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Posts posted by Monty

  1. It was hard to find a good subject title lol

    My question:

    Seeing that in CMBB the light buildings can be blown away with one shot, i dont understand why the AI AFV's dont use this when my AFV's are reversing behind a light building.

    I have read about the AI cant remember things as soon as units are out of LOS but think about this adding to the AI behavior:

    AI AFV's will target light buildings when enemy units are disappearing behind those light buildings.

    This goes also for infantery etc offcourse.

    I think the AI will do much better then !!

    Monty aka Moose

  2. Originally posted by Foxbat:

    Before we get on the BUG trail, it seems to me that these guns would not be pulled in a CM scale enviroment. These are intended for static airdefence stuff and would in a CM battle be used in preplaced positions. Looks like a design decision to me :D

    Who can more info about the use of these guns ?

    Did the Russians use the Flak guns as AT guns like the Germans did ?

    Im shure they are quit capable for the job.

    If there is no transport for the guns, we should skip the German tracktorvehicle too ??!

    Monty aka Moose

  3. Bertram, i have an extra CMBB copy (US) !

    You can buy it from me if you like !?!

    ( Stuur me een mail als je belangstelling hebt Bertram. Waar woon je ? )

    In my first QB my 5 panzers are facing > 15 enemy tanks !!

    I lost sofar only 1 panzer, enemy 8 but im low in AP shells now...argghh

    The enemy infantery is pounded with on-board mortars, so they wont be a bother.


    Monty aka Moose

    [ November 02, 2002, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]

  4. Falcon One,

    One of the Dutch CM players has a friend in the USA, he ordered 9 copies of CMBB from Battlefront and shipped them to Holland smile.gif

    I face now 10 or more tanks btw, i have knocked out 3 at least sofar ( long range, 900 meters )

    I am retreating my Stugs because they are getting low in AP shells, i will make a counter attack later, its now time for the artillery, then infantery.

    Monty aka Moose

  5. Hard to compare a sturmy with a SS squad eh ? smile.gif

    This scenario i played , the main battle was in a huge forest.

    On both sides total of > 600 casualties in 30 minutes !!

    The tanks we had were useless LOL

    My opponent ( A.I. ) had a 50 % bonus of units , meeting engagement and i scored a minor victory.

    Im shure i would have much better done if i had the CMBB machineguns !! ( still waiting for CMBB, i expect it in about 1 week smile.gif )

    Monty aka Moose

  6. I just finished a scenario, and after the AAR i inspected the map.

    Checking scores for units, i'll discovered one of my SS Moterized Infantery squads scored 21 casualties !!!

    Is this a record ??

    btw I got the SS units with the scenario, i never buy SS units myself.

    Here is the "proof" screenie :

    (btw look to the mean faces of those SS units, <SHUDDER> )


    Yes,i know its from a CMBO scenario.

    I posted this question also in the CMBO forum, very few people visit there........

    Monty aka Moose

    [ October 19, 2002, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]

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