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Posts posted by rucrazee

  1. Thank you for that old link Helge. It was extremely fascinating reading. It's a shame I can't bring up those photos though :( . "Tankcam" anyone ;) . I think one cannot help but admire Wittman despite how he was taken out. In reading of Wittman's heroics and daring I can understand people not wanting to believe Wittman being taken out by an allied tanker since it undermines the legend somewhat.

    These guys all played a dangerous game. Whether insane daring or meticulous risk calculation, all it takes is one simple slip-up. Guys like Wittman I liken to fighter pilots. Fighter pilots have a saying that goes like this: "There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. But there are no old, bold pilots." Thanks for this thread guys.

  2. Franko,

    Thanks for the info smile.gif . It seems Wittman's ego got the best of him. Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).

    Big Dog,

    You are right I will review the scenarios just played and those I play in the future. I guess it is the least I can do as payback for the fair share of time I have spent sampling the goodies at the Scenario Depot.

  3. Well for interface mods, I vote for Deanco's gunmetal interface (make sure you load the 30002 b&w file instead of the defualt if you have problems reading text after installation) and clipboard mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

    I have rotated several splash screens, but am currently partial to one I picked up at Tom's Combat Mission site. It is two snow covered Sherman's (Marco Bergman variety) set in the Battle of the Bulge timeframe. There is also a nice looking Axis splash screen available with a Tiger on the prowl: http://home.arcor.de/tcmhq/Nigoodies.htm.

  4. Just spent many sleepless hours playing the other great scenario based on Wittman's demise, "Cintheaux-Totalize" from Der Kessel.

    This is an absolute monster and the turns take even longer to process than August Bank Holiday. Despite the turn wait, this scenario is also masterfully done. Great job by Helge "The DesertFox" Bertram and the guys at Der Kessel.

    I barely managed a minor Axis victory as the Germans vs the AI (no AI bonus). Despite trying to be careful, I lost every armored vehicle, but managed to hang on to 3 Tigers (one which was imobilized). No spoilers, but OMG, what monstrous tanks battles ;) . Great job fellas. Try this one if you have the cpu horsepower.

  5. True, true it does, but you see in CMBB fires now have this habit of starting rather small and innocent (similar to how Mace approaches a sheep) but after some time they grow in size to become these all consuming conflagrations (much like Rune at a dinner table!). Small fires don't force troops to run away but once they grow in size your troops will hightail outa there...Oh one other thing, fires now SPREAD! On a dry and hot day a small brush fire can easily grow to consume an entire Wheatfield.

    With this new option I guess we will see more flamethrower purchases as people attempt to "smoke out" their opponents. Hopefully, we won't see all wheatfield custom maps with nothing but flamers smile.gif loaded up on an unsuspecting victim.

    [ February 01, 2002, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: rucrazee ]

  6. I think it is just best to play the hand your dealt or don't play humans. What is GAMEY to one man is not necessarily gamey to another. (Everyone knows the color blue is the best color in the spectrum).

    I prefer scenarios, but when I do play humans, I have the computer pick our forces. I admit some rather odd things happen, but it has allowed me to play units I might never have tried otherwise. It also takes a lot of the formulatic play out of things and has allowed me to think on feet making the best of the situation. Isn't that more what tactical thinking and combat should be about? I don't think a lot of commanders got to pick their forces. Perhaps if I were in ladder play with a well-defined set of do's and don'ts I might feel differently, but for now I will continue to have fun win or lose. smile.gif

  7. I haven't played too many large scenarios, but my interest was sparked to play August Bank Holiday v2 after reading this thread. I played as the Germans and I have to tell you this was one of the most intense and fun battles I have ever had versus the AI. When things got busy it was taking a minute and a half to 2 minutes to complete a turn, but it was worth every second. Due to a bit of armor sloppiness about a third of the way through, I hung on by my figernails for a 51 to 49 draw in my favor. Alas, poor Wittman was taken out by a FIREFLY ;) , but he did take 5 tanks with him. If any of you haven't played this one, give it a whirl smile.gif . Thanks Franko, this is a masterpiece of a scenario. Well done!

    [ February 01, 2002, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: rucrazee ]

  8. I had just finished playing Wild Bill's South of Sword scenario for the second time as the allies against the cpu. I won, but I have found this to be tough grueling fight. I was searching the net to find some detailed, historical information about exactly how things went down and I ran across this site. It looks like a place that could warrant an occassional visit. The site is www.onwar.com.

    BTW, Wild Bill your scenarios are always great and very seldom a total walk-over from either side. Thanks WB and thanks BTS for such a fantastic game. I checkout Battlefront.com everyday for tidbits on CMBB and pray that the page to order the game has gone up ;) .

  9. For several months I have been trying to fix a lockup problem playing CMBO on my self- built AMD Athlon CPU w/ ASUS A7A MB. My Graphics card is a Matrox G400 Max and I have 512 MB of SDRAM. My other CPU runs CMBO just fine smile.gif, so I was not left totally dry.

    Anyway, my system would lockup sometimes during the first turn and other times after several turns. The sound would sound like it was in a loop (frozen) and the mouse and everything else would be totally unresponsive. Ctl, Alt, Del...nope...I would have to hit the reset button, then have the fun of watching good ol' scandisk before I got back to my windows ME screen. I finally starting uninstalling apps one at a time and trying the game.


    Thanks for the bugs Mr. Gates.

    It would have been nice to be playing one of the finest games around instead of wasting untold hours on this problem. See if this works for any of you and let me know. You can always reinstall MSN Messenger again if it doesn't work.

    Happy gaming!

  10. I don't recall noticing any duplicated captured crews, but I I guess it was possible. There were only a couple captured units in the entire game since it turned into a real "meatgrinder." All I know is that we both have played online CMBO games before without a hitch. These intermitent problems are the worst because they are so hard to replicate and troubleshoot frown.gif.

  11. I had a very frustrating experience last night. A friend and I were playing online and everything was working great. We completed several moves and data transfers without a hitch.

    Then, suddenly after we made our moves and we got the data transfer screen, I watched the (blue) status bar fill up to show the transfer had completed, then I hear a "ding", and the screen locks up. I hit the escape key and I am booted out of CMBO. I reconnect to his IP again (love the autosave BTW), we make our moves, data transfer status bar fills up and "ding" again. After reboots and pulling our hair out. We decide to finish it by online email since it was such a close hard fought battle. We finally finish up about 3A.M. in the morning and I grab a blanket and the couch since the wife had locked the bedroom door frown.gif. Any help in fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated. BTW, we do have the 1.12 version and very capable systems.


  12. I am a newbie, but I have been having a tremendous amount of fun with the demo of this game. Right after I got the commercial version of the game, I got waxed (as expected) by a very good player in my first TCP/IP game. I had not purchased my own units before and made some very poor choices. I think it would be helpful to have a list of all the units, their information (like when you click on the enter key in the game) and their purchase price. I am not sure why this was not included in the manual. Anyway, is there some place that I can get this info?


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