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Nicholas Bell

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Everything posted by Nicholas Bell

  1. How about sending me the low-res version and I'll post both on my site? Along with the batch file stuff. As I indicated, I'm no expert at this stuff, and appreciate the help. Especially changing the table top from green to brown to match. Anyone who wants to use my stuff as a basis of their own is fine. Heck I used 3 people's work combined. The lighter version image above is easier on the eyes, but looks more like dead grass than mud. But maybe not a bad idea? Took a lot of tweaking of the hue, staturation, etc to get that mud to look like the mud I became so familiar with while in the service in Germany. Stuck the boots right off 'yer feet <g>. Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't think about a low-res version. I've never had a frame rate problem and always use high-res stuff, so it didn't even cross my feeble mind.
  2. Frankly, it looks more "realistic" but is a lot harder to play on. The camouflage and colors of the units really do make them blend into the terrain. Turn on bases when plotting is a must. I've also noticed that the color and darkness changes a lot dependent on the month of the scenario. My set is funky looking in summer time. I only use it in November-March. The various non-snow Ardennes battles look much better. I was motivated to do this because that Puffendork battle I'm working on just didn't look right "in the green." If anyone with more experience at doing these mods (that means practically everybody!) can improve the set or make it easier to use, please do! (and let me know so I can download it Nick
  3. Availble at my site HKL Feel free to post it on your own site if you so desire. Nick
  4. I'm working on the historical engagement at Puffendorf between CCB, 2rd Armored Division and 9th Panzer Div/506th Tiger Bn. I am using a 1:25,000 topo.
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