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Posts posted by Leeo

  1. Yep, I'm all about stories. I got stories about working moving irrigation pipe on several different farms. I've got stories about my '94 F-350 crew cab that's getting tired and remains at pasture behind the barn for most of the year. I've got stories about the red devil working it's way up my arm during a year of chemotherapy. I've got stories of my mom wasting away and dying in front of me while I put on the "brave, responsible" face. I've got stories of how I got really drunk in Galveston one night and awoke to find myself driving down train-tracks and actually hit a train to jump the "Y" I was driving down. I have stories of being damn sure my slacking obnoxious older half brother got every cent coming to him when my grandma died, even though he said things to her, her daughter, and her granddaughter-in-law that should never be said to anyone, let alone someone related to you. I've got stories of the time I did watch while a friend of mine took a dump in the front seat of a Volkswagen owned by a high-school teacher who treated us like crap. I've got stories about flipping and rolling several times in a Ford Capri when the driver was drunk, yet I was drunker, and trusted him to take me home.

    What I ain't got is a story whereby I can give any respect to a person who calls themselves Ah-butt and finds pleasure in trying to bury the knife of his "intellect" in a way he hopes causes pain.

    AhButt has now entered Coventry for me.

  2. Ah yes, feigning good intentions. Damn, caught out again! Curses and drats! My nefarious plan of behaving neighborly was foiled by paranoia and transference. My plan for world domination is over. OVER, I say!

    Ah,but perhaps my cunning plan was to feign feigning good intentions?!? Maybe, mayhap, I was going to give the impression that I was going to be nice, but nice in a fake way, when in fact I had planned good intentions all along? Oh, the compexity! The nerve, the GENIUS behind such a plan...

    I'm certainly glad I was found out before I could'a hurt myself.

  3. Leeo sending me stupid e-mails saying how cool he thinks I am.

    Oooo, look at the rabid chest-thumper!! All slavering and gnashing at the teeth. Once, a long while ago when I realized Abbott lived in my general neck of the woods, and before he proved himself to be the "lovely" "human" "being" he is, I suggested that if he was ever over the mountain, we could perhaps meet for a beer. You know, all pleasant and friendly like. I'm willing to meet new folks from all walks and stripes; that's how you can "learn" things about "others" that you haven't already made your mind up about. Never heard back. Now he's been having to put up with "emails" (one, perhaps two sent ages ago) about how "cool" he is. If everyone I've had a beer with was "cool", we'd be in another ice age.

    Well, don't get too riled up, Abbott. With wit, you are a one-legged long jumper. With panache, you are a car with no spark; with jocularity, the blanket of wetness, and with kindness you are a bull in life's infinite maze of china.

    However, don't despair! With meanness, you are a tiger! With brashness, you are a leopard! With wild thrashing, flailing, and chest-thumping, you are positively a paragon among "men"! Be glad with your blazing masculinity that hides the candle of your mind! Rejoice, for thou art the blazing heart at the center of yourself!

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