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Posts posted by Leeo

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Just as I suspected! A yappy little dog... tucks tail and runs when it sees the teeth of the mastiff its been barking at<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Really, you allow yourself too much credit, oh Evil-as-a-Wilted-Rose. Tis merely that the yappy dog realizes there are more important things at the moment than watching the old, toothless mastiff haul himself up and repeatedly lunge to the end of the chain. Hope your neck heals soon, and I'll get my teeth into you when circumstances allow. Now dawdle off back to your hobby of frightening toddlers.

  2. Due to sudden health issues within my family, CM will have to take a back seat *gasp!* for a week or two. Hopefully I will get back to dying lots at your various nefarious hands in short order. Until such a time, turns to those with wich I am currently grappling will be sporadic at best.

    Berli, we may want to wait a bit to start whatever our test shall be. But I will be the Champion of Defeat(and I'm fully aware of what that means).

    Just hold close to your cold hearts that I hate you all.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Malmedy Public Library

    Member in Good Standing, 2001


    Feckin' Braggart. I'll kick your arse too (if you can ever figure out the proper fricken file to send). City boys. Jeesh.

    [edited to add that Lawyer is a stinkin' city boy (don't be afraid of the sheep, they don't bite (they only wiggle a little, right Mace?))]

    [ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

  4. BERLI!!

    You are naught but an evil Wannabe. The depth of your evil reaches only to my ankles. You are as evil as is the denial of cookies to a kindergartner. Your evil is equivalant to being a half-quart low on oil. You pretend to be evil (non-capitalized for obvious reasons), but you are merely a hair in the rum-and-coke of life. You are but the faux-wizard behind the curtain, and I'm a callin' you out, you pitiful excuse for a demon wannabe. Your number's up, and you are as transparent as Britney's sudden increase in bust size. You, sir (notice the unbolding and uncapitalization?) are merely a wart upon the arse of life, and your vileness is easily erased with "Compound W" (the "W" is obviously for "Wussy")

    I propose a random battle to test the shallowness of your evil. There is a nice battle plannerrandom battle generator, and I propose that one of us roll the dice, and let the other choose sides, for I am the "Master of Defeat, Champion of Chaos".

    I will prove that you are as evil as an ice-cream truck, aversive as a doorman, and competent as a fast-food worker.

    Consider yourself challenged, you ankle biter from the suburbs!

  5. The post so nice, we had to do it twice;

    That pro-PODian Wanker Elvis is to be hated. It's not that I was able to hate him enough to cause his Auto-Surrender in our previous game. It's not even enough that I have methodically been killing his Ami tanks and farmboys in our current mini-Stalingrad.

    Oh no. I hate him to depths that can only be properly expressed with a not-so-jolly little sing-song:

    "Though you all I berate,

    it is Elvis I hate.

    Is it 'cause of his sneer,

    Or the chill from his leer?

    Perhaps it's the way

    He keeps my troops at bay.

    But whatever the source,

    be it genteel or coarse,

    This to you I relate,

    It is Elvis I hate."


  6. Deke the Fentlator has hacked the game, I say!! Either that or he has mastered the vagaries of pixelated generic (pun intended you slack-jawed niblet gnawing nincompoops(SEE! There's an evil contagion of alliteration that spreads from playing that plagiarizing pile of poofery)engineering, for he has managed in each of our past 4 games to have TRP's permanently emblazoned upon each of my pixelated Samurai. Fentle is the lowest of the low, the gamiest of game, the Bast of Bastiches, and I spit thricely in his general direction. FEH!

  7. That pro-PODian Wanker Elvis is to be hated. It's not that I was able to hate him enough to cause his Auto-Surrender in our previous game. It's not even enough that I have methodically been killing his Ami tanks and farmboys in our current mini-Stalingrad.

    Oh no. I hate him to depths that can only be properly expressed with a not-so-jolly little sing-song:

    "Though you all I berate,

    it is Elvis I hate.

    Is it 'cause of his sneer,

    Or the chill from his leer?

    Perhaps it's the way

    He keeps my troops at bay.

    But whatever the source,

    be it genteel or coarse,

    This to you I relate,

    It is Elvis I hate."


  8. I hate you all to a depth previously only experienced by giant squids and small mollusks, but I hold a special form of hate for Aitken and Fentle.


    Please scribble with your crayons in the coloring book of infamy:

    Aitken: Gloating major victory.

    Leeo: petulant loss.

    As if anyone doubted previously, but I'd just like to point out what a gamey Bastiche that Aitken fellow is. I mean really, the nerve to throw lead and 'splodey things at fellows committed piecemeal to charge across 500m of open ground. How gamey can you get? Additionally, he made good use of a (gasp) reserve. He even kept his tanks in good defensive positions, while I invented the new Hull-Up position for my AFV's.

    Aitken and I are now back to an overall draw (1 win each and a draw), yet he's making excuses about being unable to start another game with me. I just think he lacks the stomach to kill that many of my troops again. Feh!

    Oh, and lest I forget, I hate Elvis most of all.

    "Hate hate hate,

    Hate hate hate,

    Hate your booty,

    Hate your BOOOoty..."

    [ 08-24-2001: Message edited to ask "Where's my stenographer?!?!" ]

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally typed breathlessly by Buzzsaw:


    You had better get another one of your boot-lickers to clean it off this time. And please leave MrsSpkr out of this -- I have no quarrel with Leeo.


    "OOoo, yes dear, and please do tell them how those pretty germanboys I command snuck up and gave one of your shermans a C4(or not, and you're a pissy grog if you care) high colonic, and are currently prepping the other one. That's it sweetie spkr, tootle on and step right up close to the microphone. That's the way, Whoooo's your daddy..."

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Piss off ya pillock<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Aaawww, is little Mr. Evil feeling a bit testy today, Hmmmm? Oh my, your forehead is a bit warm. You go lie down right now, and I'll get your comfy jammies for you and an aspirin with some warm milk. That's a good little Force of Evil. You'll feel all better in the morning.

    Edited to see if Joe can do his counting "trick" again.

    [ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    It's all one to me. And as much as I like destroying Opponents, I prefer a really good song.


    When the lead wind blows,

    and the heart grows frail,

    With the squeeze of a trigger,

    just send them to hell.

    When iron beasts charge,

    And troops start to grumble,

    With a pull of det cord,

    Set the tank to a tumble.

    When the shells roar and whine,

    And the boys start to quake,

    With a yell and a bellow,

    Do not let them break.

    When the ammo runs low,

    And the fellows soon tremble,

    With a pull of the knife,

    your enemy disassemble.

    When things start to look grim,

    And the guys all ask “Why?”

    With a jaw set firm,

    Just give them this cry;

    “Though ‘tis death that they ask us,

    and the purpose seems lame,

    It’s worse than you think,

    As it’s only a game.”

    “We’re all naught but bits,

    we’re just part of the show,

    now ‘to your guns steady’,

    The bastard hit ‘GO’”!

  12. I have questions about life that need to be answered!

    Does a bear ****e in the woods?

    When it says "objects in the mirror are closer than they appear" is the distance between said object and myself less than what my ocular connection with my feeble brain tells me it is?

    Since nothing is sure but death and taxes, do I have to die?

    If my brain is the size of a peanut, and no one is around to measure it, am I really as stupid as others think I am?

    Okay, okay, this is too easy. I almost feel guilty. Had this come from one who hasn't blathered on endlessly, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, ad subliminal, ad agency, ad lobotomy, I wouldn't feel the need to be such a condescending git.


    With all that said, the 75mm question and the VT question aren't outside the realm of coherence.


    I must leave now, because I find the role of patronizing arsehole a bit of a stretch, and definitely uncomfortable.


    If a fool and his money are soon parted, why is my wallet still full?

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Would peoples who have sent me PBEM files and received no response please send them instead to reckoning@mac.com. This means Leeo, and possibly Messrs.The French and MrSpnky. If, on the other hand, you've just been biding your time, kindly get a move on and use my normal address. Has anyone had any recent dealings with armornut? He had just recovered from a period of joblessness, and then he disappeared again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Death on Feldgrau wings will be swooping to seal your fate this evening. May you find comfort in a quick, and painful end. En Garde!

  14. LORAK!

    Please make note of my victory over that right up-standing chap (and former winner extraordinaire):

    Leeo; Win, 81 points.

    Elvis; Loss, 19 points.

    I only point this out because Elvis suffered a loss of nearly Hiramesque proportions. Not that I care.

    I would give all the gory details, but really, what's the point?

    Edited due to proper malt-liquor imbibement.

    [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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