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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. A while back someone posted a link to a museum in Virginia that had a Tiger tank as well as some other vehicles. I've tried searching the board but the "search" function isn't working properly, it just sits there forever. If anyone has information on this museum's location I'd be greatful.

  2. I only play scenarios with U.S., British and German units so I just pick out which mods I like out of the ones that come with batch files, dump the rest, back-up those and all other mods on a zip disk. I've got several dirctories like Allied vehicles, German vehicles, Terrain, Buildings and Objects, Uniforms, Sounds etc.. When a new mod comes along I unzip it, compare it to what I've already got, if I like it I'll just throw it in the appropriate directory and zip it up with the rest.


    "Stupid people shouldn't breed" - Skatenigs

  3. Count me in. On that Ishihara test I get 1 out of 6. I live in Japan and in Tokyo there's a clinic that utilizes some sort of procedure to temporarily relieve color blindness, can't remember exactly how they do it. What was a real shocker for me was the first time I had my eyes checked by a Japanese optometrist, he said that I have a slight degree of double vision!

  4. Originally posted by MikeT:

    If anyone knows Japanese please let me know. I have plans for a mod in which Japanese is critical.



    I'm in Japan and my wife is Japanese. What do you need?

    IMO I think CM would be a difficult sale in Japan. Japanese tend to use their PC's more for surfing, word processing and such. If you go into a PC store there's not nearly as many games for PC's as there are in the U.S.. It could be partly due to the language barrier but I figure it's because Playstation, Sega, and Nintendo are kings over here. There's zillions of titles to chose from for those consoles.

  5. Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski:

    I know DU penetrates M1 armor, but I'd just feel better in it anyway. Stealth technology doesn't have an impact when an A-10 or AH-64 rolls in on target, I don't think it's too much of an improvement.

    I know I've been out of the U.S. for a while, maybe I missed some undeclared skirmish between the Yanks and the Brits.

  6. Originally posted by Scott Clinton:

    Sorry, I just noticed this thread. I did not know folks were still looking for these utilities.

    For the PC the two best I have found (for free) can be found at:




    They both capture your screen action directly to video. I think Screencorder is nicer because it writes to avi format whereas S-Demo uses its own compression format. But if you are going to be serious about this you may want to look into a converter to then convert the avi files to a better (i.e. smaller) format. There are many of these on ZDNet.

    I would curious to know how it works for them.

    Good luck.

    Running a 1.1 GHZ, 256mb ram, 7.5k rpm 20mb HD and 64mb Prophet II. Tried the Screencorder and Hypersnap with Quicktime. Screencorder didn't produce good framerates no matter how you adjust it. Hypersnap could get good frame rates but you have to make a trade-off with resolution. Best I could get was 800X600 16bit producing about 90fpm which was too choppy for me.

  7. Originally posted by StellarRat:

    I hope you're not serious about this, but if you are I'd like to point out that all the wars of the 20th century wouldn't make much of a dent in the world population. The Black Plague was far more effective. Are you in favor of that too? An all out nuclear war would be very effective too. Any takers?

    Yeah, I'll take that one.

    We're all pretty comfortable kickin' back in our heated homes and apartments, watching a zillion channels on the tube, eatin' cheezy poofs, and toddlin' off to the back room to bone the wife or play CM at our whim, but wait...... the world population will increase by another billion in the next 15 years. How long before we're adding a billion a year? Not long. Where are these population increases occuring? Mostly in the third world countries. What usually happens when there is an overwhelming population of have-nots? Civil unrest which spills over into neighboring countries.

    Natural resources come into play here too not to mention just plain old freakin' elbow room. IMO world population and the resources it requires will be a major cause of a lot more unrest on this planet.

    There are alternatives to playing nuclear or biological roulette with those countries squankin' out the most babies. It's a proven fact that nations with the highest education levels have seen birth rates level out or decline. Maybe a concerted effort to raise the education levels in countries with high birthrates will stem the tide.

    [This message has been edited by StellarRat (edited 01-25-2001).]

  8. Originally posted by 420:

    I tried to change the opening tune to the theme from The Great Escape. I changed the song file name and saved it to the wav dir, but it doesn't work. Had anyone else tried this? Any ideas?

    Are you talking about 00005010.wav? If so I tried the same thing but found that it's also the same tune played during the intro movie which you can't change unless you have a movie editor that will allow you to change the audio track. I did change the drum ditty on the selection or opening screen but it only plays the same length as the original file, 00000170.wav.

    [This message has been edited by Old Crow (edited 01-25-2001).]

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