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Everything posted by cheech

  1. As per your question, when I delete the preference file, my computer didn't lock up at all. Granted, I didn't play out an entire game. But I did play for about 30 minutes or so and the computer responded perfectly. As for my video ram and the mode I use, I couldn't even guess, but my system is primarily used for graphic design and 3D modeling, so I can't stray too far from that. I downloaded the soundsprockets and have yet to try it out, but I'm not sure what you mean with regards to the new driver. Do I need a new one? Will that cause conflictions with my other programs (photoshop)? Also, is there a preferred color and resolution setting that I should apply before entering the game? Thanx again justin
  2. I am currently running the game on a PowerMac G3 tower, 190+ ram (varies at times), os 8.6, and am unsure about the rest. I don't have gamesprockets, as the download site for this utility had an error message. Is game sprockets necessary? Note: I will eventually be running the program on a powerbook G3 with 256 ram, os 9. Also, I kept trying random things to get the program to work properly, and it seemed to work without freezing up if I deleted the original system prefs file before playing the game. I don't know if this is a permanent solution or if I will have to keep deleting the file every time I play. Let me know if this is a good solution, and if I truly need game sprockets (and if the real version will be available again soon) thanx for the help justin
  3. I am only using the demo version for the moment, until the larger version becomes available again to purchase. Every time I begin the game, after rotating the views around a few times, the computer completely freezes. The mouse pointer is still active on the screen, but I can't manipulate anything, nor can I force quit. I must always restart. I already attempted to boost the memory. please help
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