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Posts posted by HolzemFrumFloppen

  1. It looks like I've got Strategic Command : Elite Edition , but I'm not hearing that anyone else received it. My game screens are quite a bit different than anyone else's. Take a look....


    I get the feeling that Hubert favors me above all customers since I haven't left any "Give-me-paratroopers-or-give-me-death" messages on the SC forums. smile.gif

    Take a look at some of these other screenies if you are so inclined(hi-bandwidth 200-400k .jpg files):

    SC Title Screen

    SC New Campaign Screen

    SC Load Savegame Screen

    SC Load PBEM Screen

    SC Options Screen

    SC Choose Side Dialog

    SC In-Game Screen

    SC Report Screen

    SC War Map Screen

    The more astute reader will note a slight variation in geographic textures on the Elite Edition's land masses. There are also some differences in the resource and city markers. A quick comparison:


    SC Standard Terrain/Hex Graphics


    SC "Elite Edition" Terrain/Hex Graphics

    Note the subtle variation in terrain texture, the ever-so-slight "3D" effect on the resource, mountain and forest primeval graphics. And give notice to the enhanced city/capital graphics that make identification quicker and easier for the SC neophyte as well as the hardened (and myopic) grognard.

    Compare a bit more....

    SC Standard Terrain/Hex Graphics (#2)

    SC "Elite Edition" Terrain/Hex Graphics (#2)

    An awe-inspiring comparison for the SC nut. Compare those river graphics. You can almost feel the cold rush of the water in the Elite Edition's graphics.

    Well... for those of you who are humor-challenged out there, let it be known that there is actually NO "Elite Editon" of SC, so if you're just about to draft a message to Battlefront's Sales force about how you feel you were shorted, gypped, screwed, etc. on not getting the "Elite Edition", please refrain.

    All these graphic modifications will be made available to y'all shortly (as soon as I can get a hold of Otto and upload the package to this SCHQ site). I'll also make available my Unit Graphics which were based on Jorgen Cab's excellent Symbol Mod. I made a few color modifications to it to make for easy visuals in the game. I also added some unique (some might say "lame") headquarters/command unit graphics. Take a gander:

    Holzem's Unit Graphics

    Anyway.... it's all in a day's work (literally took me most of Saturday to do it all). Hope you can all enjoy Hubert's little gem as much as I am along with some modified graphics. Now I've gotta get back to the Eastern Front... the Huns are movin' fast and I've got Smolensk to defend!


  2. Originally posted by gengisjon:

    [QB]Why is the US so reluctant to attack? And why do they pull all transports back once the UK is defeated? They had a nice fleet assembled but as soon as I got Manchester they all went away. They also never attempted to assault France even though I left it empty for more than half the game. QB]


    I find this to be quite realistic/historical American-AI behavior. The U.S. won't attack anyone unless it's a sure thing[/b . ;)

    Actually -- in my own SC experience as the Axis which I've only played as once so far -- the U.S. has played fairly aggressively for being so far away from the continent. The A.I. makes some pretty good moves in my games and is giving me some (good) headaches!

  3. Thanks a bunch to all of you for the helpful information.

    In light of the above, is it true, then, that the percentage chances displayed on SC's WarMap indicate the percentage chance for entry into the war that TURN? Or does a country (USSR/US) have to reach 100% before it enters the fray?

    Again, much obliged for all the help.

  4. Greets, all:

    Am playing the demo and am still wondering exactly what the difference is between selecting Random or Neutral entry for the USSR. How does each work?

    Is there a chance (under either setting) that the USSR will not enter the war? I ask this since the Allies (which I'm currently playing as) would be hard-pressed to deal with the full scale of the war without them (no debate over this, please). I mean... what if the Axis-AI doesn't invade Russia. Will they then stay out of it?

    Any info on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Greets:

    I'm still a bit in the dark as to how interdicting transports in the Atlantic/Med works.

    Does the above mean that I must place a SUB in those sea zones to affect the opposing side's MPPs? If so, how many MPPs does it knock out and is it based on the number of subs I have there.

    Additionally, the post above says I can use surface ships to attack supply convoys directly. Is this true? I've never seen any.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  6. HC:

    I'll vouch for Mr. Sengupta. This guy has been the most omnipresent force in keeping the Panzer General series alive. Check out JP's Panzer's bulletin board to see how prolific this guy's been.

    And if anyone out there is still a PG fan after all these years, but haven't dug it out, head over to JP's Panzers and check out all the nifty modifications you can make to that series.

  7. Man, oh, man.. have to agree with Ryan on this one....

    Gimme gimme gimme! And make sure you submit this one to MadMatt's for chrissake. I know I'm not the only one who will want this PostModern CM Mod!

    BTW... Have you got a Hi-Res version of that PlayButton-Grass mod? I can only imagine what V5 FSAA will do with this!

    Thanks again!! hehe

  8. To wit, Matt:

    Wishing you a very happy birthday! I'm only a recent CM convert (a whole month now), but your site is one of my daily tasks to check out. I'm always finding something new and interesting!

    As always, thanks for all your hard work; it's GREATLY appreciated. BTS got the lion's share when they hired you!

    Take care; and take some time out tonight to have fun!



  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nathman:

    I was playing Big Red Omaha,.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Where I can find this scenario called "Big Red Omaha"? Or is it one I haven't played in the original CM? Lemme know. Luv a good pseudo-beach scenario.



  10. Hmmm...

    "Unusual business model"?

    Amazon.Com only sells on the Internet. I wonder how many people have actually bought books there. smile.gif

    And yes, it is classified. *I* don't even know the number! And I'm an official Junior Member with Iron Cross, Second Class!


    Get me a beer.



    P.S.: Last known sighting of BTS' sales count was as follows:


    Units Sold: A whole lot

    Units Returned: Not a one

    Units Manufactured: Not enough

    Score: Total Allied Victory

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