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  1. Ok so far Iv only played the computer so im not much of a pro. Is there a way to move tanks into hulldown positions consistantly. Do you have to move the the tanks into position manually? Most of the time when i try to get a tank in a hulldown position it just drives up on top of the hill where it is quickly killed. I know about using hunt to crest the top of hills but most of the time i do this the tank doesnt stop untill its on top of the hill. When I try to move the tank into position manualy [making it stop just before it reaches the top] it doesnt have a los over the hill. Any info/statagies on hulldown or tank tactics in general would be much appreciated Thanks!
  2. Ok , now I have downloaded and installed 1.05 patch. I have also downloaded the newer patch {one that lets u play on the internet}. I extracted it to the desktop. What do i do from here? Iv tried extracting to C:\Program Files\CMBO , but when i go into the game im not on the newer version. Is there somthing I do ingame or am i extracting to the wrong place. Do i have to copy somthing??? If you know what the next step is it would be really helpfull hehe PS: Im not very could at windows so it would make it helpfull if u say in detail what i need to do , Thanks!!!!
  3. Ok i dowwnloaded the cm105 and the cm public. They show up as icons on my desktop. What do i do now. Iv tried to "extract" the patches. Where do i go from this point. I read the short explanation near the link to the patch but i still dont understand what i need to do. ???????
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