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ex PFC Wintergreen

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Posts posted by ex PFC Wintergreen

  1. I became dimly aware of CM through some gaming magazine which had a snapshot of the graphics which I honestly didn't think were all that great. I lost interest. Then I started to hear about how great the game was on one of the Usenet groups (Alt.wargaming?) so I went cruising websites for more info. I bought CM in November and feel like an **idiot** for needlessly depriving myself. I haven't played ANY other games since November - and I own 50+ games. Total addiction.


    Read me back my last line!

  2. Well, the name I prefer to use is my surname, MACE, but since someone else is using that, I decided on a character from one of my all-time favorite books - Catch-22. I use Ex-PFC Wintergreen based on the hysterically funny part of the book where General Dreedle is performing an interogation with Wintergreen doing the transcription - hence the tagline "Read me back my last line." I'm sure those of you who have read the book get a good laugh when you remember that part of the book.


    Read me back my last line!

  3. Does being an Army Brat qualify? I was born at Letterman hospital on the Presidio in San Francisco. I used to go out on weekend maneuvers with my father's troops when he commanded a National guard unit. I LOVED C-rations as a 7 year old.

    My father was with the 9th Armored (U.S.) in WWII - surrounded at Bastogne and over the bridge at Remagen. He was also with the 38th regiment, 2nd Infantry when they got an all-expense paid trip to Korea in the summer of 1950. He rode in one of the much maligned Shermans over there and thanks God that the Chinese didn't have many anti-tank weapons. He's got amazing stories.


    Read me back my last line!

  4. It appears to me that there is a discrepancy in the opening D-Day scene in SPR. I'm referring to the scene where they're up from the beach and are chasing and shooting (from above) the Germans down in the trenches. I could swear that there are US troops with 101st shoulder patches in that scene (Don't tell me this was historically accurate??)


    Read me back my last line!

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