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Posts posted by Doodlebug

  1. Originally posted by CrankyKris:

    On a similar note, send Green, Regular, Vet, and Crack tanks of the same type over a rise into enemy AT assets. Guess which tank will get targetted first? Second? Last?

    Do the same thing again but send the tanks over the rise spaced about 5 seconds apart with Mr. Green first into the firestorm. Watch the enemy gunners switch targets as the pros come into sight.

    Oooh. If that's true then it smells like a problem to me. That can't be right. Can it?
  2. Originally posted by van ston:

    i am 50% dutch 40% english 10%austrian good huh? :D

    That depends. If you're 50% Dutch cheese maker, 40% English humourist and 10% Austrian skier then you're laughing. But if you're 50% Dutch skier, 40% English cheese maker and 10% Austrian humourist then you have my sympathy. :D:D:D

    Now, having simultaneously offended three nationalities, I shall withdraw quietly to the corner and wait. ;)

  3. Originally posted by tracer:

    Seriously though, I thank stug for taking the time to do the sound mod. I hope he will keep doing them, because there aren't to many people that do sound mods. I started modding and I still have a ways to go before I get good at it.

  4. Originally posted by phil stanbridge:


    Had to say the new 'death sounds' on cmmods are a laugh a minute.. Just sat playing them through my lunch break and nearly fell off my chair laughing. Might be tempted to use one as my startup sound!


    You are a cruel man sir. After all the effort that went into them. Mind you so am I. I do think that they deserve some individual recognition so here are my suggestions.

    507 "My piles are playing up today"

    510 "I do wish I hadn't drunk all that beer earlier."

    518 "The next patch is how big? I've only got a 56k dial-up modem"

    And finally

    523 "I've got to wait how long for CMAK"


  5. Originally posted by JasonC:

    Yep, that is what makes them so useful. Any unit, squad or team or gun, from any company or battalion. When you have lots of higher level commanders, you can organize your force into teams pretty much as you see fit, without being constrained by a conventional force structure.

    You can also do things like strip a poor platoon HQ of all his men and just use him to spot for light mortars, give your best company commander a big half-company force under his personal control to get the most of command bonuses, put another in charge of a mixed pioneer, SMG, ATR, and tank hunter "armor killer" detail, etc.

    A force with company commanders is dramatically more flexible than one with just platoon HQs.

    OK. I actually know all of the above but I'm going to be a little bit contentious here. Is it realistic? I'd accept this philosophy of command and control in a modern battlefield setting but not WW2. It just feels too flexible if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong. I actually do all of the above myself for maximum effect. Wouldn't it be more realistic in representing the correct chain of command if HQ's could only influence independent teams, subordinate units from their own command or any broken troops who run nearby?
  6. Originally posted by Echo:

    I wonder if that Panther is dug in, or if it is only the turret? The Germans set up turrets as anti-tank guns toward the end.

    Doh! Nevermind, just saw another pic that shows the hull.

    I've got a feeling that it isn't a whole Panther buried in the picture. I seem to recollect that the germans mounted the turrets onto simple metal boxes buried in the ground. Cheaper that way and easier to manufacture. I think you're looking at that. I can't see much evidence of engine grilles in the photo.
  7. Originally posted by flamingknives:

    What facings are the respective targets? (a side-on target is easier to hit than ahead on one.)

    That can't be right. A head on target is much easier to hit. It's either coming straight at you and getting bigger or going away and getting smaller. Both of these situations are much easier than a fast moving target moving sideways to which you have to apply the correct lead to the shot in order that shell and target arrive at the same point at the same time. I don't fancy your chances as an AA gunner or clay pigeon shooter smile.gif
  8. I'll open by asking the obvious question.

    Rexford are you Lorrin?

    Check out this link.


    It seems a little cheeky to me to cut and paste someone elses post to another site and not give due credit. Mind you it does show the quality of the piece and perhaps it was done more in admiration than plagiarism.

    Note. Pop ups are a pain at this site.

    [ February 26, 2003, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Doodlebug ]

  9. I do not use the word bug lightly and I only hope that someone can throw some light on this matter.

    If I give a brief description of the situation and events perhaps someone can comment whether this is likely to be a bug or not.

    In an ongoing city based tournament game a Marder positioned on overwatch down a road between large heavy buildings targetted a Russian truck with it's main gun as it came up the road. Sensibly the truck decided to be else where and turned off sharpish behind other buildings. The LOS was briefly lost but then the Marder strangely reaquired the truck and started tracking and targetting the passenger 45mm AT gun and engaging it through 3 or 4 large heavy buildings, a large light building plus a small building. The Marder resolutely fired at the target all shells naturally detonating in the wall of the nearest building - a few metres ahead of it. Frankly I have never seen anything like this as normally 1 large building cannot be seen through let alone 4 or 5. Anyone ever experienced anything even remotely like this or able to offer plausible explanations?

    I have retained the view/plot file if BTS would care to replay it and will email it, and the password naturally ;) , if requested.

    My final comment is this. If this is a bug, and I think it is, can it be named after me?

    Doodlebugii Spotticus does have a certain ring to it :D

    Genuinely baffled and bemused.


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