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Posts posted by dieseltaylor

  1. I suspect you are right Nelson.

    There is almost a golden rule that people who spend lots of time constructing maps are probably not very experienced as players. And good map makers are often not good scenario designers.

    I actually like the distinction as I think if you are primarily a player your designing is compromised by your eye for combat effects. A map designer will probably go for a realistic map as the primary object. Of course I am referring mainly to my experience in the days on CMx1 - though when CMBN launched I did review I think four maps for eager builders.

    One of the interesting things for realistic maps is that you can introduce different weather and troop types and it will play differently rather more effectively than a strong player doing a scenario who probably has a certain type of battle in mind during design.

    For example if a I had a huge map and was planning a Kitty battle my design I strongly suspect would be different from if I was told it was to be for infantry or recon strong. The subconscious cannot fail to suggest some suitable "features".

  2. First I would like to commend you on a wonderful map.

    If the game is intended to never be played as mirrored or that Fog of War is essential to the success of the scenario you might want to mention that in the description. I have never seen these sorts of stipulations on a scenario before but I don't see why you couldn't add them. Or you might say, "only to be played as one side vs the AI"

    An enjoyable h2h scenario is a balanced scenario. And when ladder play is involved in a game it is common to mirror a scenario in case it IS unbalanced. That is the reason for mirrored play.

    I think it a cheek to suggest that a scenario designer be asked to consider warning regarding mirrored play. Mirrored play is a travesty of what real warfare is about and it should be understood that scenarios need only carry warnings IF they are designed for mirrored play.

    The concept of playing a realistic wargame but having each player with perfect knowledge of the enemy forces and dispositions is so wrong. Warfare is about deception and surprise in order to achieve objectives as cheaply, or defend expensively, as possible.

    I was a member of WeBoB gaming club for many years I am aware of the mirrored games/ladder syndrome. It was often discussed and gradually we evolved to a better system. Better in being realistic war and making unbalanced scenarios central to the process.

    The correct way to play competitively is for groups of players to play the same scenario. Out of that group there will arise two ladders of one for the best Axis player and one for the best Allied player. If a series of scenarios are played you would hopefully average out the weaker player and blind luck.

    The nature of scenarios and balance occupied a huge amount of discussion time and also meant scenario construction was a nightmare. Consider the following:

    1. BF tweak effectiveness of HMG's accuracy of mortars. Previous games that might have seemed balance no longer are.

    2. The playtesters have too great a familiarity with the design and the FOW does not work as it ought.

    3. The playtesters are very nice volunteers but they are not very good players.

    4. Within the scenario there is the possibility of a single action being make and break the scenario heavily one way or the other.

    If you design asymmetric battles [not using the term unbalanced] played in groups then the respective performances each side do mean something.

    PS. We did have a system where scenarios were rated for balance however it was rather crude and really the best criteria is surely did both players enjoy playing it. As you can imagine a scenario of two tanks facing down a bridge could produce probably a host of scores showing that both players had a 50% chance of winning, Fun ? Realistic?

    I have seen highly improbable maps with mirrored features. I look forward in my dotage to supplying a checkerboard map of ploughed and wheat fields to the mirrored fraternity. : )

  3. It's not a fetish about making manuals opaque. BFC are just rubbish at manuals. There are errors in the latest versions that have been in the thing since SF. Errors that have been pointed out. It's just not what the miniscule development house is interested in; they do the absolute minimum to keep the manual up to date.

    What is it with trying to make every flaw (and there are many, as we all know) in BFC's product to be some kind of deliberate slap in the face of the user?

    Thank you for another example of customer handling. I want BF to remain in business. I also know that if you do not provide a good experience you lose incrementally customers until a viable mass is gone.

    This is what is so galling is the huge amount of goodwill that exists for game designers. I copy read for free the manuals for Les Grogs. Thanks and a mention no fee required. And I was a happy bunny. Someone in the US surely could volunteer to be keeper of the manual and re-writer!

    As for flaws and slap in the face that is the art of dealing with your market so that the impression you do not care is erased. Continually repeating errors in the manual when advised is a tough one to explain away.

    PS I see that a reader has reported a change in Manual V2. I thing it is a masterful way of making everything clearer.

    With regard to the oddity with the terrain objectives points value, I suspect it has something to do with the following the last couple of lines in the V2 manual - page 103


    Victory conditions

    Only terrain objectives are considered for determining victory conditions in a QB.

    All other objective types and parameters are ignored. All terrain objectives are

    converted to OCCUPY objectives automatically. The code automatically adds an

    enemy-casualty threshold victory goal for each side, which is lowest for meeting

    engagements, and highest for assaults.

    It looks like the game is switching an element of the total points you allocate to an unit objective, in this case 33%. So this is a problem specific to QBs, which is why Jon and I haven't seen it before.

  4. Nope. I hardly play any solo at all, though I do only have time for one H2H game at a time, currently.

    The answer to that should be self evident. Unless you're of the opinion that BFC have a bunch of "secret insiders" who shill for them on the forums. Just so you don't think I'm evading the question: the self-evident, and accurate answer is that I have no association whatsoever with BFC other than as a customer.

    My turn:

    Do you play the game at all?

    Do you have some sort of grievance against BFC?

    I am not suggesting that BF are engaged in anything underhand however their are beta-testers who do post who do not indicate they are beta-testers. One is left in the unfortunate situation that some people post opinion as fact and some post fact as fact and without background it is difficult to see who is believable.

    Having said that the game is vast and not everyone who was/is a beta-tester would necessarily be accurate on all things. There is also in my mind the impression that some beta-testers are also not kept very much in touch with current events.

    Do I play?

    Not this year and not last year. Last year I was away a lot and with promised improvements with V2.00 I saw no point in learning deeply a system that was being substantially altered. I may play this year but never to the level of the CMx1 series where eleven games at once and several hundred games in all.

    Do you have some sort of grievance against BFC?

    Grievance would be the wrong word. I am exasperated by BF.

    Exasperated because IMO they brought the game out before it was ready, which I could forgive them if they were upfront with the reason why. I have twice quoted Vauxhall who when sending out the first Churchill tanks apologised for the problems caused by launching in a short time frame and stated they would put them right subsequently.

    If that were the only example of customer handling it would not be so bad but the way that various issues like - what the Manual does not tell you, the void into which peoples gripes disappear until possibly, eventually a fix arrives.

    I can look at my early e-mails to GAJ about the need for a PBEMHelper replacement which was launched as h2h. I forsaw it would be a great help to players. GAJ runs a great mod forum also which took up the slack from previous repositories. This is customer aiming service to make the CM of more use to gamers. Happy gamers make better customers and spread the word.

    I do not contribute much to the Wiki mentioned below but it is function of the opacity of the rules and the difficulty of finding things in these forums which lead to its creation.

    * As I no longer read every post CM related on the forums I may be wrong on apologies and lists - I hope I am.

  5. Really nice effort at creating a real view. Sadly, the modern aspects spoil it for me. I dont think any of the long 'industrial farm' buildings would have been there in 1944. Most French countryside would have been small peasant farmers. with small holdings. Also, dont feel you need clipped hedges - they arent big on manicuring even now (the most tidy and manicured buildings in deep rural France are holiday lets and British owned property - not a lot of them around in 1944).

    The long buildings caught my eye in the air shots and I wondered if a more contemporary aerial or map is available. However that is me being casual about someone else's time - I have no doubt that the time available was better spent in mastering the CM design editor to create a masterpiece.

    In earlier times when I had more cash I did think I, or perhaps BF, should award annual prizes for best scenario, best map each year. A token amount to be sure but recognition all the same. However that was in CMx1 times.

    Perhaps on the criteria of realism for maps we could institute the SailorTaylor award : ).

    With regard to hedges I have seen interesting videos - possibly on Vimeo - of the French getting their act together on restoring hedgelines and looking after hedges. With adequate manpower and suspect supply I was wondering if the traditional country dwellers in the 1940's would be keeping the countryside tidy for kindling, other wood, and hedge food. The current state not being a reliable indicator possibly of 1944 where many pictures tend to show hedges after the battle. Only a thought.

  6. Well not everyone likes as this is the sole quote on UK Amazon

    I have never before felt compelled to write a book review but I purchased this book believing I would gain a new and informed insight into the air war over Europe during World War Two. Sadly, this wasn't the case.

    In brief, this book merely re-tells, mainly in diary format, the story of how the American Army Air Forces (mainly the 8th and 9th Air Forces) operated in the ETO in the run up to D Day. It is suggested in the title that the author has unearthed new evidence about how the Allies (for Allies read the Americans) gained air superiority during that period, implying that "The Pointblank Directive" has previously remained untold. Read any relative, authoritative history of the subject and you will uncover exactly the same information as is presented here. Changes of commanding personnel, battle plans and target criteria, tactics, morale, co-operation between air forces, co-operation between the fighting services and the Allies, disagreement between the Americans and the British about bombing strategy etc; nothing new at all, it's all been documented before!

    To say that this is written from a typically "how the Americans saved our bacon" angle would be an understatement to say the very least. Scant reference is made to the huge contribution made by Britain, the Commonwealth and other Allied countries, let alone praise and recognition for their part in achieving the overall objective. At certain stages, I even began to wonder if we actually turned up for the show!

    Accounts of major air battles lack only "Zap!", "Kerpow!" and "Splat!", such is the American Superhero Comic style in which they are written. Not only are they repetitious and unnecessary padding, but you also can't help but feel they are gratuitous. Please leave out the gung-ho stuff in non fiction works! The reader also has to battle with the author's apparent fixation with certain words and expressions, frequently used out of context, throughout the course of the book. Add to this poor editing in the form of countless typos, missing words, unfinished sentences, poor punctuation and grammar, plus inaccurate geographical and historical information, and you have the formula for one of the most irritating books that I have ever read.

    To the author's credit, however, he has had a book published, first and foremost. The topic he has chosen will continue to be debated for many years to come and, despite not telling us anything new or ground-breaking, he presents a sound case for the importance and necessity of Allied actions in the air as part of the overall plan for the liberation of Europe.

    However the author has had published this this year:

    Combined Bomber Offensive 1943-1944, The (WWII Trilogy) [Paperback]

    Perhaps it is better? I see he is a co-founder of the History Channel. This may explain how he managed for three books published on Gun Camera footage. I look forward to your opinion as I am sure from your postings here it will carry more weight. : )

    PS I can see how he can get up the nostril of the less jingoistic reader - particularly with the quote in here:

    While the photographs are interesting, the sub-title "Photography from Allied Fighters and Bombers over Occupied Europe" is misleading because this is an entirely American viewpoint. In fact, from the text, you will get the impression that the 8th Air Force did all the fighting and the only British involvement was to be grateful!

    This quote sums it up: "Nothing surprised the Luftwaffe more than to discover that American fighter pilots could actually shoot them down in a dogfight. After all, the Germans were battle-hardened and had victories over both the British and the Soviets".

  7. I opened up a QB on a huge map - my second ever. Firstly it was the suckiest map I have ever seen in terms of real life or even bad map making. Great advertisment for the game.

    Setting thinks to automatic buy at no time did I see the cost of my units, ending the game revealed that the VL was worth 500pts so for the defender keeping one man alive there was a draw no matter if he was the sole survivor and the US had lost nothing. This accords with Berto's post repeated in my previous contribution.

    The reason I opened it was to see if the values of the VL show and I did see three stars above the objective. Is this relevant or if I had three VL's I would not be aware of the actual game values if the designer allocates them unevenly?

    I am still undecided whether this idea is genius or daft but being unexplained and apparently not in the manual it is still not well-done for the player IMO.

  8. LOS and LOF are by far the biggest bugbears in the game and the biggest turn-off IMO. I do not want to spend my gaming time wrestling with positioning. Given that tanks have no elevation of weapon systems this seems astonishingly one-sided.

    Giving tanks correct elevation is very hard to code and players would not like it we will not do it......... we can code from spot to spot and players must lump it! even if it makes it highly tedious in terms of player time and "results" when trying to site of fire your main weapon.

    I think the scenery is wonderful but the faux accuracy with unit spotting and firing just makes the game very kludgy.

  9. Truly beautiful map. The amount of work to achieve must have been immense but the reward you must feel .....

    I agree wholeheartedly that designers should give credit if they are using substantial parts of others work.

    As for playing mirrored games. WTF! I thought that had gone out with the ark.

    My only difference of opinion over the map would be I would strip out modern buildings/roads etc. but that is a trivial point as he who designs makes the decisions.

  10. dt - I deny it. The Brits had very tank heavy armor forces in the western desert and their combined arms blew chunks because of it, and it got entire armor brigades annihilated in an afternoon, on more than one occasion. The Germans had a better tank infantry ratio and more combined arms formations, and those formations outperformed dramatically. Was tank artillery cooperation even more important than tank infantry cooperation in the desert? Sure. But they went hand in hand - lopsided tank heavy forces still were lousy at that, and balanced ones were superior. Sometimes the cooperating force was a gun front or a timely barrage indirect - the principle was the same.

    Re-telling some of the history does not actually advance your case with detail but seems if anything to support mine by emphasising the German use of combined arms. Which to me suggest intrinsically that you build your force for the job in hand. Essentially you need the correct force mix but even that is no good if your tactics are rubbish.

    The three German panzer divisions attacking at Medinine In March 1943 lost 53 of 150 tanks to ATG's and artillery with British losses a few ATG. Assuming they had the admired mix of infantry - which I do not know [ yet] - it would appear was not much help. Terrain adequate weapons and good generalship did for them.

  11. I must admit to a growing sense of dismay at the cack-handedness of a system for VP's which defies easy understanding AND is not even available to players. Sometimes I think BF should get awards for making things difficult in concept and then leaving it for players to discover years after the event how it actually works.

    If you read the right posts in April 2011 though ...


    Senior Member

    Join Date: Feb 2003

    Location: Italy

    Posts: 183

    I have reviewed the points of the QB.

    There was an error in my conclusion, on ground targets.

    Here's the new table:

    Scontro (ME) unit pt 600 terrain pt 400

    Probe unit pt 500 terrain pt 500

    Attack unit pt 350 terrain pt 650

    Assault unit pt 250 terrain pt 750

    As you can see the total is still 1000.

    Points of terreain are recalculated in proportion to those indicated on the map to give the desired value.

    Example map ME with two obj 10pt and 30 pt, points will be counted 100 and 300.

    So on the face it a cunning system but leaves one with the unpleasant idea that someone aware of its ramifications is going to do substantially better than someone who has not found out that the terrain and killed values vary from game type. My gut instinct is that there is something not quite right with this approach however I have to go out know - I will discuss it with my fellow CM [*1] today : )

  12. Seems to me that the nature of the war you are fighting has far more to do with the ideal mix than just quoting an infantry to armour number that fighting a war in northern Europe in WW2 seems to be right.

    I have my doubts about that proportion being right for the Western Desert battles, Partly because of the supply needs, partly because of the very large terrain, and particularly as infantry versus tanks was rather one-sided. Basically if the terrain ain't favourable then you need to adjust the mix.

  13. Indeed. I dream of a toggle like "hide game aids"(?) in CM1. It would be great if we with one keystroke could toggle: floating icons, bases, red crosses, building tranparency, vehicle hit text, landmarks, objectives, perhaps compass - and so on

    .Agree 3

    PC says it would require effort for BF to do it. This sort of begs the question what was war movie mode trying to achieve? OK a faux realism which may be interesting for a few minutes but nothing else. I am not ungrateful that BF look at increasing the immersion level. I do wonder though if they think it all the way through or just go here is a quickie tweak which will read well when we launch CMGL.

    What is revealing though is there is player demand for a true "clean" variant for recording the battles as war documentary. Hardly surprising given the efforts put into great graphics.

  14. Might be also nice to have the seriously over-stressed transmissions, of some notoriously under-powered German tanks, fail when they are pivoting and be immobilised.

    I am surprised that you don't think it applies to Allied tanks also ....

    However in terms of loss on the battlefield as opposed to travelling to and from a battlefield I think there is a not insignificant difference. Particularly for the German kitties. Fortunately as most Tiger losses are recorded I am sure you can see for yourself that most were lost by being overrun in depot, out of petrol and destroyed by crews, or combat, rather than transmission failure on the battlefield.

    In game terms really quite rare and not likely to amuse players when it did happen. Given the present major bodges on movement that discriminate mainly against German tanks it would seem a bit rich to devote any effort to a rare event.

  15. Technique of Transporting Infantry on Tanks Load Allocation

    Says Lieutenant Colonel Kinne, 781st Tank Battalion, after working with six infantry divisions during European campaigns: "In an infantry mission, a maximum of 10 men may be carried.

    "It is imperative that before mounting the infantry, thorough plans are made by the infantry commanders and tank commanders who are to ride together. It is the duty of the infantry commander to mount infantry personnel in such manner as to preserve unit tactical integrity. This insures that no time is lost in organizing for combat after dismounting.

    "Heavy-weapons units as well as riflemen may be transported. A complete machine-gun or mortar crew with weapon can be carried on a tank.


  16. I think BF has missed a trick here. For the gamer the "movie mode" is not very helpful but I do know there a number of people who would dearly love to make war movies. An untapped market.

    Is it possible to code the crosses out or change the colour at least to khakhi. The red is just so obviously glaringly wrong. There really really is a market out there for players who would make some excellent movies.

    PS If umlaut is right then BF should have no problem making movie mode more like a real movie mode.

  17. A consideration I have now as I grow older is that perhaps losing a war quickly as the Italians did in Libya was actually a much smarter option in preserving Italian lives. It may sound heretical to suggest that not dying is actually a very acceptable outcome for most combatants.

    Obviously the officer class and the politicians being that much further away from death can afford to be brave longer. It helps of course if their children are not in danger either.

    As it happens there were many overly brave Italian soldiers and many sensible ones where preserving Mussolini in power seemed a very poor reward.

    Ditto the French who having bled the most of the Western Allies in WW1 and having a series of rubbish Governments did not wish to fight to the death. Sensible. After all Germans taking a country and retreating out with terms as in 1871 was surely an option worth considering compared to losing 4% of your population and 10% or your remaining population carrying wounds as from 1914-18.

    Where you have a large moat like the UK and the US it is much easier to be heroic and be scornful of other nations not blessed with the right geography.

    BTW the French "jokes" are normally applied to the Italians in the UK. Possibly a better education means we have heard of the Napoleonic wars. This was when France trounced most of Europe for a number of years around 1800. : )

  18. Reminds me of when my brother played the original CMSF where rather than turn at a gap in the dual carriageway the vehicles felt it smarter to drive up towards the enemy at the head of the road and then turn to come down the other side of the carriageway.

    Speedy maybe but remarkably stupid when you know where the enemy are!

    Does changing the unit movement speed order engender a higher degree of caution so that they will stick to crawling under the vines rather than dashing out and back???

    Does it revolve around the time taken to move out and to the closest end and run back? So if it is a long long row then going straight through may make sense for two or three rows but not for four. ?

  19. At the weekend I bought this Cyclopedia in the David & Charles reprint which covers only the "Manufacturing Industry" and I was surprsed to find a lengthy piece on air-guns.


    "Manufacturing Industry" is a misnomer as the five volumes also covers incidentally production processes, history, and such as the gazometers and aerostations, some towns and people. One thing of great surprise was the deadweight of livestock increasing dramatically between 1700 and 1800 - this in a section London!.

  20. I am shocked by the adverts per programme. We had "Parks and Recreation" recently and the show on BBC lasts 21 minutes. I assume if I am in advertland it is a 30 minute show. SO roughly a third wasted time for watchers. Bizarre.

    And of course the loss of continuity and atmosphere. Its criminal.


    As for BF and their shipping policy [or more like sod the rest of the world] it seems to me that they have never leveraged the genuine goodwill of their early fans on the distribution and growth side. If I had known they has a fistful of books to sell I could have met them in New Brunswick in 2012 and brought 20-50 home to the UK for places like Bovington or IWM possibly. Or even sold them directly from here. Its not like I don't know a dozen people into WW2 locally.

    OK so perhaps a 2 hour drive up for them but hell better than remaindering stock.

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