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    Christchurch, New Zealand
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  1. Thanks Yes I have the semi-circular set of scratches too. I will try and get a lend of another CDRW. Cheers Muncha
  2. Hi I finally took possession of my copy of CMAK However when I go to install, it seems my CDRW is incapable of reading the CD. It just gives me the following message box "Error - Read Beyond End of File". I can list the files on the CD. I cannot run setup even after waiting 10 minutes. I can only partially copy 'Setup.exe' to my harddrive. Can I remember something about a dud batch of CDs? Any suggestions/Advice would be appreciated. Cheers Muncha
  3. Thanks for that Cpl Carrot. I guessed as much, but it is good to have confirmation. ----------------------------------------- If you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself. (Bob Dylan)
  4. I was wondering if there is any way to change my password in a PBEM? I set a really dumb one and now I am paranoid my opponent will be looking at my deployments. Hope some one can help. :eek:
  5. Sometimes it is tough to work out when the guy that wants to play TCP posted his request... was it two minutes ago, or Last Night? :confused: I think there should be an opponent finder something like there is for all those other Multiplayer type 'Net' games. Any comments would be welcome.
  6. Yes I remember that scenario well. I would be keen for a go at your map. Thanks Muncha muncha@xtra.co.nz
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