and think people are seeing things they want to believe in.

    Well until Steve, Charles, etc posts The Truth, I guess everyone's opinion is valid. I suggest running tests for yourself - spend a couple of hours this weekend - until you feel confident you know what's right.

    Bear in mind test should run over 100 times to be trustworthy, and so it helps to build a map with a large number of identical areas sealed off from each other by tall pines.

    Or you could just trust me :D

    [ August 23, 2002, 06:00 AM: Message edited by: tecumseh ]

  10. Originally posted by Sarge Saunders:

    But...Tecumseh is not quite correct.

    Well one of us isn't smile.gif

    It has been pointed out ad nausiem that the command bonus does not increase the displayed "to hit" chance for guns or AT infantry firing on vehicles and armour. This suggests strongly to me it has no effect.

    I just did a test with 10 repetitions on the map, run through 10 times = 100 identical shreck shots on shermans, half with +2 combat, half with none.

    I could see no advantage to the combat bonus. In fact on the second run-through, every non-combat bonus shreck scored a kill, and every combat bonus shreck died without scoring any.

    If there is a bonus effect it did not show up, and it would be very small (1 or 2%). But it doubt it.

    Where did you get your "absolutely sure" SS?

    [ August 23, 2002, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: tecumseh ]

  11. The combat bonus adds points to the firepower of any infantry and any MG that is under the HQs command (connected with red line) regardless of LOS or whether the HQ unit is targeting too.

    For the reported effect of combat bonuses improving onboard mortar accuracy, I am not sure - but i imgine the same would apply. ie. the mortar could target directly and still get the accuracy bonus even if the HQ was out of LOS.

    As far as I know the combat bonus has no other effect. I don't think it helps guns at all.

  12. Originally posted by Holien:

    It has been pointed out to me in another thread that AT guns do not benefit from Combat Bonus.

    That's right. Well, it doesn't increase the % hit chance displayed on the screen anyway. Veteran guns display a higher hit % than regular ones, and I'd imagine if the combat bonus DID help the gun hit its target, this increase in hit % would be displayed too. But it is not.

    The combat bonus increases the FP of infantry and MGs

  13. I think there is a psychological effect where players project powers onto the stealth bonus that aren't there. Even good players who have a lot of experience.

    It takes a certain amount of time to spot a unit that is firing at you, and this time depends on a huge number of variables - including a random number - but I am convinced it is in NO WAY influenced by the firing unit being under an HQ with a stealth bonus.

    It is quite easy to test, using the scenario editor and hotseat. You guys should try it.

  14. Originally posted by JasonC:

    Compared to Hetzers, you get ~30 HE rounds each, which is enough to actually hurt enemy infantry. Which Hetzers are very bad at. The sides are paper thin either, you get full ROF, and you can carry infantry heavy weapons (like HMGs) around on their backs. None of which Hetzers can do. Hetzers are fine for pure AT work, particularly on defense, but are too limited in other respects to act as a main battle AFV.

    "Because those extras are nice if you are alive but no help if you aren't, and winning or losing the armor war and thus being alive to use them or not, depends mostly on armor strength, raw number of vehicles and thus low cost, and gun power to defeat enemy front armor."

    You said both of these things Jason, and I tend to agree with your opinion last week ;)

  15. Originally posted by JasonC:

    Its all rot

    The improvements in the gun and armour of the IV/70 over the jagdpanzer in my opinion are more then worth the 30 points.

    The IV/70 is more robust - it will last longer and penetrate more armour, and in less shots, and over a greater distance than the jagdpanzer. And this makes it a great tank for someone struggling a bit with tank tactics.

    Still, it is interesting that people who study the figures disagree on things like this. Shows what a well balanced game CM is.

  16. Originally posted by redwolf:

    Jagdpanzer IV (75mm L/48) is not worth the money compared to the Hetzer.

    I don't like the Panzer IV/70 for its slow turn rate and dull TacAI.

    In my opinion the IV/70 is a great choice for Gleep. Sure it is not so good against excellent players who use infantry well and buy M8s, but for players struggling with armour tactics against an average opponent they are sweet. Smallish, with an extremely accurate gun and excellent armour slope, they will bounce 76mm t rounds from the front when positioned correctly. They are robust enough so that your timing and tactics don't have to be *perfect* for them to pay off.

    However if your timing and tactics are perfect, they may not be the best tank to use, because they tend to spend a bit of time rotating between targets, like a stug III. So narrow fire lanes are needed. They have a faster turn rate than hetzers though.

    Also my original recommendation still stands, the jagdpanther. And again, both these deadly TDs need support (ostwind or PIV).

  17. Originally posted by Mike:

    It "felt" like it was to accurate and so the AI was cheating??

    :rolleyes: Simmer down.

    It was some time ago, and I've never seen it since, but it *seemed* that the AI got a tight arty pattern without LOS or a TRP. Looking back, as I said above, I imagine it was just a lucky salvo. The rounds may have fallen in the middle of the wide patern, giving it the impression of a tight one. No moral or agenda, just an anecdote.

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