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Posts posted by Murph

  1. I'll try to drop by as well. Maybe I missed this crucial bit of info, but how will we recognize "the group"? Do we have a secret code of sorts? What I don't want to do is to go up to some guy, make eye contact, ask him if he likes playing war games, and then get my ass beat to a pulp.

    I'll be the guy that bumps into a table or chair and goes "OWWW, MY LEG!"


  2. Does any one know how names for military operations are assigned? Who does this? Are the names closely linked with the action (as in Desert Shield, for ex.) or are they seemingly random (like Cobra, for ex.).

    I first wondered this when I read about the name given to the operatation undeway now in the US (it's a silly name, I'm sorry. So silly I've already forgotten it...proud eagle? something like that). Anyway, then my curiosity went on to other well known "operations" in history.

    So my question to the military buffs out there: Can you tell me the anecdote/reason/meaning behind the following?



    Market Garden

    And any others you know of. I'm sure some will be quite interesting because they seem so appropriate, and others for exactly the opposite reason.



  3. Interesting thread. I have a 600MHz Athlon with 128mb of RAM, and the game works great.

    Panzer 76, my hat's off to you for your thick skin and pleasant demeanor in the face of some, in my opinion, over-agressive replies.

    I think your point is quite valid (regardless of whether I agree with it or not), and you have graciously sidestepped a potential flamefest that would have obscured the issue completely after like, 5 posts.

    Welcome to the board...oh wait...never mind!



  4. I have one of those "how is it in real life?" questions.

    I understand a squad of 12 (US) equals 12 men. Now, why does it take, say 6 people in a crew for a 50 cal.? I can see one guy shooting, and another guy helping to feed the ammunition. But what about the other 4? What do they do? It seems like an awful lot of people standing around, but what do I know. Is this a real world thing, or a CM abstraction? (the same question would aply to HMGs and LMGs)

    Same question goes for HQ units, mortar units, etc. What 4 (or appropriate number of people) would this amount to in real life? Or is it an abstraction? What are each of their respective roles? Why do Company HQs get 6?

    And finally, if indeed they are abstractions, why would this be done for some type of units and not for others?

    Thanks in advance,


  5. El Portugues se lee muy facilmente. Lo que no se entiende con tanta facilidad es que carajo le esta pasando a los Brazucas, que se han olvidado de jugar al futbol. Falta de buenos jugadores no sera. A este ritmo, mejor quedarse en casa como los Argentinos

    Gyrene, tu comentario "Se o Brasil não se qualifica para a copa eu acho que metade do pais vais se suicidar...

    Which is why I don't think the 2 MG HT's are underpriced." me hizo matar de la risa!

    And this is really my final word in this topic, the whole SMG issue has just gotten out of hand. BTS PLEASE FIX IT OR DO SOMEFINK!


  6. Wow, quien hubiera dicho que habria tantos Brazucas "camuflados" en este board?

    Argie, un poco de aguante que vamos a salir tarde o temprano de la crisis. Y si no, en el peor de los casos nos mudamos todos a Espana a verlo jugar a Saviolita en vivo y en directo en el Barca (Blenheim, supongo que nos podemos quedar en tu casa, verdad? :D )

    Madmatt, FYI, we're just discussing the difference in the penetration factor between AP and Tungsten rounds.


  7. AAR: Allied major victory 73 to 27. I had 31 casualties to his 33, and we each lost a vehicle (me a jeep, he a tank). I had 71 men ok and he had 31, I held the Major vf at the bridge, as well as the minor one at the church. He held a minor flag at the town, which I ignored completely as it was too far away and didn't seem connected to the objective, given that I only had 2 platoons. It's a good thing I evaded the town altogether, becuse there was 2 squads, a flamethrower and a halftrack sitting around and waiting for me to drop by.

    Overall I playted the scenario with caution, using covering fire, smoke and overwatch to advance in as smooth a fashion as possible. I was patient enough to wait for my supporting MGs, and the enemy at the flags never had a chance against my superior number and flanking fire. In my opinion, there wasn't enough "action" given the size of the map. Too much walking for too little fighting. Although it does seem realistic in its small scale. Nevertheless, to do all that marching in order to meet and quickly rout 2 squads and a tank with little change (road surrounded by woods) does seem a little anti climactic. Also, I kept expecting to have to "hold" the bridge, but it became obvious that there wasn't going to be a counterattach. It would have been cool if the troops in the village had charged my positions, or come to the aid of their buddies a little earlier. Either way, I arrived in good enough shape so I think I would have taken them. If I was the germans, I would have wiped out half the Amis in their charge accross the open fields at the beginning. That's when I was at my most vulnerable, and it was not made hard enough for me to get to the safety of the woods (from a defenders perspective).

    I enjoyed playing it and writing about it. Sorry if the turn by turn account seems to cold. In a sense, it reflects the way the engagement went, the anticipation was more exciting than the action once you got down to it. Had I known the defending forces were that small, I might have been more reckless and "faster" to make my way accross. Keep up the good work, and please send me the file once you put the "finished" stamp on it. Hope this was of help!



    Set up. Set up the platoon in the woods, directly east of the double wheat


    Turn 1, snuck up the MGs and HQ unit to the edge of the woods, in order to

    take a peek. Nothing there, so time to run accross the open

    Turns 2-6 Leapfrogged to the wheat fields and set up at the westernmost

    hedge, ready to make the run accross the open fields to the woods. As I was

    going accross, something routed my Mortar team and caused 1 casualty, but I

    don't know what it was (I didn't catch it the first time) and I only

    realized I had pressed GO. Still no sight of the enemy. How am I supposed to

    go for the small flag in the town? Only one measly platoon, going to make a

    run for the bridge and figure that out later.

    Turns 6-8 Took my time waiting for the MGs to catch up and set them up in

    the hedge, to provide cover fire as I run accross the clearing, should

    anything hit the fan

    Start of turn 8, I get reinforcements. One measly platoon, but at least I

    get a .50 cal AND a jeep to transport it, cause god knows those bastards are

    slow. Now if I can only live enough to set up in a nice spot, I'll be a

    happy camper. My 60mm who was routed before is now back to (!), and I'm

    going to try and make him catch up the best he can.

    Turn 8. One squad goes for it, no problem, but 2 machine guns (crews?) open

    of from some house in the north side of the map. I'm going to take my second

    platoon and head for the bridge., although now I might chancge my mind and

    make a detour to take out those maching gun crews. My poor 60mm got caught

    in the open again and got routed again...oh well.

    Turn 9, rush the rest of my advanced platoon forward, from the hedge to the beginning of the woods (light trees). The reserve platoon is still in the easternmost clump of trees and I'm going to drop some smoke from my 60mm to make sure they don't get caught out in the open by whatever is hiding out in those two houses. The 50 cal is being set up for overwatch

    Turn 10, the smoke worked out just as I had hoped. I mad 2.3 of the platoon accross the clearing without a scratch, got them to the big house by the road. In the meantime, my 50 cal opened up on them to remind them I'm still here. My most advanced platoon is making its way through the woods towards the main flag, although without the MGs, which are lagging behind

    Turn 11 continued with the same. My fron platoon going through the woods "up top", ny other platoon as reached and is crossing the road in the middle of the map. The 50 cal is layinf some lead to the two crews, so that makes me happy.

    Turn 12, on of my squads crossing the road in the middle of the map ran into a mine field and took 2 casualties. Will now head towards the big flag in support of the other platoon. Contact! on the other side. I think at least 1 squad is in the church, and one in the woods below. I'm going to trade fire but not get too crazy until I get the MGs up to support me. Pretty soon, I'll try to move out the 50 cal and bring him forward on the jeep.

    Turn 13, great, my support platoon made it through the clearing and onto the woods with no problem. I will now try curling around the church from the north, catching the platoon/s of germans from two sides at once. The machine gunners in the two houses have gone quiet.

    Turn 14 So far I'm being vrey cautious and things are going well. I've got three squads plus 1 mg firing at a single squad in the church. Sooner or later I'll wear them down. I'm curling around with the other platoon, but more slowly because my men are tired. Of course, my jeep pulled the old "leave without waiting for the passenger to embark" move, so I'm sending him back...

    Turn 15 The fool, one of his squads (SS motorized infantry squad) came into the woods between my two platoons and quickly took 4 casualties, not he's running back into the church, where the other lone squad has taken some losses. One more turn and I'm going to rush the church with a whole platoon...

    Turn 16, ok, creeping up. One more turn...

    Turn 17, OK, they've softened up enough, time to rush the church. I hear some armour around the corner, so better bring my zooks along...

    Turn 18, ok rushed the church and quickly wiped out the 2 half squads that were left. Also took care of an MG on the outer fringes. The tank showed up, a PzIVG, and instantly wiped out my bazooka. I have one left, and hit him but no damage. I'm going to flank him on his raight, as it appears he's buttoned up and pretty blind.

    Turn 19, well the tank backed the hell out in a hurry, and even though I hit him 3 times with my zook, no stopping him What is the zook guy shooting at him? Time to move from the church and go towards the buidling by the bridge

    Turn 20 OK then! I trapped the tank near the bridge and finally took him out with a shot to the side. There's a squad in the big buidling and I expect to make short work of it with my two reamining platoons (the first of which is probably at half strength).

    Turn 21 The crew of the tank was wiped out, which I always find quite pleasant. I've got one platoon on each side of the building and I'm getting ready to charge the building on the left side while my strong right platoon provides cover fire. I feel sorry for the squad inside. I don't predict they'll make it through the turn...

    Turn 22 Alas, it was the platoon HQ not even a squad! A nice satchel charge from the charging troops and they were history. I now hold the flags on the church and by the bridge, and will just wait it out here, setting up the best defense I can in order to hold against any counterattack. I assume there should be another squad hiding somewhere around, so I'l lbe cautious.

    Turn 23 No news. I think this battle is pretty much over

  8. I'm not sure if this is right, but I have the feeling that tired/weary/exhausted troops recover faster if you HIDE them, apart from keeping them still.

    Maybe it has something to do with the morale factor that Kingfish mentioned, they're hiding and feel safer, so they can rest more effectively?

    Just an observation, would be interested in seeing if it's fact or just my impression.


  9. Thanks Hofbauer, that answers my question perfectly. It's as I thought, actually.

    The funny thing is that instinctively, say you're firing at a platoon with a Sherman, it feels as if "they're really going to get it now!" when you shoot at them point blank, as opposed to from 500m. But I understand now that it's only perception, since it's the blast charge that counts.



  10. If I want to punish a squad or a machine gun, does it help if I maneuver my tank closer to them, for added effect?

    Say you have a squad in a foxhole. One would think that if a tank drives up and shoots them point blank (say, 50 meters), it would be a lot worse than the same shot from 800 meters. Is this so? I'm not talking about accuracy, just damage.

    My thought is that perhaps the explosive power is the same regardless of the kinetic energy left in the shell when it impacts, but if someone has some idea about this, I'd love to hear it.


    PS - Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe for tanks it's the opposite? That is, what matters most is the kinetic energy to pierce the armor, hence distance is key, once the armor is pierced the "damage inside" is automatic?

  11. Interesting thread. I have a question to add.

    What happens in the case of a surrender by the adversary? Do you get maximum points, even if you hadn't gotten around to exiting? This is what I assume, but not sure.

    I was playing the third battle in the "Axis mini-campaign". My company had to hold a bridge against a Polish assault, in a daring attempt to escape the closing Falaise pocket. I had to hold until turn 30 or so, when 8 trucks would appear, which I had to escort accross the bridge and off the map edge.

    Well, I had one of those glorious games where everything went right, and I kicked some Polish butt. By the time the trucks came in, it was just a matter of driving. There were still 7 turns left, and I was maneuvering the column towards the bridge (and we all know how easy THAT is). All enemy troops were routed or dead, and I had armour and troops guarding the way out. Well, halfway down my drive, the enemy surrenders.

    The AAR deemed it a complete Axis victory, 84-16, or something like that. It sounds fair to me, but how did it compute the points? Does it counts as "all accross and alive"?. Or do I get penalized for not making it?

    Just a thought. What a game...


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