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Posts posted by Nabla

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    1. Do nothing more with CMBO. Since you bought what you bought knowing that it wasn't going to magically morph itself into a new game every year, this is a perfectly justifiable approach for us to take. You guys have all got way more than your $45 worth out of CMBO by the looks of it, especially when compared to the average number of hours people put into the average game. So from a business point of view, you guys got a heck of a deal and asking more from us is unreasonable.


    Let me be the first one to say that you are absolutely correct about this one. Someone is going to be greedy enough to try and argue with you about this one, but probably for more than 99% of us this statement is so very true. Compared to the joy this game has given it costs almost nothing! :D

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jgdpzr:

    It gets your unit moving pronto (as long as it isn't pinned), so there is no delay at all. Good for that extraction that must happen NOW. Perfect for the one-man sharpshooter.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Excellent. So what's the cost? I mean, why not use it every time you have to retreat?

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

    Get your sharshooter to fire at the enemy from a tall building/crop of woods etc., then simply use the "Withdraw" command with "Hide" for good effect.


    I must admit that I've never used the withdraw command. I thought you could only use it as a last resort to get out of the battlefield. Never had to run away so far ;) Could you explain what the command does in this case?

  4. Watching all of this gamey / non-gamey stuff makes me want to do something about the situation. So I've got a suggestion.

    Why don't we form a "Do the Best With What You've Got Club" (or something like that smile.gif), whose members prefer random settings in games. If this idea gets any support, I can host web pages for it.

    On the pages we could list addresses of players whom you can contact to start a new random settings PBEM game. It could also be used to find "battle generators" who can make battles for you (to avoid possibility of cheating).

    Anyone interested?

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Williams:

    People are still playing CM on 8 MB video cards? Cmon guys. I don't want to sound elitist, but, if money is tight, brown-bag lunch for a month. That should save you enough money to buy a decent 32 MB video card.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Please calculate how many brown-bag lunches you need to buy a decent 32 MB video for a laptop. ;)

  6. Ach, I've been waiting for such an announcement. :D Not to say that I can beat you, but I've wanted to face a real master of the game. I haven't played many games, but I also haven't lost a game myself so far (got some unsettled at the moment, though).

    So if you're up for the challenge drop me a line. If you prefer Allies I can play the Germans. I'd love to pick forces on the defence, but I love random settings even more.

  7. Thanks for the great summary. I am also very, very happy to see the way BTS is branpicking wargame experts on this bulletin board. In addition to providing a nice way for experts to share their knowledge, it will most probably result in a better end product.

    What a great community has been built around CM. :D

  8. Originally posted by alla_keefek:

    Nabla. Its been 10 hours since I tried. I just did again after reading what you said and its bounced back again. frown.gif

    Since I also live in Finland that does not surprise me. Ten hours ago it was 03:20 for Tuomas, and now its 13:20. As a heavy duty CM gamer he probably goes to sleep at 3:00, wakes up at 11:00, and tries to get something useful done before another night of battle.

    So he's probably trying to direct his thoughts away from CM at the moment, and he's too scared to take a look at his PBEM emails because they might drag him down under again. biggrin.gif Don't worry, he'll be back.

  9. Well I must say... Last weekend I thought about this bridge tournament thing too, so I think it's a very good idea. biggrin.gif I'm too busy (and tired) to think of the details right now, but I'll get back to this later on.

    If the details can be worked out count me in. Note that this idea would also allow very unbalanced games (if the moderator would generate them), which would make this even more interesting.

  10. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    I would humbly suggest that you are about to be severely abused on the defense if you are playing a ladder game for the first time.

    Which side do you have? (Axis/Allies?)

    how many points?

    is it a probe? assualt or attack?

    just curious more than anything else?

    Good luck (I think you will need it)

    It's a 700 point attack where I'm defending as Axis. It's been interesting. I don't feel abused so far. For the first few rounds the weather's been mostly 81mm thick smoke. (Oops, almost wrote some spoilers for my opponent, had to edit them away.) I can give you the details when the dust has settled.

    [This message has been edited by Nabla (edited 03-28-2001).]

  11. On the basis of a quick test I'd say that you're so very right! I downloaded the demo of Railroad Tycoon, and the startup screen is making the machine run just as hot.

    On the defense side I must say that I've really been looking for any possible angle that would help me solve the lockup problem, and when I saw this feature I thought it made some sense. However, now its back to the drawing board... smile.gif The weird thing is that I've not been able to replicate the lockup situation with any other program. CM is really the ultimate stability test, as someone wrote on this board.

    Thank you very much for interest and co-operation. I myself will leave this subject for a while and focus on PBEMing, which is the best thing since ... well, what? biggrin.gif

  12. Yes, very interesting indeed. Now there's one more thing we'll have to check: processor temperature, that is, whether all of these programs increase the temperature of the processor as much as CM does when they are "idle" (menu or something else non-3D).

    I don't have a processor temperature monitor in my PC, but I'll try to find one (I don't know whether it has to be supplied by the manufacturer). At least I can run some of the game demos to see if my computer gets hot and the fan turns on. If someone has a temperature monitor in their PC I'd surely be ecstatic if that someone could run the test (at least for some games mentioned above there are demos you can use in the test).

    Just this one test and we're done. smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Nabla (edited 03-28-2001).]

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