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Gun Dog

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Everything posted by Gun Dog

  1. Please BigTime, PLEASE! Give us the occasional 3rd story buildings and/or steeples to snipe/observe from.
  2. I want to second UEDEL's post on; - Scout/spotter/sniper units with a + for hide and spotting - More and greater Variety of Buildings
  3. THIRD STORY BUILDINGS (or parts of buildings) so I can get my sharpshooters up in that steeple where they belong.
  4. My vote would be CM5 as a Pacific Theatre engagement. Marines/Army/Commonwealth vs. Imp. Japanese. Neato!
  5. I dont know if this is the place to post this, but after playing CM, I have a suggestion that I would like to share with the creators of the CM game system. (If this is not the place to post this, I apologise and would appreciate guidance to the appropriate b-board.) One of the problems I find is I am spending alot of time micro-managing the movement of my squads. Sometimes they become seperated and I have to manually pull them together or when crossing hedgerows or engaging the enemy, I have to manually bring all of them on-line. It seems a button in the orders menu could help by letting the computer get them in a basic formation where I may only have to tweak it a little to meet the suitation. To ease C&C of my units, I would like to see an additional 'bullet' in the orders menu, perhaps called 'Formations'. Upon clicking, we would be taken to a sub-menu where we could give our platoon orders followed by a direction of movement. For example, one of the formations I would find immediately useful would be a 'Regroup' formation where the squads/spt weapons would consolidate around thier leader. Other nice formations would be 'Column' where the platoon would follow in trail (good for faster road movement), a 'Herring Bone' or 'Staggered Trail' where the platoon would assume a opened tactical column formation, a 'Line' where the platoon would come abreast (good for crossing hedgerows with minimum stragglers or engaging enemy)and possibly a 'V' formation. I feel this would be a value-added feature. It would take some of the micro-management of moving squads off my hands (so I can concentrate on moving platoons), while not adding clutter if it was incorporated smoothly. Thanks for producing a terrific product and I look forward to good things to come. Gun Dog.
  6. Oooops! Sorry for the duplicate post here. I tried to submit it under a differet location and somehow it posted here again.
  7. I dont know if this is the place to post this, but after playing CM, I have a suggestion that I would like to share with the creators of the CM game system. (If this is not the place to post this, I apologise and would appreciate guidance to the appropriate b-board.) One of the problems I find is I am spending alot of time micro-managing the movement of my squads. Sometimes they become seperated and I have to manually pull them together or when crossing hedgerows or engaging the enemy,I have to manually bring all of them on-line. It seems a button in the orders menu could help by letting the computer get them in a basic formation where I may only have to tweak it a little to meet the suitation. To ease C&C of my units, I would like to see an additional 'bullet' in the orders menu, perhaps called 'Formations'. Upon clicking, we would be taken to a sub-menu where we could give our platoon orders followed by a direction of movement. For example, one of the formations I would find immediately useful would be a 'Regroup' formation where the squads/spt weapons would automatically move to consolidate around thier leader. Other nice formations would be 'Column' where the platoon would follow in trail (good for faster cohesive road movement), a 'Herring Bone' or 'Staggered Trail' where the platoon would assume a opened tactical column formation, a 'Line' where the platoon would come abreast (good for crossing hedgerows with minimum stragglers or engaging enemy)and possibly a 'V' formation. I feel this would be a value-added feature. It would take some of the micro-management of moving squads off my hands (so I can concentrate on moving platoons), while not adding clutter if it was incorporated smoothly. Thanks for producing a terrific product and I look forward to good things to come. Gun Dog.
  8. I dont know if this is the place to post this, but after playing CM, I have a suggestion that I would like to share with the creators of the CM game system. (If this is not the place to post this, I apologise and would appreciate guidance to the appropriate b-board.) One of the problems I find is I am spending alot of time micro-managing the movement of my squads. Sometimes they become seperated and I have to manually pull them together or when crossing hedgerows or engaging the enemy, I have to manually bring all of them on-line. It seems a button in the orders menu could help by letting the computer get them in a basic formation where I may only have to tweak it a little to meet the suitation. To ease C&C of my units, I would like to see an additional 'bullet' in the orders menu, perhaps called 'Formations'. Upon clicking, we would be taken to a sub-menu where we could give our platoon orders followed by a direction of movement. For example, one of the formations I would find immediately useful would be a 'Regroup' formation where the squads/spt weapons would automatically move to consolidate around thier leader. Other nice formations would be 'Column' where the platoon would follow in trail (good for faster road movement), a 'Herring Bone' or 'Staggered Trail' where the platoon would assume a opened tactical column formation, a 'Line' where the platoon would come abreast (good for crossing hedgerows with minimum stragglers or engaging enemy)and possibly a 'V' formation. I feel this would be a value-added feature. It would take some of the micro-management of moving squads off my hands (so I can concentrate on moving platoons), while not adding clutter if it was incorporated smoothly. Thanks for producing a terrific product and I look forward to good things to come. Gun Dog.
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