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Posts posted by niles

  1. To youre question about ROF and why they slowed it down...The Super Pershing (and I dont know if CM models this ) but when the U.S. military ordered a larger Pershing, they still wanted it to be fast, so they reduced the size of the turret, thus reducing the room for the loader, there for it took more time to reload..Hope this helps

  2. Did BTS every say if the NKVD squads would be included in the game so you can slaughter your own routed troops if you play as the Commies? Of course since I hate the pinkos more than the Nazis I will probably be the Germans 90% of the time with CM2 coming out but I would still like to know when I am in the mood to play as the commies

    -Niles "Fieldmarshall" Hirschi

  3. Unfortunatily your question can not be answered unless you had the gun with all those settings and were prepared to fire it with all of your listed settings, oh the charge isn't nitro glycirine powder--its mercury filmanate, and every outcome will be differint because of weather conditions, air resitance and wind shear all have to be taken into account, so unless you had the lab, the gun and what kind of weather you want it shot in it cant be answered ..sorry

    -Niles "Fieldmarshall" Hirschi

  4. Hi everyone again, well now that us realism fans have been pushed into the ground by CM2 having the Sturmtiger and the JS III I say that CM;BO should have the Sturmpanther (PANTHER II) or even better the MONSTER MAUS now wouldnt that be sweet the Monster Maus stop drooling everyone, but that would be one sweet tank barreling down on some Shermans :cool: :cool:

  5. Specs for the Sturm tiger

    Main Armament--380mm StuM RW 61 Rocket Motar with TWELVE ROUNDS and a crew of seven

    One Hull Mounted MG 34

    road speed---25mph

    Roof mounted crain for reloding of shells from a separate supply truck (which i doubt BTS will model)

    between 10 and 81 were produced but the exact number as of today is unknown, so the rarity is not as bad as everyone thinks. AND more were encountered in 1945 defeding Germany than were ever used in its offensive role when it was built in August\September 1944

    -Niles "Fieldmarshall" Hirschi

  6. Okay everyone, the long anticipated Volksgrenadier dossier has been sent to MANX he wil post as soon as he can, so yyou dont have to order it or the StuG the StuG one will be sent to him tomorrow, thanks hope you all like it, for now only COMBAT MISSIONS will have controll over it, I would be glad to send it to any WEBSITE for hosting thanks.

    -Niles "Fieldmarshall" Hirschi :D

  7. after working all day I have finished the VOLKSGRENADIER DOSSIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHEAD OF SCEDULE!!!!!!!! It will be mailed to those few who ordered it, and when I get in contact again with Manx he will post it, and I will be writing a regular article on the German forces for him. Thanks to all those who helped me!!Manx will also post the StuG one so dont fret thanks and enjoy it!!!

    -Niles "Fieldmarshall" Hirschi smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

  8. I am almost finished with the Volksgrenadier dossier and would be honored if you would post it or for me to write an ongoing article about the German forces I am on the second part of my dossier: LATER VOLKSGRENADIERS Late February 1945-MAy 7, 1945. Tell me what you want me to do and I will get it to you when its finished. E_MAIL ME

    -Niles "Fieldmarshall" Hirschi :cool:

  9. Ok folks, I am throwing them at you as fast as I can! I am getting three orders an hour almost and I might not be able to keep up on them all, so you might not get them immiditatly and they might not be shipped immidiatly ALSO with all the Volksgrenadier orders The VG project could be sped up or slowed down so I am moving up the date to June 30 HBUT that might not happen and you may get your Volksgrenadier dossier on time!

    -Niles Hirschi

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