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Everything posted by o_merlyn

  1. Hey Schrullenhaft Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate them. At least I have a place to start... the driver's issue sounds about right for the trees. And the mods sound good. Take care Owl
  2. Hi all This is my first posting here, so I don’t know if this topic has been covered before. If so please be kind enough to point me in the direction of previous postings. Other wise I look forward to some correspondence. I have a Mac B&W G3 350 with the built in Rage Card. OS 8.5.1. My question concerns the game’s graphics. It feels to me like some of the graphic’s implementation is either quite poor or I have a bug. First of all, I get different information from different camera positions, mostly concerning the display of woodland areas. When I zoom right out I can see the wooded areas (looking like trees), but when I start to zoom in using closer camera positions, the trees disappear and I get left looking at an amorphous green playing area. Furthermore, even in those views that I do see trees, when I scroll across the map those trees will sometimes disappear so I need to scroll up and down in order to "find" the trees again. I must point out that the trees don’t disapear only at very close range, but at viewing scales that I would definitely expect to see them, camera positions 3-5 for instance. (mind you, I would expect to see trees in all camera views). Also, buildings sometimes look like buildings, and other times they look like square hamburgers on a bad acid trip, depending on the scale which I am using to view the scene. (ie. The building is composed of flourescent stripes and not looking anything like the kind of place I’d like to hide my troops in.) Is this just on my Mac or is there a bug in the game? I am still playing the demo game (version 1.0) and would be hesitant to buy the full version when this issue impairs the playability of the game. So, information please! On another note, I find the graphics, in general, to be a bit confusing. For instance, when I zoom out I can’t tell what the topography of the land is. It all seems pretty amorphous to me. I know there are different shades of green, but I can’t distinguish between hills and valleys, for instance. This impedes tactical decision making and the overall playability of the game. If this is how the game is implemented then might I ask for this whole issue to be revisited! Personally, I would like to have more clarity on the battle scene, especially when I am zoomed out. Apart from the above, though, I think this game is killer, and it is one of only 3 games that I really enjoy playing (Myth and D-Day America Invades! being the other two – pretty good company, I think). I really like the tactical aspect of the game and would like to congratulate the programmers for a very good job in this respect. Owl
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