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PzKfw V Ausf G

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Everything posted by PzKfw V Ausf G

  1. 'Funky random graphics' is the new black!!! Sorry, couldn't resist... Shame on me.
  2. Scenario: My Über-tank (KT, crack) is covering a road exiting a forest (Wood) ~1500m away (cover arc armour). A T-34/85 emerges and the KT targets it and shells starts flying. The T-34 does not fire back (due to bad optics?). After 3-5 shots the KT scores the first hit and soon after that the T-34 is destroyed. So far, so good. Then another T-34 emerges in exactly the same spot, the story repeats itself once again. Believe it or not, another 4 tanks share the same destiny... So what am I complaining about? The number of shots fired before scoring a hit on each tank (after the first)! You would think that the gunner should be pretty confident hitting since neither the target nor the firing platform has changed position ("Hey Gunner! You are supposed to be of Crack STATUS, not ON crack" ) I realize it's almost impossible to implement a "range-memory" but it sure would be nice in situations like these. How it ended? The KT ran out of AP and T-34 #7 showed up and decided that getting shelled with HE wasn't funny...
  3. Try a hotseat with no Fog of War. Explain how to remove trees and magnify units. Explain every move you make. Describe the pros and cons of some of the units. Try easy battles with few units. In my expirence that makes a lot easier to "get it".
  4. A possible solution to this would be if the depot would allow users to create packs "on-site" much like the amazon (book) lists. Also it would be nice if the searchresults were sorted on "no. of reviews x review average" instead of the (non-existant) sorting is has right now.
  5. Ok, so I win the contest for worst nick but here me out before punishing me I'm pretty new to this board and when I registered I thought that all my old nicks wheren't aproperiate for CM... (While playing netrek/paradise 1 million years ago I used Spocko, from the old StarTrek episod and a couple of years later playing Duke3d I used Dr.Dominans (swedish from dominance, get it? ). The reason I chosed the PzKfw nick dates back to a scenario where I got reinforced by a couple of panthers when I was prepared to surrender... Somehow the panthers turned the tide and I was able the win the game... And, they look damn good. The allied tanks ju look plain... but-ugly. Period.
  6. I usually put togheter a team consisting of 1 MHG/LMG (and ev. a sharpshooter) and 1-2 schrecks. This team is then placed along the anticipated path of travel for enemy tanks (important roads and such) in preferably wood terrain. The team is then order to hide. When a tank approaches the MHG/LMG/sharpshooter is used to button it and draw the attetion of the crew (buttoned crews have a hard time spotting a schreck until it's way to late). The schreck(s) are then presented with the inviting broadside of the tank within 50-75 meters. The rarly miss and the procedure can be repeated (alteast against the AI, humans tend to be more careful when noticing that their precious tanks are all getting shot up). My personal best using this tactic earned a schreck team 6 kills (shermans) in one scenario (veteran crew).
  7. I really like both but you have to be careful about what tactics you use... To bad (for CM, not otherwise...) that the germans never finished the Panther will the schmalturm (a much more narrow turret front) and the 88. Would have been a mean machine.
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