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The Tanklord

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Posts posted by The Tanklord

  1. Originally posted by Fionn:


    A merciless, rip your throat out with my teeth game it is ;) . I'll see if I can defeat your attack in less than 3 turns ( my current best). Enjoy ;)

    Excellent! smile.gif

    And you are looking on the wrong page in your book my friend, your are gonna need the one labeled "my current worst". ;)

  2. Imho the infantry could really use some sort

    of reversed "assult" command for getting out of

    contact with the enemy. So that they fire at the enemy while getting the hell out of there and not like now (all shot in the back while executing my supreme tactics smile.gif )

    If this already made it in to CM2 or if someone else brought it up Im sorry to have wasted you precious time, well time anyways... ;)

  3. What do you do if the enemy has the larger force and you have no terrain advantages?

    Either find some good terrain (good enough to even the score) or try to split

    the enemy force up in smaller parts that you can beat. I think that everyone agrees that to stand and fight would be stupid. Both options require movement, the latter some pretty fancy dancing esp if your opponent is the cautious type.

    Now if you apply this strategy even when the forces are evenly matched or when you are commanding the larger force, you get some serious advantages. Bigger reserves, can cover a larger area, (in CM) be able to buy more tanks (now that's something to think about) etc.

    Simply put accomplishing more with less can never be a bad thing. Now I'm probably to much of an attritionist to fully have grasped the whole point of Pillars article but this is my interpretation and I think his reasoning is sound.

    The only (game) disadvantage I can see is that you may loose focus if you micromanage to much.

  4. Im assuming that means no thanks with

    bigger guns than 76mm, is that a

    correct assesment?

    Im readning the "Close Terrain Defense After Action Report" with Fionn Kelly vs "Claymore"

    and came across "Rule of 76s". Is this

    a tank only limitation (assuming Im correct in the first place).

    Wouldnt be any fun if I dominated my first

    battle just to find out I "cheated" smile.gif.

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