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Posts posted by Korps

  1. I feel fortunate, that I found out about this game. Can you imagine the people, that would buy this game but don't even know of its existence. I was one of those poor bastards. I found out about this game, through The Wargamer, and I found The Wargamer by chance. It was completely by mistake, "if you will" finding CM, and that just is not right. I was just curious, how you CM vets, found this game.

  2. I heard something about CM, quite awhile ago, I believe at The Wargamer. I remember saying, I got to get that game, one of these days. Then today, after flipping through CG magazine, I see this great article about, CMBO. After reading the article, and looking at the 6 screen shots, I asked myself the question, why the hell didn't I get CM a long time ago? My questions are, is CMBO an expansion or a standalone, and is it only available through battlefront.com, if so I didn't notice anywhere on the site where I could purchase a copy of CMBO, but I'll sure get CM to start off with. Any help would be appreciated...thnx

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