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  1. Just thought I'd close out this topic by saying I bought a new video card and now CM works perfectly.
  2. Well, I've tried everything suggested here and still no dice. Does anyone have anymore suggestions? Thanks, Rich
  3. To all, The Voodoo Banshee video drivers I am using I obtained from the Microsoft Windows Update site. The info on them says they are from Joytech Computer Co. The Windows Update web site recommended them as better than the drivers I was using, which I had downloaded from the 3dfx website. The game doesn't work with either set of drivers. Don't play games on my computer very often, but don't ever recall any program locking up this computer before. In the DirectX > Display tab next to the AGP Texture Acceleration Feature it says 'Not available and the Disable button is grayed out. Finally, I went into the CMOS and changed the AGP aperture to the smallest possible value and that did not fix the problem either. I appreciate your help. Rich
  4. Thanks for the quick reply. I did as you suggested and unfortunately am still suffering from the same problem. Rich
  5. I can only get CM to run when in 640 x 480 resolution with graphics acceleration set to basic functions only. It is a chore to play at these settings. If I try anything else my machine completely locks up as soon as the battlefield displays. I have to hit the reset button to restart my computer. System is as follows: 450 Mhz Pentium III 64 MB Ram Windows 98 3D Voodoo Banshee AGP SGRAM 16 MB DirectX 7.0a Logitech Wheel Mouse Crystal SoundFusion I have made certain to obtain the latest drivers for video, mouse, and sound. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rich
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