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I/O Error

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Posts posted by I/O Error

  1. Hi folks. I have just recently reinstalled CMBO. (Fairly long process of data backup and such after some strange events. But anyway. :D)

    Anyway, I'm now noticing some graphical artifacts showing up on my display. Thinking it is always better to show you the problem as opposed to just telling you, here are some screenshots:

    Opening Page Screenshot (JPEG), 219kb

    In-Game Screenshot (JPEG), 147kb

    So, a little explanation:

    The first screenshot, you can see a "block" that has been carried over from the previous frame. The block is centered around my mouse cursor. Also, look at the letter "P" in "Play Scenario. Seeing the missing blue lining?

    The second screenshot, (Chance Encounter, Allied View) my mouse is missing from view. As best I can tell, it is located just below the selected tank.

    Now when I move my mouse, I get SOME frames of its movement, but not all. (Imagine a skipping animation of the mouse) This makes it VERY difficult to accurately and quickly play the game, frustrating me to no end.

    In addition, the same kind of graphical artifacts as seen in the first screenshot occasionally appear while in game. (a small block of grass from a few seconds before, that sort of thing. Again, it seems to be centered more or less on my mouse.

    So, can anyone help me out? When CMBO was first reinstalled, the game asked me if the default graphical setting it had detected was okay. I rather blithely hit "okay". I do not know if there is any way to change the graphical setting, (in hopes of alleviating the problem) but do any of you (nice, kind, and generous ;)) folk know of a way to do that or know of a better solution?

    Thanks for your help! smile.gif

    Edit: WHY did I try and use HTML for the links? I KNOW better than that in this forum! :D

    [ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: I/O Error ]

  2. HA! My usual stomping grounds can EASILY beat this kid for sheer idiocy and offensiveness.

    Want some REALLY interesting examples of punks?

    Go to http://forums.counter-strike.net

    God knows I love the game and I do still "work" there, but some of those people... :eek:

    The Off-Topic Forum is actually NOTORIOUS among other games. In several other game forums, when someone goes REALLY strange, they'll tell them to "crawl back to the OTF where you belong"

    CS Forums. Love 'em or hate 'em, you know? :D

  3. About the B-52s:

    There were a few squadrons stationed in Saudi, although most were stationed in Diego Garcia or Europe.

    I know this because I spent my whole life (until this past year) living in Saudi Arabia, and was there during the Gulf War

    Ever heard a B-52 start to spin up its engines? I **** you not, we heard the damn things spooling up 20-25 miles away at home with the doors and windows closed! biggrin.gif

    (I'd also like to point out that being shot at nightly with SCUDs and being totally unable to stop it or even do anything constructive is a real downer)

    I'll tell you one thing, the local folks LOVED inviting over the army boys for a few illicit bottles of beer, ESPECIALLY the crew members of the local Patriot launchers!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


    Honor, Duty, Courage.

    Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


    "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

  4. Well, in all fairness, that's actually pretty normal. Every former White House staff has left "surprises" for the next guys, it's just part of the initiation process.

    I don't like Bush, Gore was pretty nasty himself, Clinton was a hippy dope-smoking draft dodger...

    Man, there just aren't any "good" guys left!


    Honor, Duty, Courage.

    Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


    "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

  5. Weather, interdiction short of target, new target from home base, got shot down, et cetera.

    Close Air Support was VERY VERY unreliable back in Big Brawl Deuce.


    Honor, Duty, Courage.

    Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


    "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

  6. Well, in NATO's case during the Gulf War, where we had complete air superiority, perfectly protected supply lines, a poorly led enemy, and months of peaceful preperation time, the numbers of consumption were pretty good. We could never expect that to happen so easily again.

    In a REAL war where the situation is much more "fluid", you are simply not going to be able to depend completely on your supply train.

    (modern artillery + modern air strike packages + still depending on old-style Deuce and a half trucks = Millions of dollars of destroyed and lost equipment is assumed to be NORMAL)

    I personally think this guy was nuts, ESPECIALLY back in 1954. Somebody should have smacked him during his presentation.


    P.S. notice my "colorful" quote up above. What can you never have too much of? wink.gif


    Honor, Duty, Courage.

    Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


    "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

    [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 02-07-2001).]

  7. From Apple.com:


    Darwin’s DNA

    At the core of Darwin is a key component called the kernel, the pivotal component in the operating system that handles most of the interaction between the operating system and the hardware. The system’s kernel is based on Mach 3.0 from Carnegie-Mellon University and FreeBSD 3.2 (derived from the University of California at Berkeley’s BSD 4.4-Lite), the most highly regarded core technologies from two of the most widely acclaimed OS projects of the modern era.

    However, it's still just a dirty MAC! wink.gif

    (I'm an MS slave. Can you tell? tongue.gif)

    No, Mac OS X sounds really cool.

    My only problem:

    If I hear ONE more person call it OS X, as in the LETTER X, I'm just going to haul off and beat them. IT'S TEN!!!! biggrin.gif


    Honor, Duty, Courage.

    Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


    "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

    [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 02-05-2001).]

  8. Quoted from Msjm General H. E. Pyman


    We carry too much tank ammunition

    within an armored division

    Quoted from my Dad:

    Son, there are three things you can never have enough of:

    Ammo, pussy, and booze.



    Honor, Duty, Courage.

    Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


    "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

  9. Historically:

    90% of all in-combat casualties are made by artillery.

    (It sucks being a ground pounder. frown.gif)


    Honor, Duty, Courage.

    Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...


    "If you find yourself alone, riding through green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled, for you are in Elysium, and YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!"

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