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Posts posted by Gremlin

  1. While the Allies did things that they should be ashamed of, the fact remains that if Hitler and his minions didn't repeatedly invade other countries without justification and murder people by the millions, a horrible tragedy would have been avoided.

    They were wrong, though it's unfortunate that the means used to put an end to their actions weren't always palatable or above moral reproach.


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    "90% of the crucial decisions in this business are made by idiots who don't even play games." Cliff Bleszinski

  2. You can't expect men to become saints on the battlefield. It's the nature of the beast. Like Sherman said, "War is cruel and you cannot refine it."

    As for WWII, you could spend the rest of your days angrily (and justly) pointing fingers at the guilty. No need to remind everyone here, many of whom are better aware than most of the essential tragedy of war.


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    "90% of the crucial decisions in this business are made by idiots who don't even play games." Cliff Bleszinski

  3. Pktaske, the Ostwind has the 37mm gun. You're thinking of the Wirbelwind with the quad 20mm gun.

    Bullethead, are you sure "cheating" is the right term? Since both parties have the same knowledge (potentially) available to them about the game units and mechanics and neither is altering the game engine surreptitiously, I don't think it's fair to call it cheating. I'd say it's making use of/taking advantage of (depending on your POV) the way the game is designed.


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    "90% of the crucial decisions in this business are made by idiots who don't even play games." Cliff Bleszinski

    [This message has been edited by Gremlin (edited 02-13-2001).]

  4. Regarding the issue of whether CM is "merely" a game (not that there's anything wrong with that, imo) or also an historical simulation and so forth:

    While you can certainly play out hypothetical scenarios in CM and consequently learn from them, it seems extremely clear that CM is not primarily designed, marketed, or used as educational software. It also seems incredibly unlikely that it could or would be used in serious historical research. That's not at all intended as a slight, but just a recognition of the fact that CM is an entertainment product that's built around historical facts, not a research tool designed to delve up facts and interpret them.


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  5. If using historically accurate terms like "Waffen SS" would cause difficulties, would it perhaps be possible to use English translations of those terms in the German edition? Many Germans, in my experience, have at least a basic knowledge of English anyway, and many know it quite well. It's hardly an ideal or elegant solution, but what can you do?


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  6. Well, the basic problem is, how well can you intuit when something is an audacious masterstroke, and when it's just a foolish gamble? My bolder, more agressive moves tend to fall into the latter sad category.

    Certainly, excessive caution or fear of losing anything will prevent gains. That said, I still agree with Sun Tzu's general outlook that it's better to let the enemy defeat himself by drawing him into traps, playing on his agression or impatience, etc. There's a fine line between that and being wimpy, though smile.gif


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  7. There have been countless acrimonious debates about which side has better equipment or is favored by CM, but you have to admit that all the flak variants the Germans get put the Allies' equivalents (what very few they have) to shame. The mobile flak guns (trucks, Wirbelwind, Ostwind) are enormously useful, and the stationary ones are useful too. The Ostwind has about four times the ammo, afaik, as the Sd Kfz 7/2, btw smile.gif


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    [This message has been edited by Gremlin (edited 02-12-2001).]

  8. Slapdragon wrote:

    The only war / action shows to survive in the 1980s and 90s for more than a single season were MASH and China Beach

    Not true. Someone already mentioned the superlative Tour of Duty (set in Vietnam), which ran from '88 through '90 (three seasons). You can sometimes catch reruns on either TBS or TNT--I forget which. Awesome show.


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  9. While I often leave standard inf. squads to their own devices, one situation in which I like to manually issue target orders is when they can 'faust a nearby tank, or, more often, work together to eliminate a badly weakened squad. Sure that enemy squad may just have two or three men (and little firepower) left, but since each of your units can only directly fire on one unit at a time, I think it's generally better to cut down on the number of potential targets. I.e., it's often better, all things considered, to be faced with two squads than with three squads.


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  10. The English language is a garbage pile?? Certainly it has a checkered history and a complex amalgam of sources and influences, but a garbage pile? Around 500,000 words and writers like Shakespeare and Milton who've put them to exceptional use. It's a thing of beauty, not to mention the closest thing to a world language (used widely on the Internet and in science, commerce, entertainment, etc.).


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