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Posts posted by Gpig

  1. ello.

    I've been looking for some ideas for re-creating some Canadian Overlord (and beyond) battles and came across this article about a hitherto unkown unit (at least to me) of the

    British 6th Airborne. You can check it out at the Canadian Airborne Regiment home page


    Look under "History." I've also included a snippet of the article below.

    I know there are no Canadian Airborne Troops in Combat Mission, but a cool scenario could be cooked up by either using the regular Canadian infantry and just "pretending"

    they're airborne troops, or using the British airborne troops (since the Canucks were equipped as and under command of the British 6th Airborne. I'm guessing the latter would

    be more "factual." But it'd be missing the Canadian flavour.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to someone verifying this info for me. Also, if anyone has any idea if the actions undertaken by these units were indeed of interest. (I suppose they

    could have been HO-HUM . . . )

    Here is part of the article;

    While the Canadian parachutists completed their training in the United States, discussions were underway in England about the employment of this new unit. The Battalion would

    be part of the Canadian element in the United Kingdom, but under command and equipped as a British parachute battalion in the 6th Airborne Division.

    The Battalion's first taste of combat was the Normandy invasion. Late on June 5th, 1944 they took off with fifty aircraft carrying the troops and equipment heading for France. In

    addition to the troop's fighting equipment each man carried a knife, toggle rope, escape kit, with French currency, and two 24 ration packs totalling 70 pounds.

    Following a massive bombardment of the invasion area, the British forces were to land in the eastern sector on the beaches west of Ouistreham, their objective was Caen. The

    6th Airborne Division's mission was to protect the left flank of the British sector. The First Canadian Parachute Battalion was to protect the flanks of the 3rd Brigade's operational

    area. Their tasks were as follows:

    - Secure and protect the 3rd Parachute Brigade DropZone by destruction of an enemy Headquarters at Varaville and any other enemy in the area;

    - Destroy bridge at Varaville by H plus two hours and cover demolition until relieved by 1 SS Bde (Special Service?) not before H plus five hours;

    - Destroy bridges at Robehomme by H plus two hours and cover demolition;

    - Cover move to and assault on battery (at Merville) by 9 Para Bn from interference from south; and

    - Seize and hold area road junction (where the 3rd Para HQ would be).

    Sounds interesting to me. I've got no idea where these areas are in France (well, I've got SOME idea). But it shouldn't be too hard to find it on the map.



    P.S. there's also a cool article at the CAR homepage about the FSSF (FIrst Special Service Force), also known as the "Devil's Brigade." (Remember the movie?)

  2. During the beginning phases of the encirclement of the Sixth Army at Stalingrad, an Italian Infantry Division was rolled over by the Russians. They had been holding the Don River flank.

    I was reading Beevor's STALINGRAD, and there is a tantalizingly short passage describing some gallant resistance put up by a small detachment of italians. Despite having no antitank weapons, they managed to hold out against the T-34 snowstorm swirling about them. (at least for a couple of days, anyways.)

    I'd be interested to hear a more detailed account of that action.


  3. What would you do if;

    You have a platoon of infantry hiding in a patch of woods. They have a ambush set up that covers a NASTY killing zone between BOCAGE rows.

    "Infantry?" units can be seen approaching from a long ways off, over the course of 2-5 minutes. They appear to be SNEAKING in the open. Hugging the BOCAGE.

    Your platoon is dug in with great concealment. The lead enemy infantry element appears to wait for half a minute for another unit to catch up. Then continues to approach.

    It is now within 100m. But You're ambush marker is set @ 10m to avoid a premature tripping of the ambush.

    It is now evident that the lead unit is most likely a scout. He is going to trip your ambush as he will have to come right through your position. In fact that is probably what the enemy commander intends.

    Do you;

    1) Bug out, leaving foxholes and question marks for your attacker? Resetting an ambush farther back?

    2) eliminate the scouting party and hope some more enemy units come into view?

    3) eliminate the scouting party and THEN bug out?

    Looks like my nice ambush will only be getting the appetizer and not the main course. :(


  4. Kind of a neat thought. There could be a lot of problems with this idea, though.

    If you were going to do that you should make them conscript troops and give them shaken or worse morale.

    Also, if my arty spotter walks into a house were 6 shaken, conscript (american) "civillians" with 0 ammo . . . I still think my Arty spotter will have the crap beat out of him.

    (Actually, that might not be unrealistic.) smile.gif

    Also, ordinary joes will give valuable intel to whichever commander is on the scene who's "people" are on his side.

    But ordinary people don't really need to be on the scene.


  5. I just recieved two new scenarios for the latest Newbie tourney.

    When I select them in the battles menu and hit "play scenario," the game freezes (still displaying the menu) and I have to reboot my 'puter.

    I'm working on a Mac G3. OS 9.4 (?).

    I've opened and played many scenarios/operations using this computer. Without problem.

    (CM version is 1.12.)

    This HAS occured before with another scenario. But I can't remember which one it was. (I think it was a PENG made battle with PLENTY of airplanes in it.)

    Anyhoo . . . any ideas as to why certain battles screw up my system?



  6. About the Author

    Mark H. Walker is a former Naval Officer and Explosive Ordnance

    Disposal diver. He has written hundreds of magazine articles on

    computer technology, computer gaming, and auto racing for major

    publications such as Alaskan Airlines Magazine, Autoweek, Visio

    Smart Pages, Playboy, PCGamer, Sierra Interaction, Computer

    Games Strategy Plus, Gamepower, CNET's Gamecenter, Incite,

    Daily Radar, Electronic Playground, The Science Fiction Channel

    and Computer Gaming World. Additionally, he has authored

    40-some books including The Visio Bible, How to Use the Internet,

    and gaming strategy guides on Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, Age

    of Empires II: Age of Kings, Alundra 2, Legend of Mana, Medal of

    Honor, Panzer General 3D Assault, Disciples (User Manual and

    Strategy Guide), Heavy Gear II, Descent 3, Viper Racing (User

    Manual), Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, Return To Krondor, Heavy

    Gear, Nascar Racing 2, NASCAR Heat, SODA Off-Road Racing,

    ABC Sports Indy Racing, Warcraft II, Magic: the Gathering -

    Battlemage, Diablo: Battle.net, Descent: Freespace and M.A.X.2.

    His next title for publication is entitled Games That Sell!

  7. Heh heh. Yeah, I love Stuarts in my sights, as well.

    I'm playing a PBEM game and in the 1st 10 minutes I've managed to take out 7 of them Stuarts.

    One Shreck shot. One Faust shot. One Marder shot. One flamethrower shot (what an explosion!), and 3 down to one of the dreaded Axis autocannon. (Above 20mm.)

    It was quite lucky really. smile.gif


  8. I'd also shell out major DOOOOlahrs for an historical overview of the Eastern Front war.

    I know there are plenty of books out there that cover the war, but are there any like . . .

    Mostly interested in all the battles, locations, maps, forces and timelines. Some political/cultural background would be welcome but not needed.

    Something just to help my immersion factor and educate me at the same time.



  9. I think it sounds cool, but I'm with wwb_99.

    When I started playing this game I arrived from a "wargamer-lite" background. CC2, etc.

    Now, since starting CM, I feel like I've educated myself quite a bit on all the detials on WWII (and know that there is SOooo much to continue to learn), but when I first played CM I was a bit overwhelmed. The level of detail and control (and EVERYTHING) was so vast that it almost turned me off. (Almost.) smile.gif

    I think BTS has got a firm grasp on the "foremost fun" theory. And I think a (slight) majority of gamers that pick up CM (and the future CMBB) will be in the gamer-lite catagory. Fun should be what they experience first. Don't you think?



  10. Hmmm. Must be on my end, I reckon.

    I'm using Netscape (version 4? I'm not sure . . .) and I'm running it with LINUX on a PC.

    The page looks the same, but it doesn't give me a scroll bar. In other words, the bottom of my screen shows the verisign logo (and the byline below that), but none of the order buttons below that. (Even though there is space for them.)

    To add to the mystery, when I try to resize the page, my browser crashes. :(

    Hmmm. Strange. Guess I'll order from home. smile.gif


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