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Silver Stars

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Posts posted by Silver Stars

  1. Yes, Finns are definitly welcoome on this board. Who else is home to TSS, a man who can summon knowledge on any obscure Finn/Russian battle on command!

    "What, you don't beleive that rocket-Reindeer with Gammon bombs strapped to its antlers were used in a impromptu Lapplander Sturm Battalion? why, at the battle of (insert name of Finnish Hamlet here), They slaughtered an entire Soviet Army Corp With nary a scratch!"(Followed by entire Battalion supply stats for course of war, campaign history, leader bios, etc.) biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

    ......God I love that guy.....


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  2. In response to Major Tom's statements...

    The U.S. soldier was Private Slovak. I forgot the particulars of that story, but I do remember the name.

    As for the Stanley Kubrick WWI movie, that would be "Paths to Glory" with Kirk Douglas. While that wasn't based on a specific event, There were definitely cases of desertions and insubordination on a large scale in the french army( and IIRC in the other West Front Armies as well) by 1916. But thats what happens after two years of a massively stupid war of attrition with virtually no movement.

    Incidentally, that movie was almost immediately banned in France when it released. Not what you call a morale boosting movie by any means.... wink.gif


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

    [This message has been edited by Silver Stars (edited 12-14-2000).]

  3. I also just finished Seven Roads to Hell; probably one of the better "Down and Dirty" books I've read. Here are some more:

    "If You Survive" by George Wilson

    A pretty good book about a Lieutenant in the U.S. 4th Infantry Div. from July 44 on. Good battle stories from the Company/Platoon Leader level and it even has its own CM Scenario "Grosshau Ridge". Also the only book I have ever found dealing with people and events from the 4th I.D., It was my Grandpa's Unit (8th Inf Reg.) and I have been dying to find more info. Anybody out there who knows more please post.

    "To Hell and Back" by Audie Murphy

    Definitely a favorite of mine, It far surpasses the Movie, with many changed or left out events and a COMPLETELY different mood. And hey, it's about the highest decorated U.S. soldier to boot. Grab it.

    "Roll me Over" by Raymond Gantter

    An OK book. From early fall 44 on with a G.I. with the Big Red One. Gantter is more then a little opinionated, and usually not a positive one, but if you can get past that it's still a decent read.

    "Heroes of WWII" by Edward F. Murphy

    Not a true narrative, but more stories and quick biographies of several Medal of Honor winners in all theatres. It definitely helps redefine the meaning of the word "sacrifice".

    That is most of my books, all the others have been mentioned. All the german ones on that scale I know are Russian Front, "Forgotten Soldier" ( very big, very somber book,reminds me of All Quiet on the Western Front in tone) and "Cross of Iron" (Fictional, but you don't get much dirtier...Wehrmacht Resivoir Hunden wink.gif )


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  4. I had no idea Kelly's Heroes were using an actual Infantry Division for the patch on thier shoulders....I Thought it was some sort of joke since it looks like a white crosshair on a Light Blue field....Saying in a way "All GIs are walking targets.....Learn something new every day I guess... smile.gif


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  5. Other then CM, I've been playing Medal of Honor 1 and 2 on the Playstation.I know, it's a puny console game, but still the only FPS out there that lets me blast nazi hordes with a BAR.....Wish someone would quit making counter-strike mods for all those FPS's out ther and go WWII!!!

    P.S. so it's the X-Com team doing that Anne McCaffrey Game, eh? Sweet 3D Graphics and Turn-Based Squad play? That game is sounding better and better.......


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  6. personally, I only use sneak with my sharpshooters or Zook/Schrek teams, especially the latter. The second a tank sees one, the usually unleash without mercy, so I try and keep 'em hidden at all costs. but I have used it on some bigger Infantry....


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  7. Ah what the hell, here is my little ideer as well....since you guys set it up for winter textures for CM1 even though you didn't create them for the game release, could you do the same thing for a wet/muddy ground conditions?I am not saying you work Kwazydog to death, just put the option out there....I love the idea of mud covered mark III's and PSW's trudging through the rasputitsa...... smile.gif


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  8. In response to David Aitken's response....

    True, I did waltz over the fact that the Bren is a pure LMG, while the mg-42 is a jack of all trades. yes it could spit out 1200 rounds per minute, but when it was used as a HMG,i.e. belt-fed, extra barrels, extra men, tripod, etc. of course the straight lmg version only had a gunner ,(maybe)an assistant, the standard bipod,and IIRC used a cannister(?) of ammunition instead of the belt-feed mechanism. Without these accompaniments(forgive spelling) the ROF would be considurably less.We should be comparing the mg42 stats IN LMG MODE to the bren, not the HMG stats.

    As for the Ian Hogg "biased" line, I

    retract the statement. I didn't realize how condemning it sounded.It's just that from what I read all I ever really heard was the "supremacy of the mg34/42" and just sort of accepted it. But I am all for debating the trueness of that statement.

    I didn't think the fact that it was czech-manufactured made much of a difference since it is remembered for its use with the British Army. Everyone thinks of the Mustang as the greatest American Fighter, even though it was only fair plane without that nice Rolls-Royce Merlin engine in it biggrin.gif .

    So again, if the comments sounded a little too much like "dem dar damn anglish peeples always think dey got the best stuff", I wholly apoligize. smile.gif


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  9. what i'm wondering is how they are going to make buildings BIG enough to represent a factory......Factories generally represent HUGE buildings with lots of open space(no confining walls, etc.)and would need to be bigger then the tiles bieng used now. And unfortunately, you can't just plunk large stone buildings flush together since the AI makes the squad run out of the building into the street and THEN back into the other one.

    Frankly, I don't see how they could make a building bigger then a tile without a lot of recoding. wouldn't mind hearing from charles and steve on this one........


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  10. I remember a previous post where BTS confirmed they were going to put in trenches for CM2. from what they were saying it wasn't going to be a new terrain tile per se, but a fortification you bought. it is supposed to be shaped like a roadblock(long rectangular shape) and you are supposed to buy several and link them together.

    cant remember which post that was, but i remember trenches weren't the main topic....


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  11. Funny...Ian Hogg was the advisor on the rand mcnally encyclopedia of WWII that i referenced.....

    I knew it was the Hogg(wonder if anybody called him "boss")guy who made the comment,sorry if I led you to believe I thought it was you who made the remark....besides, the fact he was a Master Gunner in the British Army definitly makes the remark more then a little biased.....


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  12. Thanks for the Info, Snake Eyes. Did you scan that in from a book or off of a website or CD-Rom? Just curious, but I wouldn't mind finding a copy of that all around.


    Beyond any doubt it(Bren Gun) was-and still is-the finest light machine gun ever adopted in quantity by any army.

    Kind of flies into the face of the standard "MG42:God of LMG's" Line, but hey, I'm into difference of opinion....

    as for Lordfluffers, I can see your point in that comparing the two is a bit extreme(and quite possibly pointless), but for the sheer data bieng vomited up, I think its good to discuss.

    Hell, just look at that "88mm Accuracy test post".It was orginally about the lack of modelling "bracketing" in the game,and now it's a term paper on Anti-tank gun optics. My head gets numb just reading three paragraphs.

    And frankly, I have nothing better to do.I couldn't visit the folks for Thanksgiving and everybody I know went to visit thiers so I'm alone in my House <sniff-sniff>. All whining aside, I honestly have nothing better to do then discuss Ammo and small Arms of WWII all day.

    Besides, it beats the crap out of joining the Peng Thread........(ducking too avoid future flames)

    oh, and still looking for answers on that modelling less firepower while moving/running....


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  13. well, since the BAR pretty much needed to be braced against something to be fired anywhere near accurately enough to hit somebody,i guess I would have to say an LMG. You can stand straight up and fire an MP44 from the shoulder without said shoulder bieng ripped off.

    which brings up another question(Damn, I won't let this thread die, will I?), Does CM model the LMGs not firing/firing wildly while the squad is moving/running? I guess they could say that the gunner stopped, fired some quick bursts, and started moving again under the MOVE command. But what about RUN?there is no way in hell they could hit anything with BAR(or Bren or MG42,for that matter)while running?Is the total firepower rounded down by a factor while moving, or what?


    "Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

  14. nice post, snake eyes.

    as for chupacabra's response that the m14 uses 7.62mm NATO, that collaborates with machineman's post that 7.62mm NATO roughly equals .30-06, thus meaning that the ammo for the m1 and the BAR are roughly the same(but i'm not assuming they ARE the same)

    snake eyes also brings back up my original argument as to whether the BAR was an assault rifle or not. frankly, I could go either way with this one. The original intent of use by having a grunt walk towards the enemy while firing from the hip(god bless the wacky french), while very funny, does (sort of)sound like the point of a squad LMG. i.e., providing covering fire for troop advancement.

    But then again, the article pointed to by machineman says that one of the nice things about assault rifles is that, IIRC, they could provide covering fire by going full auto, freeing them from the constraints of a squad LMG.

    ugh. I could think about this one for a while.

    the BAR hit hard and had the range of a LMG, but it didn't really need an asst. gunner like a bren or a mg42(all he could really do is spot targets for him)....anybody elses thoughts? I got equal arguments for both sides.....

    p.s. anybody have info on the bren gun? I read somewhere that it also used a cartridge, but i'd like to know how many rounds it carried per clip.


    "From the Mountains of the Moon, Down the Valley of the Shadow, Ride Boldly Ride", the Shade replied, "If you seek for El Dorado."

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