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Posts posted by Subvet

  1. Remember though - back up everything to a different drive. Did I say that already? Well I mean it.

    Then go back and check to make sure you got it all. Then check again. I lost all the sound recordings I had made of my daughter from when she was a baby by forgetting to back them up. It still saddens me. :(

  2. Even Obama's platitudinous speech makes me sentimental about old George. Do you ever get the feeling that someone can be elected to the higest office just by constantly spouting utterly meaningless cliches?

    There is no doubt it can get you elected. It only lasts for so long though, once you get into office. Hopefully Obama will show that he has more to offer, now that he has the reigns. :)

  3. Heh.

    Waste no tears.

    I'm sure there are plenty of examples like that. BUT, there were also a lot of retirees around my part of the world who trusted this guy with 100% of their savings. They could certainly be accused of being stupid, and probably a little greedy; but, these people got screwed and I feel sorry for them. I wouldn't want to be in my 70's and suddenly see my life savings vanish. Screwing the elderly out of their savings is a pretty common occupation down here (Palm Beach, FL), unfortunately.

  4. Basing policy on the opinion of the various -ists is pretty stupid.

    Exactly. I enjoy bringing up the legalization of prostitution to the feminist (and others) who say a woman should be able to do what she wants with her body (they are normally saying this about abortion). Funny, whenever I ask them if that means we should legalize prostitution they suddenly change their tune. Same applies to legalizing drug use. If a woman wants to shoot heroin into her body, shouldn’t that be her choice? Usually they are against that as well. So when it comes right down to it, they aren’t really for a woman to have the right to do what she wants with her body. A bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.

  5. ...she is after all a hockey Mom not a war hero.

    I sometimes despair of my fellow Americans deciding about once a decade "Now things are completely different!" I say, not completely, just some, and how much exactly we're going to have to see.

    War heroes seem to fare very poorly when it comes to running for President. :(

    As to the second comment; that's why I usually don't vote for one of the two Republicrats that get put up each election. Unfortunately Americans are unwilling to look at a 3rd party. :mad:

  6. It's funny. The people here who voted early to escape the crowds ended up waiting for an hour or more in long lines. I voted today at rush hour and was in and out in about 5 minutes.

    Same here. My friend voted last weekend and had to wait 3 hours. :eek: I went right after work during the big rush hour, yet walked in with NO line and was out in a few minutes.

  7. I'm just curious to find out if anyone on here plays Eve Online. I downloaded the trial and have been playing over the past couple of days. I may end up paying for an account when the trial is over. If you play, what do you think of the game?

    Edit: how the hell do you edit the title of a post? I'm not sure if I meant anyone, or anybody, but it didn't come out the way I wanted.

    Edit2: Thanks Moon!

  8. The funny thing about that is that the "camel spider" isn't a spider at all.

    I had a golden orb weaver right outside my front door for quite a while. She was a pretty good sized one too, although not big enough to capture a bird in her web. My daughter and I actually got to like her, and even named her Jenny. I used to turn on the light next to the web at night to help lure food to her web. We would say hello and goodbye to Jenny whenever we came and went from the house. One day I had a guy here doing some tile work in my bathroom. Evidently he didn't realize we liked Jenny, so he killer her. I was surprised by how much I was saddened by her death. It still pisses me off to this day that he killed her. She was truly a beautiful creature, and I was happy to have her living outside my front door.

  9. You guys know you can buy masks with fans right from the factory, right? You don't have to rig up some contraption. Even without a fan I no longer have any problem with fogging. Even playing a long game in a hot humid South Florida summer right after a rain storm I don't have any fogging problems. I bought an anti-fog paste that you apply to the lense. It's kind of the consistancy of a hard car wax. You apply it and then buff it off the lense with a clean cloth. I've played week after week after a single application with no fogging. Eventually you have to reapply it, but it seems to last a long time. Buying a mask with thermal lenses seems to help as well.

  10. Wear a cup. You are not supposed to get one in the junk but some ass took a cheap shot when I was walking off the field, gun over my head. It hurt like a mother. But it was a nice shot, guy must have been 100 yards away.

    I got hit in the nuts last year. It not only took me out of the game, I was done for the day. In fact, I wasn't doing a whole lot of moving around the next day either. When I got home and checked myself out my sack was actually oozing blood. After that day the two guys I play the most often with both went out and bought cups. I'm still running around cupless though. I figure the odds are not good that I'll get hit there again any time soon.

  11. This website makes a very good case for the theory that the Ewoks were driven to extinction by the destruction of the second Death Star. It's a shame that the rebel's actions caused such a holocaust.

    The ewok population is effectively extinguished. Most were killed in a mass-extinction event affecting life on their homeworld, due to unavoidable fallout and debris from the destruction of the Death Star II.

    For those unfortunate beings not painlessly obliterated by the impact concussions, the initial night of celebration would linger on and on with days of darkness. A chill would fall, the waters would turn to ice and the vegetation would wilt into death or dormancy, depending on species. Provided that radioactivity was insignificant and the air remained modestly breathable (a very generous assumption) the doomed ewoks might survive for days or weeks huddling around bonfires, until they starved.
  12. My point exactly. Even the most gung-ho Nuclear Power supporters seem to have a change of heart when the plans come out to plunk a plant or a radioactive waste site down in their own town. . . inevitably, NIMBY rears its ugly head.

    I'll believe we can solve our energy problems with Nuclear Power, when I start hearing those advocating more Nuke Plants volunteering their backyards as Nuke plant sites.

    Well then, you are now a believer!

    You can put one in my backyard. I don't have a problem with it. Hell, I used to sleep within 40-50 feet of one; and, with my feet against a missle tube containing a missile with nuclear warheads on it. Living near a nuclear power plant isn't scary to me at all.

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