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General Petrovsky

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Everything posted by General Petrovsky

  1. Ever have this happen to you? You agree on a set-up everything is fine and going good and you're fortunate enough to start winning a PBEM game. So after a while you notice the return emails are taking longer and longer to come back. And then eventually they stop, either mid-game or near the end, I even had one guy quit in the second turn because I nailed one of his tanks. He never returned the game file and then after I sent an email to him asking if he got it he comes back with he doesn't like CM anymore and that he doesn't like the way the TAC AI works and all this BS. I asked why he ever started the game with me if he felt that way and he didn't respond. So fine he's got a problem with CM and doesn't want to play anymore, but since then I've seen he's played like 6 more games at the Blitzkrieg where I met him and he even pasted me in the standings. So it's obvious that it's losing he doesn't like not CM. What a coward. No one likes to lose and CM can get emotional, but you need to take the loses with the wins and learn from them, thats how you get better. I don't like to lose, but if someone is getting the best of me I try my best and I FINISH THE GAME. And always report it at the appropriate ladder. I am defending in another PBEM and I was winning again and with 5 turns left and his attack has stalled and he quits. He hasn't come out and said it, but he never returned my last turn from over a month ago and I've emailed him 3 times asking what's up. Hey you're defeated and the game has lost it's appeal for you ,then surrender or ask for a cease fire. That's why those options are in the game. I don't want to rub the win in anyone's face, but I do want to see the AAR and know the level of victory for reporting the game to the ladder. I've had this happen to me time and time again. And I think it's about to happen in another game Im playing. It's another defense and I"m whooping this guy, defending is hard to do too. It's pathetic, I never quit a game and I always report my losses to the which ever ladder it's on. You know who you are out there and you're spineless losers. Anyone else ever run into this problem?? Sorry about the gripe and negative post but this is bull**** and it's taking a lot away from a great great game. And playing the AI sucks anymore so that's not an option.
  2. Some interesting insights and conflicting doctrines here. Well I'll put my two cents in because I now have a few games under my belt. I saw above people talking about rushing to the Victory Flags, you must be newbies. Every time I've had an opponent do that I've won a total victory. You're acting as predictable as the AI and your demise will be just as predictable. I think Pillar spoke of going for the good terrain. That's the real Victory locations comrade. Forget about the flags. You can hold them for 29 turns and when you lose them in that last turn you lose the game. Find the good terrain and use it to your advantage. This isn't football where you have to rush to the end zone, this is war and the key to victory is to find, demoralize, and destroy your enemy. Use the hills and cover to your advantage to do this and in the last turn or two you can stroll to the victory flags because the enemy will be no more. I agree with the balanced force, but I'm starting to see that infantry is key to this game. My one PBEM opponent (whom I've never beaten) claims that he with the most infantry wins. Something to think about and experiment with. I'm a treadhead and am usually lured into buying big ol tanks, but one clink! and you just blew a couple of platoons worth of purchase points. In another PBEM game I'm attacking with combined arms against an all infantry force and I'm getting my ass handed to me. Every step I take there is an ambush and I've lost most of my tanks/vehicles to bazookas hiding in the trees. Quite a price difference between a couple of bazookas and tanks. Another big factor is arty, it can change the tide of battle. Don't bunch up your troops to much and don't be to anxious to shoot all yours in the first few turns, that's usually when he's on the move and you'll miss. Wait until he's settled and warm and fuzzy and lay it on him. Like one of those guys who rush the victory locations . The winner isn't the first guy to the flags, it's the last guy, remember that. All is fair in love and war.
  3. You're right, I checked out WWII online and looked at all the demos and screen shots and my jaw dropped. Wow, it looks like being in the war and it's an action/strategy game not just strategy. But the fact remains it's an internet based game and the two things that are a problem with that: 1) You have to continually pay to play, not a one time purchase for a CD. 2) A good majority of internet based games players are assholes and ruin the game and the fun. Either that or they'll figure out a way to cheat which totally takes away strategy or tactics which war is based on.
  4. scratch the above, when I went back and opened a previous turn of a PBEM game the ammo was back, but then when my opponent sent the next file the ammo was gone again. Well I see BTS was quick to get the 24 patch out so no more worries. Thanks BTS!
  5. I saw above that this bug is fixed, how do I fix it? Do I download the beta 23 patch again and use it or is there a new patch out now? If so where can I find it. Thank you all.
  6. Anyone else running into bugs/problems with the lastest patch? It may have fixed the tank bogging problem, but I've seen several bugs in just 2 days of having the patch. In one PBEM game my Sharpshooter started with no ammo, in another game my tank insisted on shooting smoke shells at infantry when I had direct fire targeted them the previous orders turn, and during a purchase I saw that a regular jeep costs more then a jeep with MG now???? Anyone else seeing bugs in the lastest patch? I think this one got rushed to fix the tank problems, but it produced more than it fixed. BTS please save us, we're all going to be snowed in soon and that means a lot of time for CM!!
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